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Staggering ignorance and bigotry

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Hi Reece


>You raise some good points




>but I disagree with the part about disengaging with a campaign against "ban guns" on the grounds that we "will not win"


I understand your point, but lowering ourselves to "tit for tat" retaliation against such entrenched and frankly illogical views does us no good either


>Ignoring this problem is not a good idea.


Do you have any ideas on how communicate with such a closed minded group. I certainly haven't. At the moment, a dignified silence seems a better course of action.




I don't think it can be counted as "lowering ourselves" as long as we post reasoned arguments and not childish insults.


"Dignified silence" is a bad idea as well. Dignified and sensible debate is a better idea.


Just my opinion.

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I have to agree with a few on here, there is no way of debating with such a hard line idealisum. Just keep an eye on them and pay out the rope as to speak. Given no attention they will seek it out intern hanging there self in the prosess.

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If we are all honest the whole ban gun thing sadly will happen to one degree or another - maybe not in our lifetime but it's just a gradual erosion thing - even the USA is now getting more stringent - there just aren't enough gun owners to counteract the unfotumate stereotype that average joe has of guns.


If you ask average people about pistols for example I bet 90% have no idea they are banned in the uk.


It's just lack of knowledge.....and unfortunate for us.




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>I don't think it can be counted as "lowering ourselves" as long as we post reasoned arguments and not childish insults.


I agree entirely - and you have hit the nail on the head. Childish insults is what I meant by "lowering ourselves" and re-reading my post I can see that I wasn't clear enough.


>"Dignified silence" is a bad idea as well. Dignified and sensible debate is a better idea.


Reasoned and sensible debate is indeed a better idea - but sadly both sides must engaged in the same reasoned and sensible debate. From what I have seen the people behind this facebook page do not and will not respond to any sort of debate. Under these conditions, a tactical withdrawal is a sensible option


> Just my opinion.


I am old and ugly enough to accept that other people will have different view - in no way do I take your reasonable differences personally



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If we are all honest the whole ban gun thing sadly will happen to one degree or another - maybe not in our lifetime but it's just a gradual erosion thing - even the USA is now getting more stringent - there just aren't enough gun owners to counteract the unfotumate stereotype that average joe has of guns.


If you ask average people about pistols for example I bet 90% have no idea they are banned in the uk.


It's just lack of knowledge.....and unfortunate for us.





I do not believe that firearms will ever be banned in the States - the population has too many to hand. I'm sure that if an administration tried to ban guns or tighten the laws to say the UK level it would instigate a civil war.


As for this ban guns facebook group I feel it best to just leave 'em to it. I know it's not the way forward, but since they delete any comment that goes against what they say what it the point in debating with them?

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I do not believe that firearms will ever be banned in the States - the population has too many to hand. I'm sure that if an administration tried to ban guns or tighten the laws to say the UK level it would instigate a civil war.


As for this ban guns facebook group I feel it best to just leave 'em to it. I know it's not the way forward, but since they delete any comment that goes against what they say what it the point in debating with them?



Certain guns are already banned in certain states - and some you can't even have a moderator.


It's all for the wrong reasons though as a lot of it is based on uninformed persons decisions.




Edited by gixer1
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I was appalled by the ignorance of some of the comments, particularly that handgun crime is caused by the numbers of gun owners who didn't surrender their pistols in l998.


If you write posts against their message, you will only be censored as they are fascists.


The best tactic is to pretend to support their cause and provide disinformation. In that way they will become a laughing stock and completely undermined. If these tactics are good enough for governments, they're good enough for our fight. Save reasoned argument for avenues which allow all points of view.


Sadly, most of the dismal ***** involved in this ArseBook campaign have no knowledge of guns except for what they have seen on the so-called films emanating from Hollywood where almost all guns depicted are misused. The fact many of them believe only the potential oppressors of ordinary people at some future time--the police and military--should hold firearms is more frightening than anything. None of the posts I was able to access mentioned black kids with illegal guns aping the **** culture of hip-hop and rap heroes which is lauded in mediums such as MTV and ArseBook.

Well said :good:

To attack that culture has the potential to derail the thrust of the arguments, if handled carefully. Try it. :devil:

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For those of you who cannot see the ban guns page anymore, a quick update.


