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The Wildfowling season 2012 - 2013


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I've found that wildfowlers are some of the most genuine and most helpfull people you can get.


That said the I found the best way to into wildfowling is find a club, join it, get involved in the preseason social clay shoots (if they have them), someone from the club will show you the basics and a couple of safe places, read some books, go down the the marsh and have a go.


There are some guys on here who helped me out, all good people (no need to name names they know who they are and a big thanks to them) but you must put the effort in yourself.


Merry crimbo.

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Yesterday was Christmas Eve. There was this old atheist out on the Norwich marshes with a Baptist Minister. (A novice fowler by the way).

We got absolutely soaked. We watched several hundreds of pinks go over our heads three gunshots high. Watched a harrier who was having about the same hunting success as we were. Discussed philosophy and religion isn an abstract sort of way - Then trudged our weary way back to the truck squelching at every step.

For this 'pleasure' we had left our respective beds at 0245 hrs.

Will we do it again - You bet.


Happy Christmas all.

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so my comment that youngsters dont get the chance to go out is rubbish???? or my comment about overshoot???? you either cant read english, or you just want to accuse others of talking rubbish when a general chat is going on. if you dont have anything constructive to say i suggest you keep your mouth shut.


What a lovely chap you appear to be. I'm sure after that tirade people will be queuing to have you accompany them on the marsh.

My comprehension of English is fine. And your still spouting rubbish. It's never been easier for young or old to get into Wildfowling but you do need the right attitude and perhaps some manners. As you seem incapable of taking perfectly good advice from others perhaps you will heed your own.

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Was out the other morning and dropped a wigeon at the shore,(out on the firth). It was still going so I gave it two more shells. Anyway I thought it was dead so sent the young lab out for it. The duck and dog swam out a good bit and as the dog got close, the duck dived,(always a disaster). The dog realised it was beaten and came ashore. Almost as the dog reached the sea wall, I looked up and saw a seal making for my duck. Have to say I was relieved the dog was ashore!


Clearly the two shots at the duck on the water did little to deter the seal from moving in for a meal. Just glad the dog wasn't at the duck when the seal got there!

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Madhunter you do not seem to realise that for those of us who shoot on English marshes we have to be members of a club or we have our own inland wildfowling. So its no good wanting to know where we shoot because you have to be a club member first. Secondly wildfowling is not a team sport. Its a solitary sport with perhaps just the odd companion. To ask someone who has spent years , perhaps decades to give his knowlege of where to go on an open forum is very unreasonable. I started wildfowling back in the 1960s when I was about 12 . I never had anyone show me where to go. I learnt the sport by years of studying the habbits of the birds and to ask a stranger to give up that information is just not on. I have taken many new wildfowlers out over the years and taken them on my own marshes as well and enjoyed seeing them get their first geese or duck , but all have been people I know , but even then I have regreted it on a couple of occasions. Like a guy who lived next door to me . I proposed him for the memberships of two clubs and in his probation years showed him a number of good spots that had taken me years , perhaps decades to discover only to find once he was a full member he would get up very early and be hidden in the spots I had shown him time after time when i arrived on the marsh.


If you want to know where to go wildfowling I suggest you get hold of your local county bird reports and seen which marshes the fowl are found. Then join the wildfowling club and spend a lot of time without your gun watching the marsh , the tides and what the birds do in any given weather. Then is the time to think about some serious wildfowling.

Edited by anser2
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I would not knock anyone for asking as if you dont ask you dont get, but its how you ask in a way.

What I have learned over the years is that Wildfowlers are not always forthcoming and the most helpful because (yes thats me too) we have been 'burn and scolded' in the past. This makes us wary about who we take where and when. We dont usually suffer fools neither. In the past I have offered people from 'away' some kindly advice as they have travelled many miles to our marsh only to be ignored (which is fair) but then hear a commotion later as the same person is trapped on the wrong side of a creek by the incoming tide. But saying that I have introduced people to Wildfowling this season but only after I had decided (not them) that they may be suitable candidates.

Wildfowling is a craft, you dont learn it like you do clay pigeons or driven game. Its ongoing. I have shot the marshes many years and used to go there on my bike as a kid long before I had a gun. I am still learning and once I feel that its no longer a challenge and its become predictable then I will give away all my gear to the first person who wants it...but dont hold your breath.

Wildfowling is not a easy passage to getting into shooting, I would say try everything else before you try wildfowling. I sometimes cringe when I read 'ok i am new into shooting and thought i would try fowling' believe me if you think its an easy route think again. It could cost you a lot of money and put you off for life.

If after I have tried my hardest to put you off and tell you its not for you, you still think you have what its takes you are 25% of the way to becoming a good wildfowler.

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I would not knock anyone for asking as if you dont ask you dont get, but its how you ask in a way.

What I have learned over the years is that Wildfowlers are not always forthcoming and the most helpful because (yes thats me too) we have been 'burn and scolded' in the past. This makes us wary about who we take where and when. We dont usually suffer fools neither. In the past I have offered people from 'away' some kindly advice as they have travelled many miles to our marsh only to be ignored (which is fair) but then hear a commotion later as the same person is trapped on the wrong side of a creek by the incoming tide. But saying that I have introduced people to Wildfowling this season but only after I had decided (not them) that they may be suitable candidates.

Wildfowling is a craft, you dont learn it like you do clay pigeons or driven game. Its ongoing. I have shot the marshes many years and used to go there on my bike as a kid long before I had a gun. I am still learning and once I feel that its no longer a challenge and its become predictable then I will give away all my gear to the first person who wants it...but dont hold your breath.

