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witch of the three?

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Does not matter WHICH; as long as you put the tubes in the correct place.


Shooting is all about having confidence in the equipment your using. I learnt a good while ago that if you cut down the options and got on with the job the results were better.I don`t want multi chokes, adjustable comb or anything else I can alter on the gun as I used them as reasons for missing. Comb too high, would have been better if I had tighter choke etc and cartridges, I`m not bothered what I use, within reason. I usually buy the cheapest on offer when I need replacements.

If I miss it`s my fault, not the gun, chokes or cartridges and I can live with that.I shoot both clays and game and have used clay 7:5 on game when I have run out of 5 or 6 and to be honest not noticed any difference.If your George Digweed or anyone in that league you may have the ability to notice the difference but I doubt the average shooter would.



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A while back I pattern tested my Winchester with a few different cartridges, the Supreme Game gave me a very even pattern. Your gun might be completely different, so you'll have to try them yourself.


Note that some cartridges gave appalling patterns, with big gaps and very dense patches - I was surprised at the differences.

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i havent tried the vip or supreme and would like to try them. there all around the same price. and aparently all on the same level. just asking to see how others get on with them. and imop it does matter what cartridge you use. cheap c.r.a.p will not do. been there got the tshirt with cheap carts. bad patterns and cartridges getting lodged in barrels. but im not going into that again ect. im not talking about the kents i used the other day, i admit that was me at fault! all im saying is id like to try some top end ammo

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A while back I pattern tested my Winchester with a few different cartridges, the Supreme Game gave me a very even pattern. Your gun might be completely different, so you'll have to try them yourself.


Note that some cartridges gave appalling patterns, with big gaps and very dense patches - I was surprised at the differences.


i will def try them and get em patterned in my gun. how far away from the pattern plate do you stand?

cheers carl

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i will def try them and get em patterned in my gun. how far away from the pattern plate do you stand?

cheers carl


I used sheets of extra-wide commercial wallpaper, from about 35yds I think. The distance isn't too important, I just wanted to know where it shot and which cartridge gave a nice even pattern.


Different guns have different forcing cones, bore sizes, choke shapes and sizes - what worked in mine could be completely different in yours.


I don't have a problem with recoil, so my current favourite is Supreme Game 34g No5 Fibre - maybe they compensate a little for my poor technique but I hit pretty well with them. When they're all gone I'll probably buy something cheaper next time.

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All do the same job, no different to the ones that are 50 quid a thou less, just nice shiny metalwork and a pretty box. The rest is just advertising rubbish :-)


I wouldn't normally argue with you, but the patterns from my gun were better with the Supreme Game than with others I tried. I didn't try enough to prove it wasn't a fluke and whether that translates to a better kill in the field I don't know. I will buy cheaper next time though, they cost a fortune.

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Not saying you won't get bad patterns from cheap stuff, but you will get some shells that work better with your particular gun. Next time your at the shops get 25 of the cheapest from express, hull, gamebore etc and pattern. One will work out a treat and your quids in! The only expensive game shells I have got were given to me, don't seem to work any better than the basic ones, just look nice!

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Whichever ones match your socks and or tie on the day are best....more seriously they are all great cartridges just buy too many of one of them then you are stuck with them and won't keep wondering what shells to use! Personally I don't think pattern plates will tell you much,but you will spend ages counting holes/drawing circles with felt tips and working out ratios and will find out they are all pretty similar but that your gun does'nt actually equal the nominal choking......then you'll think I must do 5 of every cartridge then work out an average........thats about 4000 little holes to count .....and your conclusion will be that one made a prettier pattern than another or had 4 more pellets in the circle...about as useful as an ice cream exhaust manifold.

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