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First Fox with a rifle - thanks to PW members


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I wasn't going to do this, I don't usually post sporting stories or pics, but to be fair to those who made it happen I thought I would. I had a thoroughly enjoyable night's lamping with Garygreengrass and Brown Sauce from PW a couple of weeks ago and it resulted in my first fox with a rifle. The story should be told.


The evening began in unusual fashion (for a visit to west Wales) where a good few beers are usually consumed. We had a very sober dinner then set out at about 8:30pm for a trip up to Crosshair's farm for a play with the HMR and Crosshair's 243. After shooting the hair-trigger, unmoderated 243 and not making a total poofter of myself, and enjoying the amazing view from the farm across Swansea Bay and the Mumbles, Brown Sauce and I headed off to Gary's place at about 9:30pm. After inspecting the shooting enthusiast's delight that is Gary's man-cave, and a very strong cup of freshly ground black coffee we loaded up the dedicated (and I mean dedicated) lamping 4x4 and headed for the hills. I was impressed with the dedication to shooting exhibited by the wagon, I think it was the little touches that impressed me most; the LED headlights to replace the main ones when we got into fields, the speaker under the bonnet wired into the CD player which could, at the flick of a switch, play fox calls, to name a few. The array of lamps, the sheer enthusiasm of the driver... ;)


On and on we went, up and up, through numerous gates, on through more, up and over fields and green (and not so green) lanes, lamping as we went, wending our winding way past sheep both black and white. We saw half a dozen foxes but never a bead we drew. I hang my head when I say I left the vehicle once, but wasn't quite quick enough on the cub we saw.


It got to about 1:30am and I was in the passenger seat and we came to yet more permission land, and pulled into a recently cut field. The lamp quickly showed up the tell-tale pair of eyes. I silently, (well, I say silently, it wasn't silent) slipped from the vehicle trying, in one smooth series of co-ordinated movements, to chamber a round, flip the scope covers up, lever down the bipod, thumb off the safety... and so the rifle came to rest on the bonnet of the 4x4. The red light moved across the grass and once again lit up the fox, sitting no more than 50 yards away. OK, it was a sitter and, satisfyingly, it fell stone dead to my play-it-safe body shot.


Sadly for the guys it was the only kill we had that night, and after that I took the back seat of the vehicle to allow another to take a shot. It was not to be, despite finding, almost under the arc lights of an open-cast mine, a fox feeding on (of all things) a dead horse. We stalked it and tried to call it in but it got wind of us and scarpered.


I will never forget this evening, and a big thank you to the guys who have made my trips down to south Wales such good ones.


Let's do it again soon. Here's my fox:


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Your first fox is a fox that you will not forget in a hurry mate, well done! A great write up too.

What more could a man ask for, good company, a well kitted out motor with a driver that knows what he is doing, great scenery, and your first fox with a rifle.

Excellent, I'll bet you're still smiling now whenever you thank about it mate!

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Good on the lads for making it happen :good:

Yes, I'll second that sir!

This is what this forum should really be about, everyone trying to help each other out!

Let's please see much more or this sort of things!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Always a pleasure to educate you English boys.

And I did tell you, that was not a dead horse the fox was eating, it was a Welsh Rabbit.

Anyway, congratulations on a well written article on your first fox, it is one you will

never forget.

And glad you enjoyed your trip.

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What took you so long?? :lol:


Been out shooting... :shoot:



Always a pleasure to educate you English boys.

And I did tell you, that was not a dead horse the fox was eating, it was a Welsh Rabbit.

Anyway, congratulations on a well written article on your first fox, it is one you will

never forget.

And glad you enjoyed your trip.


I thought Welsh Rabbit was just cheese on toast???

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Have to say the funniest thing happened last night, still chuckling now. The mighty Gary was demonstrating a quick way of dispatching a clipped wabbit, we reckon I'd shot it through the neck and it was still kicking. Well the method is to pick up said clipped bunny by the head as if holding a cricket ball for a full toss and kind of give it a yo yo flick.


Well the body landed about 10 feet away, whilst the head stayed put. Hi-lar-ious almost wet me selffff.

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