This is a recent post by the admin of said page;


Just wanted to highlight one of the many posts pro gun types have put on our wall over the last 4 days of their attack I have cut and paste this from Max Potter:


“i murder animals on a regular basis for fun, it gives me a rush i dont get from anything else (apart from cocaine) and when i combine the two you wouldnt believe the things i can achieve.”


Make up your own mind. This is very tame exam...

ple of over 66 posts from Pro gun types that have appeared in recent days. We do believe a minority of Pro Gun types are responsible but we also know from the majority of responses they leave most are at least very irresponsible and at best unbalanced – and we don’t just mean in their arguments.


We will advertise their new page for them ‘Ban-Ban Guns’ it make interesting reading and so shows us why firearms need to be Banned from private ownership.




The original post has not been deleted like other pro shooting posts, and was made by someone who I expect is either a complete walt or an anti making trouble. It might have even been posted simply to give credance to thier argument. Either way, when presented as it has been, it could prove damaging.

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For those of you who cannot see the ban guns page anymore, a quick update.


This is a recent post by the admin of said page;


Just wanted to highlight one of the many posts pro gun types have put on our wall over the last 4 days of their attack I have cut and paste this from Max Potter:


“i murder animals on a regular basis for fun, it gives me a rush i dont get from anything else (apart from cocaine) and when i combine the two you wouldnt believe the things i can achieve.”


Make up your own mind. This is very tame exam...


Assuming max potter is a real name, Surly that's slander or something like that, I'd be taking it very seriously if someone put my name to a made up quote like that.




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if you scroll to the bottom of the page you can find this.

Wow numbers are rising steadily :-) FYI ... This is a monitored page/group. We do not delete posts "pro-guns" if they are posted in a non-threatening or abusive manner. We may not agree with you, but you should be entitled to have your say. Any post pro or anti guns that are posted in an unnecessary manner will be deleted. Thank you for your support. Keep passing us on (Deb)

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This is a recent post by the admin of said page;

Just wanted to highlight one of the many posts pro gun types have put on our wall over the last 4 days of their attack I have cut and paste this from Max Potter:


“i murder animals on a regular basis for fun, it gives me a rush i dont get from anything else (apart from cocaine) and when i combine the two you wouldnt believe the things i can achieve.”


Make up your own mind. This is very tame exam...

ple of over 66 posts from Pro gun types that have appeared in recent days. We do believe a minority of Pro Gun types are responsible but we also know from the majority of responses they leave most are at least very irresponsible and at best unbalanced – and we don’t just mean in their arguments.


We will advertise their new page for them ‘Ban-Ban Guns’ it make interesting reading and so shows us why firearms need to be Banned from private ownership.






That's a bit of a stupid thing to put on their page.


Talk about playing right into their hands. :no:

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That's a bit of a stupid thing to put on their page.


Talk about playing right into their hands. :no:


Do you really think a shooter posted that? If it was then he is an idiot, but I would make a very large bet that it is one of their own because they feel threatened, their own little world has been invaded by people who can string a sentence together, and have a sensible debate. So they have resorted to making it up,oh hang on that's what the whole site is about.

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Do you really think a shooter posted that? If it was then he is an idiot, but I would make a very large bet that it is one of their own because they feel threatened, their own little world has been invaded by people who can string a sentence together, and have a sensible debate. So they have resorted to making it up,oh hang on that's what the whole site is about.


Who knows, but the guy who posted it has listed clay pigeon shooting as one of his 'likes'


The writing styles/grammar are different though? :hmm:

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No shooter in there right mind would right that unless they are a complete and utter **** it's just a desperate attempt by an anti or some other sad lonely loser from that site trying to cause trouble . Some people.....they seriously have to get a life


Yes they do. Someone suggest clay pigeon shooting to them!

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With a few minutes on detective google one can find out the home address of two of the people involved in this site. And that probably goes for some of those posting on there as well, both for and against. It also appears that the LACS rentamob are not unconnected to the campaign. Just sayin.

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For what it's worth, my personal opinion is that yes, comments like that do play into their hands, but equally who's to say what the motive was behind saying it. This is only Facebook, and not exactly the Home Affairs Select Committee and we should treat the page with the contempt it deserves by ignoring it Frankly what the Ban Guns crowd want to write on their page is entirely down to them. I'm pretty sure the government doesn't recognise the term 'Gun Junky' and neither should we.

This page is 'trolling' on a large scale and should simply be ignored. There is no credibility to what they say and they lack even the most basic understanding of what we do and why we do it. You can't win with people like that so why give them the satisfaction?

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