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Lamping with old eyes

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Out last night with the lamp using a red filter, my younger companion was able to spot rabbits easily in the red light but i could not see the reflections cleary enough to shoot. My vision is good but my question is : does the human eye lose its capacity to distinguish images in infra red light as you get older. Had to resort to white light which spooked the bunnies.

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Yes as above, Its so annoying sometimes when my lamper keeps saying,


"its there" ----


"in the middle of the beam" -------


"next to that bit of thistle stickin up"


"are you blind ???"





No but you wil be in a minute,


i think he has twigged now though. It is to do with the angle of reflection off the quarry's eye it catches whats called the "tapetum lucidum" its this that causes the eyes to seem to glow in the dark. But stragely enough we humans done have them, hence its difficult to understand why in the past there have been story's of lampers at night falsly shooting people thinking they were valid quarry as there eyes would not have litt up as we say.


There you go, see i did learn something in bioligy..

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its still worth getting your eyes tested, mine are fine for day to day things but I think sitting behind a pc doesn't help, had them tested because like you I was struggling under the lamp. Now have glasses for lamping and jobs a goodun not quite what I said when the why do you think you need them question got asked but hey ho didn't think the lack of ability to see rabbits at range would go down well :lol:

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its still worth getting your eyes tested, mine are fine for day to day things but I think sitting behind a pc doesn't help, had them tested because like you I was struggling under the lamp. Now have glasses for lamping and jobs a goodun not quite what I said when the why do you think you need them question got asked but hey ho didn't think the lack of ability to see rabbits at range would go down well :lol:


Did they come with filters as an optional extra?

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