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Guest jonrms

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Guest jonrms

Help required...


I have never done this.. but I picked two conkers for my wife when I was in hastings.... and brought them back... the plan is to make them into hard fighting conkers... anyway... pealed back the skin.. which hurts like heck if you get pricked...


I need to know now ... what to do... the nut.. is a bit soft... do I bake it... or what?

I know I am suppose to hair spray it later.. but I want them to get a bit hard.. which is what i thought they were suppose to be... can anyone help....


remember your youth... lol!


thank you

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Guest jonrms

Thanks I told my wife... who they were for.. and she will take your suggestions..


BTW if anyone has a conker tree... please send me some.. my wife goes nutts over them..**** :lol::lol::lol:

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The freezer can make them weak and brittle if put in pre-drilled. Providing it has not dried out so much that it has gone too brittle and dried out a conker saved from last year in a sock draw is good. :lol:


Personally I'm a bit of a conker sad act. :lol:


Pav is right. If they are difficult to get out the shells they are too early. That's why I don't generally knock them down out the tree unless they are virtually hanging out of their shells.


At the conker tree that I visit for the past 3 years one of my mates has always badly hurt themselves. One forgot what goes up must come down. In this case a large piece of tree. Another case was when another mate was stamping on a conker trying to get it out its shell and had it on a bit of wood. He missed the conker and stamped on a nail in the wood that penertrated his shoe and foot. And yet another case of what goes up must come down. By the way this is a very tall conker tree. Tallest I have ever seen. :lol:


FM (the conker addict) :lol:

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Guest jonrms

if your such a nut.... lmao.. send me some... will pay pp if you want... dont want alot either... 3-6 will do fine... its just so my wife can play... and me to get my fingers hurt no doubt. :lol:

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I had a 456er once. It was a big conker, soaked in vinegar and dried in the airing cupboard. Enjoy, there are a lot of diseased horse chestnut trees and they are on a decline similar in scale to the elm that was ravaged by dutch elm disease.


Crikey, that 456 wins!?! :lol:

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I have always found that it is best to wait until the nut is ready to fall from the husk. Then sit them in the sun for 3 or 4 days to harden off. once drilled keep them in the fridge when not in use so they do not dry out. :lol:



NOT THAT I EVER PLAYED THE GAME :lol::lol::lol::lol:



The horse chestnut is an alternate host for dutch elm disease, as well as another known as chestnut blight.


Cheers and play nice,


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I'm still here. The worst damage I ever did was boring a hole through a conker with a broken screwdriver and carrying on into my hand. :good: That healed up pretty quickly though. :)


When we were younger (and still now), out right refusal would have met such sanctions. :good::yes:


Next you will be saying we were in mortal danger knocking ripe conkers down with sticks and that we should have flourescent jackets on to make others aware of our position and wear hard hats. :good::D


FM :good:

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I seen an artical in the Metro just a couple of days ago and it was


!!! I'm living proof that conkers can be dangerous !!!


It was an artical of how some girl had climed a tree to fetch some conkers and stuffed so many in her pocket that she slipped and fell onto the concrete below with such force that the conkers in her pocket split her liver in two! She since had a transplant and is now fine but the message is clear, play conkers and this might happen two you!

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The easy way to overcome getting hit on the knuckles in to use a long bit of string. You can wrap it round your hand for your turn to shorten it.




BORING :good:






That was the best part of the game



see if you could rap you apponents knuckles :yes::good:



yeas ago i hid some and forgot were i left them i eventualy found them about 18 months later all mouldy and fusty in the bottom of my wardrobe cupboard :good:

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clear nail varnish. muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha





You probably accidentally miss and catch your apponants knuckles too dont you :good:


I can not believe you would stoop so low :D




Besides Marine Varnish works twice as well :good::yes::good::good:





nah. too much effort. i do it on purpose :)

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clear nail varnish. muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha





You probably accidentally miss and catch your apponants knuckles too dont you ???


I can not believe you would stoop so low ???




Besides Marine Varnish works twice as well :P:lol::lol::lol:





nah. too much effort. i do it on purpose :P






:lol: :look: :look: ???


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... anyway... pealed back the skin.. which hurts like heck if you get pricked...


I need to know now ... what to do... the nut.. is a bit soft... do I bake it... or what?

I know I am suppose to hair spray it later.. but I want them to get a bit hard.. which is what i thought they were suppose to be... can anyone help....


remember your youth... lol!


thank you


very suggestive thread, lol, or is just me?


I need to get out more, fetch me coat

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Guest jonrms

... anyway... pealed back the skin.. which hurts like heck if you get pricked...


I need to know now ... what to do... the nut.. is a bit soft... do I bake it... or what?

I know I am suppose to hair spray it later.. but I want them to get a bit hard.. which is what i thought they were suppose to be... can anyone help....


remember your youth... lol!


thank you


very suggestive thread, lol, or is just me?


I need to get out more, fetch me coat


****.. I figured the best people to ask are the older ones... before the time of nintendo.. ps2 and all these computers... yes suggestive!!!!! thats the point... only did that because I want it to be right... time frame is not important..... its the quality that counts.. lmao....

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