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Yes but Vince did you ever walk into the wrong house by mistake ? I did once but thank God it was in Australia & not the USA !!!

Here is another case I can tell you & this was not in the UK a friend of mine heard some one breaking into his home late one night so my friend grabbed his 9m Luger Pistol & waited by the door of the room the intruder was breaking into !. The moment the intruder walked out of that door he had the Luger pistol shoved into the back of his head & was told don't F!! move ! & the poor so & so dropped his bladder all over the floor ! & do you know who it turned out to be ? THE LOGGER come home late & forgotten his key !!.


So all the RAMBO's reading this who are just itching to shoot some one because they are in the wrong house & stand over the corpse of the slain beating their chest like an ape waiting for the police to turn & the press photographers to take a pic of them for the front page of the tabloids !! . THINK AGAIN ! I am glad we don't have the US system .


I would have to agree. People in America have shot family mistaking them for burglars example below.


State troopers say a police officer in New York shot and killed his son, mistaking him for an intruder.

Troopers say Parry Police Department Officer Michael Leach called 911 to report the shooting early Saturday. He was staying at the Clark Beach Motel and shot someone he believed to be an intruder. But the man turned out to be his 37-year-old son, Matthew Leach.

Troopers say Leach used his department-issued .45-caliber Glock handgun in the shooting.

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People should be legally able to use what ever force is required to protect their property. It's getting stupid that people who break the law get free legal help, and are treated as the victims? I haven't been burgled, and would hate the thought of someone going through my stuff!! What gives them the right to do so, why should they be protected? There not victims, they choose to break the law, and home owners need the support of the law. I'm not saying everyone go tooled up at bedtime, but they should be able to sleep safe, knowing that if someone breaks in, they will have the full support of the law.


If this guy has a SGC, and then he did the right thing. You need to ask yourself, what would you do in that situation.

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we own a SGC or FAC because we are a none threat to the public ,we cant not use them for home defense,if your FAO came to your home and was interviewing you for your renewal ,he then asks you if someone came into your home would you use a gun on them ? do you think he would pass you to own firearms ? and most of you on this page have already said yes !!!! leaving your self's wide open boys!!

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People should be legally able to use what ever force is required to protect their property. It's getting stupid that people who break the law get free legal help, and are treated as the victims? I haven't been burgled, and would hate the thought of someone going through my stuff!! What gives them the right to do so, why should they be protected? There not victims, they choose to break the law, and home owners need the support of the law. I'm not saying everyone go tooled up at bedtime, but they should be able to sleep safe, knowing that if someone breaks in, they will have the full support of the law.


If this guy has a SGC, and then he did the right thing. You need to ask yourself, what would you do in that situation.


Burglary is not a capital offence. If you shoot someone because you think your life in under threat that's one thing. If you shoot him for braking into your house that's different.

Where do you draw the line cut peoples hands of for steeling stone women for adultery.

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I have heard noises late at night in the house before, and thought about going to the cabinet, but didnt, nor did i take the metal baseball bat. I went in my boxers with nothing but my fists, and hopefully the element of surprise. Turns out the dog had got out of the utility room somehow. But I did surprise myself that i didnt take anything. My thought at the time, and that ive always said to people who talk about using weapons, was, what if they got it off me?

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I'm not saying to shoot somebody, but there's not much difference from stabbing them to death? Look around your house, there are instruments that would kill? What I am saying is that, what would you do if someone broke into your house? It's one of those things that you cannot honestly say what you would do, unless placed in similar situation. Let's not all jump on this guy, because as usual, we don't have the full story.

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When someone breaks into your home at night unless you see them its an unknown entity. Reasonable force to stop an unknown entity = WHAT ???


A kitchen knife, a walking stick, a hammer ??? Any of those will put you in striking distance of the intruder and I for one would not fancy taking on something in the middle of the night when I am not clear headed having just woken up let alone 4 of them. Sorry but I think any means available to protect yourself in your own home.


You cannot predict how anyone would react to a break in but you can predict why someone was breaking in the first place. The intruder is acting in a pre meditated fashion and if confrontational then they are the worst type. They are breaking the rules first and foremost and thats what should be dealt with not the individual defending themselves against the unknown.