Wildfowling is not a easy passage to getting into shooting, I would say try everything else before you try wildfowling. I sometimes cringe when I read 'ok i am new into shooting and thought i would try fowling' believe me if you think its an easy route think again. It could cost you a lot of money and put you off for life.

If after I have tried my hardest to put you off and tell you its not for you, you still think you have what its takes you are 25% of the way to becoming a good wildfowler.



I'll have your stuff fatty!!!


except your gun that is, i'm sure the barrels are bent

Edited by barrold
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I'll have your stuff fatty!!!


except your gun that is, i'm sure the barrels are bent



What size boot is he? got holes in mine!


Don't forget to share you two, i've got dibs on the dog!


What a lovely chap you appear to be. I'm sure after that tirade people will be queuing to have you accompany them on the marsh.

My comprehension of English is fine. And your still spouting rubbish. It's never been easier for young or old to get into Wildfowling but you do need the right attitude and perhaps some manners. As you seem incapable of taking perfectly good advice from others perhaps you will heed your own.


You've put it alot better than i could ever have done!


I was just going to call him some of the rude words ayano3 has been teaching me down the marsh...

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im looking for some good locations for wildfowling can anyone help please

A lot of shooting is now controlled by various clubs around the coast, if you have a look which one is closest to you, and apply to join you'll get to know the members (gradually) and they will advise you when and where to go, also advise you what tides its safe to be in a particular spot, there are many experienced wildfowlers on this site willing to give you all the help and guidance you need if you approach them correctly....read as much on the subject as you can, have a look on here who's nearest to you and see if they will help you out or point you in the right direction!....I got interested in "8 Bores" and asked a few questions on here, which resulted in a good friendship with a fellow " Big Bore" enthusiast..."Shakin stevens".. who showed me no end of things, which you wont find in books, we've been fowling together a few times on the "Wash" and are going to scotland in january after the "geese"...also AYA no3 has become a good friend and mentor down on the wash and until this year I had not met either of them!!......Tide shooting can be very dangerous if your inexperienced.....you need as many "fowling" friends as possible....if you are a "decent bloke" they'll warm to you....dont burn your bridges before you've crossed them!

best wishes..(you'll find something)...Dale.

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Mention something for free and the vultures descend from nowhere. Rob, my thigh boots have holes, Barry,I will loan you Harrycats pop gun but need to extend the string to 3m and I hope you are getting wet on the marsh this morning. Matt, I don't know why you want rhia as soon as she hears the cake tin open she is with you anyway. And don't be influenced by Barry, you was making progress lol


Dale, well put. Hope you do great in Scotland. Are you taking the cat ??

Edited by ayano3
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Mention something for free and the vultures descend from nowhere. Rob, my thigh boots have holes, Barry,I will loan you Harrycats pop gun but need to extend the string to 3m and I hope you are getting wet on the marsh this morning. Matt, I don't know why you want rhia as soon as she hears the cake tin open she is with you anyway. And don't be influenced by Barry, you was making progress lol


Dale, well put. Hope you do great in Scotland. Are you taking the cat ??


I bet Barry is very wet down the marsh this morning. I was going to go down but i saw the clear sky with the big old moon last night and decided not to go!

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Mention something for free and the vultures descend from nowhere. Rob, my thigh boots have holes, Barry,I will loan you Harrycats pop gun but need to extend the string to 3m and I hope you are getting wet on the marsh this morning. Matt, I don't know why you want rhia as soon as she hears the cake tin open she is with you anyway. And don't be influenced by Barry, you was making progress lol


Dale, well put. Hope you do great in Scotland. Are you taking the cat ??

To be honest Graham;..we are hoping to get some shooting but I did ask Bob if "Harry the cat"...could come?....after some consideration..Bob said;...whats the difference between ..Harry the cat and a pebble in youre boot?....as we both could see no difference....we've decided on the "Pebbles"!!...its a safer option and at least the pebbles might actually come in useful!!!..Ha Ha!

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I don't think he will go Matt, the cork in the end of the barrel will expand and cause back pressure. Being a health and safety boffin he would have done his risk assessment and just fell asked in Kenzies creek.



I was there boys, not like you fair weather fowlers. Luckily, "the rugged wet look" suits me and i look even fitter than normal. Walked off at half 8 like, was aboslutley baltic. Couldn't feel my hands. There was only one other van there. Had 2 mallard fly straight over early on but they were only 15 yard up so let them go on there way.

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I was there boys, not like you fair weather fowlers. Luckily, "the rugged wet look" suits me and i look even fitter than normal. Walked off at half 8 like, was aboslutley baltic. Couldn't feel my hands. There was only one other van there. Had 2 mallard fly straight over early on but they were only 15 yard up so let them go on there way.


Bet those mallard wernt as low as them teal that come over me last week!


I was going to go down the camp for the evening flight but the land rover had other plans :lol:

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Bet those mallard wernt as low as them teal that come over me last week!


I was going to go down the camp for the evening flight but the land rover had other plans :lol:


She broke down on you again mate? Trade it in for a jimny!!!! Might be down monday depending on new years eve plans. If i don't see you have a good un mate and i'll catch you next year

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She broke down on you again mate? Trade it in for a jimny!!!! Might be down monday depending on new years eve plans. If i don't see you have a good un mate and i'll catch you next year


Just needed a little tender loving care and shes running again.


If i buy a jimny i'll have to get myself on one of those hair and beauty courses down the college :lol:


I wont be out monday so i'll see you in the new year!

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