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What would be the consequences.......?


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I firmly believe that much vegetarianism and veganism stems from people having hangups and faddiness with food . A few have genuine ideological reasons and I respect their views more than the food averse bigots . In the West they have the luxury of being able to turn down whole food groups and then have the gall to try and coax the rest of us to pack it in .

I bet that before they become veggies they would not even touch black pudding , liver , any kind of game , chicken other than breast , kippers , Stilton , pickles , seafood . I include the last 3 because faddy beggars usually turn their noses up at these too .

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I firmly believe that much vegetarianism and veganism stems from people having hangups and faddiness with food . A few have genuine ideological reasons and I respect their views more than the food averse bigots . In the West they have the luxury of being able to turn down whole food groups and then have the gall to try and coax the rest of us to pack it in .


One point I thought of:


How could vegetarians and vegans survive using only plants native to Britain? Before we were able to introduce new species and ship fruit and veg from other countries, they could not survive. It is only fairly recently that vegetarian and vegan lifestyles even became possible over here. Before then, you ate meat or you died.

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I used to do a bit of work with The Body Shop manufacturing arm. It always tickles me when they go on about not testing on animals. The thing is, they don't have to, because the ingredients they use are already registered as safe for use in cosmetics because...guess what...somebody else has already tested them on animals years ago. Still, as long as they didn't do it, thats OK!

And, by the bye, Anita Roddick was in my opinion the most foul mouthed and verbally aggressive woman I have ever had the misfortune to meet.

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I respect your views and beliefs Bedwards, and in an ideal world they are laudable but we know we do not live in an ideal world. You do not believe animals should be used in testing but are happy to use rapists, paedophiles and terrorists.


I have no truck with these groups and would be happy to shoot them, but what happens if a convicted individual is suddenly found to be innocent?. What you are suggesting is a step toward the worst excesses of the last war.


Would you refuse to let a family member be treated with a drug if it were tested on animals?. A simple yes or no will suffice.


Your post gives me the impression your happy to shoot rapists, pedophiles and terrorists, but not to test chemicals/medicines/products on them!

The point you make about them being innocent is very important, which is generally why I feel that something like killing/torturing someone for a serious crime might be appropriate (in severe cases), except that it's almost impossible to be able to guarantee they're guilty. History shows many innocent people to have suffered at the wrong end of the 'justice' system, hence it can't work properly.


In answer to your question, I didn't say I would refuse to allow a family member to be treated with a drug tested on animals. What I said was that I don't believe that it is necessary. I'm not a scientist, but as I understand it the only real reason why animals are used for testing is that it works out cheaper than alternative methods.

Edited by bedwards1966
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If we were meant to be vegans - or rather herbivores to use a real word - we'd have the digestive systems of herbivores. We don't. We have the digestive systems of omnivores, because that's what we are. Man's evolutionary niche is the hunter-gatherer, an opportunist, not a flatulent leaf-eating ape. If the dungeree wearers want to save the world the best way would be to end all farming and force man to subsist only on want he can find. I should think about 95% of the Earth's human population would perish The veggies would have their garden of Eden but they wouldn't like it: no guitars to strum, no placards to wave and no-one to blame for all the things that don't suit them. They would not be happy.

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You have to also remember that there are vast tracts of land in this country where sheep are productively grazed that would be totally unsuitable for arable farming.


Deer in the Highlands are farmed commercially, despite the impression that the Estates give that they a wild resource. So one way or another thats Scotland laid to waste.


Does the ban include fish? Oh well thats the fishing industry on the beach as well.


Now the killer question. Alcohol is the product of a living organism, yeast. Are you thinking what I am thinking....................

Edited by Vince Green
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If we were meant to be vegans - or rather herbivores to use a real word - we'd have the digestive systems of herbivores. We don't. We have the digestive systems of omnivores, because that's what we are. Man's evolutionary niche is the hunter-gatherer, an opportunist, not a flatulent leaf-eating ape. If the dungeree wearers want to save the world the best way would be to end all farming and force man to subsist only on want he can find. I should think about 95% of the Earth's human population would perish The veggies would have their garden of Eden but they wouldn't like it: no guitars to strum, no placards to wave and no-one to blame for all the things that don't suit them. They would not be happy.



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If we all turned vegan then all of the animals already in existence would be free to live out their lives and would multiply. Rapidly. Imagine how many sheep would be around if none of the lambs went for slaughter.

The price of food would rocket because rats and mice would infest the warehouses, stores and mills. Pigeons would eat the crops like locusts and people would starve.

To top it off I would have to have soya milk in my tea and that's just not on.

There are so many ways this would effect us it's unreal.





If we all turned vegan then all of the animals already in existence would be free to live out their lives and would multiply.


Really ? I dont know too many farmers who'd feed 'em if there was no profit. Would they just turn 'em loose ........ I'd like to think not

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How can you tell if someone is a vegan?


Don't worry. They'll soon tell you.


Ain't that the truth. :yes:


Trawling through the Animal Aid website and Facebook page it seems that a fair few of them keep cats and dogs, some even run rescue centres for abandoned animals.

I was quite interested to know what they feed the animals they keep so did a bit of digging around the 'net.


Yep, you've guessed it...they've actually devised a vegan diet for cats and dogs. :w00t: You couldn't make it up.


Not only do these people want to impose their lifestyle on us, but are quite happy to do the same on their own pets. Something which goes totally against the natural lifestyle/diet of the animals they claim to love and respect.


I wonder what Brian May feeds all the foxes he 'saves'?


Tofu and nut cutlets ain't gonna cut it with Charlie!! :ermm:

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Ain't that the truth. :yes:


Trawling through the Animal Aid website and Facebook page it seems that a fair few of them keep cats and dogs, some even run rescue centres for abandoned animals.

I was quite interested to know what they feed the animals they keep so did a bit of digging around the 'net.


Yep, you've guessed it...they've actually devised a vegan diet for cats and dogs. :w00t: You couldn't make it up.


Not only do these people want to impose their lifestyle on us, but are quite happy to do the same on their own pets. Something which goes totally against the natural lifestyle/diet of the animals they claim to love and respect.


I wonder what Brian May feeds all the foxes he 'saves'?


Tofu and nut cutlets ain't gonna cut it with Charlie!! :ermm:


Do you have any links about the vegan diets for dogs and cats so we could have a look?

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