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Bb, I'm a master locksmith, so I know how useless these little safes people keep their keys in are. Most are opened in 3 to 5 seconds. Unless you have paid 200 plus then you may have something ok. If its a digital code forget it.


Also a safe is a target, it's the first thing a thief will target, you may as well put a sign on it saying keys inside esp if same room as guns.


I think it's much safer having them on me, if I'm out so are the keys so a thief would have to smash the gun cab up to get anything , meanwhile the alarms already dialed the police so they will have 3 mins. While I'm asleep they are nex to me, apart from the nipple ring idea (love it) I can't thing of anything safer.


Maybe my job makes me paranoid, but don't trust these little safes with your keys.

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Bb, I'm a master locksmith, so I know how useless these little safes people keep their keys in are. Most are opened in 3 to 5 seconds. Unless you have paid 200 plus then you may have something ok. If its a digital code forget it.


Also a safe is a target, it's the first thing a thief will target, you may as well put a sign on it saying keys inside esp if same room as guns.


I think it's much safer having them on me, if I'm out so are the keys so a thief would have to smash the gun cab up to get anything , meanwhile the alarms already dialed the police so they will have 3 mins. While I'm asleep they are nex to me, apart from the nipple ring idea (love it) I can't thing of anything safer.


Maybe my job makes me paranoid, but don't trust these little safes with your keys.


Most of us are not master lock smiths ! thank God ! & that 's why you have a job ! :lol:

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The burglars were arrested on suspicion of AGGRAVATED burglary, so they must have had a weapon with them. Under the definition of agg. burglary this includes offensive weapons, firearms and imitation firearms. Even rope, if its to be used to restrain the occupiers. Hopefully then, this is the building block of a good defence for the homeowners,or better still, released without charge.


(EDITED! And note to self..don't use the phone to type posts on an internet forum!

Edited by gibspoon
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The burglars were arrested on suspicion of AGGRAVATED burglary, so they must have had a weapon with them. Under the definition of agg. burglary this includes offensive weapons, firearms and imitation firearms. Even rope, if its to be used to restrain the occupiers. Hopefully then, this is the building block of a good defence,or better still, released with charge.

if they were armed the house holder should not be charged its self defence surely

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The burglars were arrested on suspicion of AGGRAVATED burglary, so they must have had a weapon with them. Under the definition of agg. burglary this includes offensive weapons, firearms and imitation firearms. Even rope, if its to be used to restrain the occupiers. Hopefully then, this is the building block of a good defence,or better still, released with charge.

Innocent until proven guilty ! correct ?
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Burglary is not a capital offence. If you shoot someone because you think your life in under threat that's one thing. If you shoot him for braking into your house that's different.

Where do you draw the line cut peoples hands of for steeling stone women for adultery.bang right we do do you think asbo"S and smacks on backs of hands really work

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If it was me id of shot them, id much rather lose my licence and possibly spend time in prison than be dead or find members of my family dead, they shouldnt of been there so its there fault it they get themselves shot. I hope it all works out well for them its just a shame he only hit 2 of them not all 4.


And all those people saying the guns should be kept locked away, i can get out of bed unlock and have a gun loaded in just under 20 seconds, and if i heard someone downstairs thats the first thing i would do :)



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People who say guns should be locked away mean that. So either you have v easy access to your guns ( they are in or v near yr bedroom ) or you dont lock them up? To comply with your licence they should be locked away when not in use. I dont see my guns as a form of home defense, how often are homes robbed when people are in? Too many what ifs

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Someone posted earlier burlglary is not a capital offence. Well theres a shame.


The Law is basically "The Rules" of the game, break the rules and you play the game from a different stance.


If the law says don't break in to a persons home and you decide thats fine to do, why do you then think it is not OK for the homeowner to change his rules and protect his property?


This wooly aoplogetic attitude is why there are dozens of burglaries, stabbings, rapes, violent offences and a total lack of respect for the law and decency every day.


It was always aid they didn't hang horse thieves for stealing horses, they hung them so horses didn't get stolen.

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