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Disaster Olympics?

Vince Green

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it is well organised, but the organisation has caused bedlam for those who live and work in london, my mate (who incidentally is one of the olympic licensing officers for all the foreign shooters) who lives in east london states that they have polished a ****.....the olympic routes have had a lick of paint, but beyond the facia its still a dump.


commuting into and out of london i have seen the busy train and tube stations, but it is no where near what they expected, in fact i know that the station i commute in from has 8 coaches each day waiting for the overflow of train passengers that have never appeared........seems that indeed as has been said the olympics have cost the tourist industry in london massively, and that i reckon we will dig deeper into recession due to the empty tourist spots and empty hotels in london and the south east.....it has put a lot of people off, and has made a lot of people who can leave london for the summer do so......unfortunately i have to work more due to the olympics and am spending longer going into and out of london on the trains.....in fact most of the people on my train now are actually Old Bill working the olympics, soldiers , sailors and airmen drafted in for security due to group fours failings, some group four staff, and a raft of the volunteers or games makers......i would guess nearly half the train is made of such people

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listening to Gary Linekar....he said if you dont want to miss any of the events click on the red button so as not to miss these..... once in a lifetime events :blink: :blink: i thought they were on every four years :yes:



Edited by mikky
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I work and live in London midweek. I'm an expat northerner, generally grumpy and cynical about the place. I usually can't wait to escape to the countryside at the weekend. This week though I've been charmed and won over. The place is buzzing, looks stunning, and everyone is much more friendly and upbeat than usual. Without exception every foreign visitor I've spoken to or overheard has been glowing in their praise.


A few things have gone awry, inevitable in a project as huge, diverse ans complex as this. Many, many more have gone superbly well. It's easy to pick holes and constanly harp on about the negative, but TBH the people who insist on doing this over and over who can't see the good in anything are boring miserable *****. They couldn't do any better themselves and nor (probably) could anyone.


I'm off to the shooting at Woolwich tomorrow and can't wait. I'm not going to let PWs resident misery mongers spoil it. Well done to Bradley today, good luck to Richard Faulds and Pete Wilson in the double trap tomorrow. And well done to the organisers for a superb games to be proud of.

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I drive through and around central London daily and the traffic hasnt been as bad as anticipated. There were thousands of people in Wimbledon yesterday most of whom had bought snacks and drinks from shops near the station. I guess on the way back they did the same.So local traders benefit hugely. Sorry to be the bearer of good news again

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The Olympics have kept me in work for a good few years and I watch them with a sense of awe and wonderment however, I can't ignore the fact that the hotels have shamelessly tried cashing in on them. Most of my company that work away have had to ditch their travel inns etc and move firther out of town as they have hiked up the prices to a rude degree. I'm all for enterprise but profiteering is very un-British. I don't like it.

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our friends from Las vegas were planning to come over at the end of june but had to cancel their plans when the airlines imposed ridiculous price hikes 6 weeks before the games began!! +$500 on each flight!!!! :no:


This is what I'm talking about. I hate it when greed gets in the way of a wonderful celebration. What is the justification? Has fuel gone up for this period? No. Have rates and taxes gone up? No. Why the chuff does an event as special as this give the green light for firms to try and F us in the A?

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Hotels do that just if there is a concert close by though, I know someone who had paid their deposit at an agreed price months in advance.

When it became apparent there was a massive blip in bookings for that period the company investigated and found the cause, they then asked all of the customers to pay the 'new' rate or have their bookings cancelled :blink:


I did smile to myself when I saw hundreds, literally, of Chinese competitors being guided towards Windsor the other day - lambs to the slaughter sprang to mind, but they appear to have huge disposable incomes looking at what they spend elsewhere, so just think of it as an invisible export.

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Only watched a wee bit of the shooting,boxing and archery so not really interested.The scoring in the boxing has been pretty bad and the big British lad Anthony Joshua got a shocking decision when he got schooled in the ring and it was a total home town decision.Seems the ticket set up has been a pure disaster from the start and a lot of things going wrong.

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This is what I'm talking about. I hate it when greed gets in the way of a wonderful celebration. What is the justification? Has fuel gone up for this period? No. Have rates and taxes gone up? No. Why the chuff does an event as special as this give the green light for firms to try and F us in the A?



exactly!! i fail to see how during school holidays and so called special events airlines and hotels can increase their prices purely in the name of shafting the general public!! winds me up it does its not like pubs put up the price of ale when its sunny or at weekends!! :hmm:

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its immoral how people try to take advantage of all the available money visitors will be spending. we should be ashamed of our team, living in a capatalist society and being upbeat or remotely proud. sooner its over and the normal whining returns the- oh, hang on. it never stopped.

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