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digital or balance scales

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My mates a trained chemist and i discused this at length with him. Good digital are very finicky things to handle, the labs have to be set up and many calibration checks made- this is beyond most home loaders but they do offer speed. So it comes down to how good you want your measures Good beam will in practice give you repeatabilty with accuraccy over digital in a normal loading room

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As Kent says ....

Having once pulled 50 cartridges when I found a set of digi-scales were varying by 2-3 gns a throw, the slow old Lees were like Ursain by comparison.

I want repeatable in weight having worked up the ideal load, and I get that with a balance; I can also see its brain working.

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I totally agree with the above - A good beam scale will last a lifetime, never need new batteries, not be effected by strip lights and will not take hours to warm up and will not drift. Gravity is not changing very fast and a good beam scale will weigh well within 10th grain often be able to detect single kernels of powder.


The Lee scale, although accurate is not particularly easy to use, it's fiddly to set and not very well damped. A better bet is an RCBS 502/505 or a Redding No 2.

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Another vote for a beam scale, thats as long as its not the lee safety scale or whatever they call it. I love Lee reloading equipment but this item isnt the easiest thing to use so bought a rcbs 502. Excellent scale for the money,easy to zero and gives me confidence in my powder charges. Use along with a lee powder disc measuring system and a powder trickler and the system can be quite quick.

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You most certainly will. :lol:


Things is, I also owned a D'terminator. Is that expensive enough? Personally I wasn't impressed with that!


These days you don't have to spend a fortune on electronics to get something that works perfectly. Another example is the digital calipers that places such as Lidl sell for £7.99 and the people who wail that only Mitutoyo are accurate. They are all better than the person using them and a cheap beam scale just gives a way of verifying when needed.

Maybe loading for centrefire rifle is different but these are fine for shotgun presses which shouldn't vary much once set up anyway.


Each to their own but this works well for me.

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thanks for all your views on this, looks like i will be upgrading to a better quality balance scale, apart from about £12 can you tell me the difference between the rcbs 502 and the 505?, again i say thanks


All the common RCBS range of scales use exactly the same floating agate bearing/knife edge set-up so none is more accurate than the other, the accuracy of the502 at the bottom of the range and the 10/10 at the top of the range are exactly the same (apart from the £100 price difference).


The only difference between the 502 and the 505 is the poise system for setting the 10th of grains. If you do a google search of pictures you will see the difference.

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