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Downing Street E Petition changes to gun laws


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This E petition is a direct result to what happened to me. Unless there is change i can see a loss of life of an innocent shooter going about his lawful pursuit of his hobby, i have no doubt we have been close now. That has to change....It just seems all too easy for the police to draw conclusions where there are no indications of a miss doing. In my case the fact that someone can consider me a threat so substantial as to warrent a 4 man response unit, my wife has not recovered from the trama and after 32 years at the same address we are now moving to another area outside Essex.....As things stand the police will ensure that our sport is subject to servere restrictions, i am sure that there are conspiring for that to happen, it may not be government policy but as we have seen they seem to get most of there own way....I am not against arming the police in fact i would support better training and understanding from the police about the handling and use of guns.


I said at the beginning that if changes should come about kicked off by this petition they may be only small and most of the direction would be orcestrated by our respective organisations. It may only be a full consultation body made up of all parties concerned.....And David i'm not an idiot, i know exactly how far this will go, but if you don't try you will never know.



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Some time ago, there was a poster on here who had lost his licence. He was outraged and kept insisting he was in another county at the relevant time. Whenever he was asked for facts, he went off on one. More questions - more obscure tangents.


I think he has a relative on here. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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The dust ups you have had must have generated a paper trail. Who was involved, what did the police do and what did your solicitors do / say?


I've read all the "poor me" stuff but there's no smoke without fire matey.


Some of your posts are pretty good, but the rest (and in particular on this subject) lead me to think you may be a sociopath. On this subject, do you think you have ever been wrong about anything in your life? ;)

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I cannot say too much on here because i am prosecuting the police for wrongful arrest, goggle my property CM111RL and you will see its in one of the most expensive areas in the Country, its gated has 2 more houses in 17 acres which are all part of my estate. I am at the top of my profession and had a colourful life and one of the top shooters in the country, so where am i a nonce. I am not outraged, because simalar things happen in buisness, i am a calm collected buisnessman who will see justice is done and will and have try to change this sport for the better.



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goggle my property CM111RL and you will see its in one of the most expensive areas in the Country, its gated has 2 more houses in 17 acres which are all part of my estate. I am at the top of my profession and had a colourful life and one of the top shooters in the country,




I'd say one of your driving motives has become abundantly clear.

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This isn't going anywhere now Dennis.I can honestly see your good intent,and you raise one or two points I would agree with,but how on earth would ANYTHING in your petition have prevented someone from considering you to be such a threat as to warrant a visit from an armed response unit?

If we all joined one big organisation(nice thought admittedly)and all were trained and considered competent,how would any accusations, be they real or imagined,made against any one of us,prevent the knock on the door if those making the accusations were convincing enough?

You're not the only person who has been on the receiving end of police incompetence,corruption or whatever,and by all means take them to court,and good luck with it;but your petition in its present format is both ill-conceived and confusing,and will do nothing to prevent a re-occurrence of events.

Your train of thought is clearly dominated by the history of your experience,and until you can seperate the two,I think any logical discussion you attempt to undertake regarding this topic will be coloured by those experiences.

I wish you well,but this petition isn't going anywhere in its present format.

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I cannot say too much on here because i am prosecuting the police for wrongful arrest, goggle my property CM111RL and you will see its in one of the most expensive areas in the Country, its gated has 2 more houses in 17 acres which are all part of my estate. I am at the top of my profession and had a colourful life and one of the top shooters in the country, so where am i a nonce. I am not outraged, because simalar things happen in buisness, i am a calm collected buisnessman who will see justice is done and will and have try to change this sport for the better.




& modest too :big_boss:

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As PhilR says its time to call it a day, and he should know. I knew full well that you would never get any support from shooters for any changes espically sporting shooters, it just don't happen, that is why its been worded that way to draw wider support....but its been fun. I am first and foremost a pragmatic person, i never cloud my judgement with personal experiences and Phil knows that, what convinced me that we have to change the system was speaking to members of the Police force, including many different officers and i was shocked by there attitude, most of them considered me a danger to the public and fully justified the response it got, never an apology from anyone....Its a problem with chain of command, the one at the top is a wally so what chance have you got that the rest will get it right.



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