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absolutely top 3 days


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Myself and Alan had made plans to go fox shooting to a couple of farms. One farmer had complained that some foxes were worrying the ducks on one of their ponds and the other one had seen 6 or more grubbing about in different fields.


We left my house at 6.00pm and arrived at the first farm about 7.00pm, just before it got dark. The farmer had driven out our shooting platform. A mechanical scissorlift that hoists 50 feet into the air. Brilliant on a dry night. The rain had just started and continued till 10.00pm. No way tonight folks. We drove round a couple of fields and spotted 1 just creeping out of the elephant grass. . I took aim and MISSED. He moved just as I fired. Damn.




We then proceeded to drive round numerous fields, spotting foxes all over the place. None coming into the calls, squeaks etc. Too busy , head down grubbing. We have noticed this for the last 3-4 weeks now. They look up now and again and then head down and quartering like a Springer, Totally ignoring us.


I finally got one who stopped long enough for a shot and then we drove down to the ponds where we had seen one earlier and there he was again. I took that one out and then we drove to Oxfordshire to the next farm.


Arrived about 10.45pm and as usual into the first field on the left and foxy mooching about. Down he went and onwards we drove. We continued driving round the farm for 5 hours, stopping now and again for a munch break. We had a further 5 more foxes and left about 4.00am. Finally got home at just after 5.00am. Top night 8 foxes in the bag.




















Only 3 pics. Ipad battery went flat.





Well after 4 hours kip we were off again for a day on the pigeons we hoped. A wee bit tired but had to be done as probably our last chance for a while of shooting in the sunshine. We spotted a good steady stream of birds hitting a field of wheat stubble and sat and watched for a good while. There was no particular set flight line, more like numerous ones. We set the boys up down the valley beside a wood and then we put out a magnet and a few deeks on top of the hill and then drove to the corner and watched.


We could hear the boys banging away already and after about 20 minutes we set up our hide properly. We started to get a few within minutes and it sounded like World War 3 down the valley. After about an hour or so we was joined by a mate who had been down to oxford to buy a beretta 391 from a PW member, that I had been negotiating with.


Thanks Electorn he is chuffed to bits with it. He rang and asked me could he come and christen it and joined me in the hide. We shot steady all day and ended up with 65 and a magpie, BUT we knew the boys had done better than us.


We picked up and drove down to see how they had done. 194 pigeons , a Jay and 2 of the BIGGEST grins you could imagine. 259 pigeons between us.



Munty - my mate




























Only 170 on this pic as the other chap had driven off with 80+ in his truck. didn't realise we wanted piccies. He's sacked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



We were all picking up the birds and packing away, thinking we were finished and then a huge flock of geese came circling over the wood and trying to land in the field. Then another flock, and another flock. My god, there were hundreds flying over us and we all ran to reload the guns. We dropped 7 geese and they just kept coming. Skein after skein. Then to top that we had a dozen or so ducks flighting round and round the field at the same time.




We saw them eventually disappear into the distance and drop onto one of our farms which has a couple of ponds. Even though it was now 6.30pm we decided to nip over for a look. We drove onto a stubble field and there they were.






One jeep drove down the motorway into another field and I drove to the far end of the field they were feeding on. We got out of our jeeps and walked towards them from 2 directions. Unfortunately they took flight before me and one of the boys got there. Alan had an unbelievable "double-decker". Flock was mega high but he dropped them both and then the flock kited down straight over the other lad who got one too.







We walked up to the pond and managed 2 ducks before it got dark.

Phewwwww. - What a top day.




After looking at the forecast for a mega wet day, I was not really looking forward to going out. We met up about 10.00am and drove round a fair few farms and saw nothing. About 12.00 o'clock it started to chuck it down so we decided to have an hour in the barns for the blackies. yes right!!!!!!!!! normally hundreds there. Just a handful.


We shot 1. say no more lol


You gotta take the rough with the smooth. *****Y Rain.


A nice puff pastry pigeon pie for dinner, with extras of course. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm




We had a fantastic weekend . Farmers happy with the bag we got and my mate crowing on about his cracking purchase and truly christened it in.


259 x Pigeons

1 x magpie

1 x very rare Jay

10 x Geese

2 x ducks

1 x rook


thanks for reading folks if you have got this far.


Now the dreaded autumn. yukkkkkkkkk




Dave K

Edited by Topgunners
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Well done Lads, you managed to get amongst them and had a great week end . as you say it will soon be autumn and they will be spread over the oak trees in the Forest of Arden, but thats pigeon shooting. Well done again.


Cheers all , and bob. just waiting for the invite. lol :innocent:


Dave K

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