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Is this the reaction of a grown-up religion?


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All of the Crusades.

The Troubles in Ireland

Rwanda 1994

Boznia-Herzegovina (and by extension Kosovo)

The Ivory Coast civil wars


East Timor civil war

Sri Lankan civil war

Current Iraqi civil war

Hezbollah vs. Israel

Syria vs. Israel

Kashmir civil war

Chechnya civil war


Thirty Years War


and god is are saviour !!

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Islam, judaism, caththththtoolosism, its all a load of rubbish. Our religion is better than yours!!! What they all seem to be missing, is the fact they are all wrong. Its all made up garbage. The only one that seems to be peaceful is the baldies. (monks, bald heads, robes.... just cant think of the name, mental block). They dont seem religious, just very "in tune" with the world. Im sorry, but religion is just gangs. Your gang is pants, ours has bigger beards....etc...etc... How can you be offended by someone saying things about what you believe? Im offended by their beards, and terrible pyjamas, but i wouldnt go and burn the Pakistani embassy to the ground. Bob Marley!! Now there is a religious bloke. Why not follow in his footsteps. He loved a bit of religion, and all it made him do was chill out, write bangin tunes and smoke pot. Islam is a bit too loud for me. Im not one for all that noise, and burning flags in the street. Who wants to go to church five times a day? Whats that all about?? Get over it. Who are the other blokes??? Turbans an all that gear. They seem alright as well. Im far too busy with what goes on in my house to mess about with screaming muslims.

In the words of Bob.............................."One Love!" :good:



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enlighten me please


For a start, you could say that a war over Oil is religious - if the two countries are of different beliefs, but that doesn't make it a war against religions (don't get me wrong, I'm sure each country would enjoy killing a few people also because of their differing beliefs). However to be deemed a war that's based on religion, there's a classification for that.

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read the lyrics on the vids




For a start, you could say that a war over Oil is religious - if the two countries are of different beliefs, but that doesn't make it a war against religions (don't get me wrong, I'm sure each country would enjoy killing a few people also because of their differing beliefs). However to be deemed a war that's based on religion, there's a classification for that.

look up the word infidel


and the words in this



Edited by pigeon pete
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Islam, judaism, caththththtoolosism, its all a load of rubbish. Our religion is better than yours!!! .......

In the words of Bob.............................."One Love!" :good:(Check out the Bible MM, Mt. 22:35-40)

Kind of agree - the only religion I have any respect at all for is Buddhism. They don't try to criticise all of the other religions or cause any wars.


Gentlemen, please take this, its a bit less broad than yours but its a start........


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Religion should be a personal choice, not one you are forced into or one you force upon others. I personally think men with pony tails are ridiculous and should be stoned. I dont force that on anyone, although if my daughter dated one I would slap him. Its about the tolerant meeting the intolerable and vice versa.

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Sad to see such ignorance held up as knowledge.........


I'm pretty certain Christianity (Old testament) condones most of those beliefs.


One min, I'll dig up some passages for you.


Basically, here's my virgin daughter, rape her, but let me be. Judges 19:23-29 Basically a reference to the syncretism that both the divided kingdom of Judah and Israel would eventually sink to that is why the concubine was divided into twelve (twelve tribes of Israel).




Believers of other religions will be 'doomed' (Exodus 22:19 NAB) You should always check the websites you copy and paste from, the quote is wrong and should be 22:20 and again is wrong as it only applies to Israel and again syncretism and not believers of other religions.




Kill non believers (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB) Again relates to Israel and syncretism.




If you sin, God will kill your children. (Leviticus 26:21-22 NLT) Not to do with sin, can you guess whats coming...... yeah syncretism and I suppose disobedience, if I was to go a little further it also seems to have a future echo to the exile.


PPS - Just a quick note, either don`t switch between translations or don`t copy and paste from rubbish websites :good:

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