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Raw Feeding - the basics.


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Fantastic post. I feed raw now but ive learnt a trick or two from your post, especially all the supplements to add to help with certain conditions. I'm going to try that apple cider vinegar in the fresh water daily for a start!


Just remember that if you give fish body oils (FBO) of any kind, to alternate days and give Vit E. FBO depletes Vit. E so it is needed. Thats something I missed out.

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there is the suggestion if it is that great why do you need that many additives, there is a bandwagon that suggests that all manufactured food is rubbish and bad for dogs, yet most who feed it find that their dogs are healthier and living longer than ever. Quite a lot of the cracpot links that people produce on these kind of threads are written by complete nutters. When you work your dog pretty hard as some of us do then you notice if it is lacking stamina and has a food issue and personally I've never found it limiting yet,

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there is the suggestion if it is that great why do you need that many additives, there is a bandwagon that suggests that all manufactured food is rubbish and bad for dogs, yet most who feed it find that their dogs are healthier and living longer than ever. Quite a lot of the cracpot links that people produce on these kind of threads are written by complete nutters. When you work your dog pretty hard as some of us do then you notice if it is lacking stamina and has a food issue and personally I've never found it limiting yet,


Yes but you don't need to supplement, the only additive that I give my dogs is garlic to help repel against fleas and ticks. I don't think, nor said that commercial foods were bad for dogs or rubbish. If you had read it properly you would've seen that. I used the word "some". Does not mean all. In fact there are some very brilliant commercial foods out there. But I prefer to feed raw because it's cheaper for me and I find it ideal for my dogs. I don't completely understand your post.. Are you saying the guide is rubbish, that I'm a complete nutter? Because that is very rude if you are. You don't have to feed raw, nor does this shove it down your throat. If you read I have said that I don't think dogs should be switched diet if they are completely fine on the one they are on at the moment.

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All what you've written makes something that is a complete piece of **** to do sound complicated & to be honest I think it's a whole load of guff that I suspect is on the whole plagurised. Is that constructive enough for you?

Edited by PERCE
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well i,ve still not started on RAW yet , but after reading all this , it looks like a lot of faffing.

i thought it was supposed to be simple.

dont get me wrong it all reads well and make sense , so thanks for posting , but i just feel confused.


PERCE - i,m interested in the simple/laymans version if you,d like to post it up


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the simple is just feed meat and bones


the alternative is stick with a decent feed that you are using at the moment. My reservation would be working a dog on it, the energy isn't easily released its suited to a feed and let them sleep and digest it routine. However if you need a dog to work all day I find a small feed a couple of hours before and topping up with a small amount at lunch works, you only have to look at the issues of gundogs collapsing with food related issues and running out of energy on shoot days to realise you have to get the feeding right to work them hard. If you have a spaniel and do work it then its particularly an issue.

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Feeding RAW is simple, whilst ETO's "cut and paste" is interesting, it is not a set of cast iron rules that have to be followed.

I have fed RAW for 30 odd years to a succession of very healthy working dogs and never added any vitamin supplements, oils, tablets, or the like.

My message is , don't forget the minced fruit and vegetables.

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Feeding RAW is simple, whilst ETO's "cut and paste" is interesting, it is not a set of cast iron rules that have to be followed.

I have fed RAW for 30 odd years to a succession of very healthy working dogs and never added any vitamin supplements, oils, tablets, or the like.

My message is , don't forget the minced fruit and vegetables.


How dare you call it a cut and paste. I wrote this myself! It has MY dogs, MY experience and MY research in it.

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I buy economy mince meat or chicken portions from Iceland (I'm not a Mum) I then split them in @500g portions and refreeze in separate bags.


My dog has half his rda of Gusto dry kibble in the morning (sometimes with an egg in the shell) and I remove a freezer bag to defrost during the day. In the evening he has the defrosted meat and family scraps from the day.


He has no health issues and seems to be doing fine on it. :yes:


Ps; I thought garlic was harmful to dogs. :hmm:

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Garlic is only poisonous when used in copious amounts. And no. My work isn't plagurised. And I would appreciate it if you didn't accuse me of copying and pasting.

And there is a hell of a lot more to raw feeding than just mince and bones. If you were going to do that you might as well go back to feeding commercial.


Well, at least I know MY work is appreciated elsewhere. Just goes to prove why people don't venture into the shooting worlds often. Well done guys - way to show new people how lovely you are. Accuse them that something they have written isn't theirs. And tbh if you'd had researched more than "just meat and bones" you'd know it was no where else..

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PERCE - i,m interested in the simple/laymans version if you,d like to post it up



Start point for a dog would be 3% of it's bodyweight per day, I'd go with that for a month or so to work out where you need to be them, it does vary for each dog & how much graft they do. You can tell by eye if a dog looks right. I feed my dogs twice a day.

I think I weighed food for the first week & after that it seemed to much hassle, I just guess how much they get but my tripe does come in 1lb bags so that makes it easier.

My main food is green tripe, I buy this at 35p per lb, I also buy beef lights from the same source.

I buy chicken carcasses at the same price from my butcher. He gives me lamb breasts for free which includes a fair amount of meat.

I used to feed a fair bit of rabbit but I haven't enough ground to make it viable, buying the chicken was cheaper, so i just shoot them for training now.

The only fruit / veg I give is pulped, it's little more than the peelings from the sunday dinner & anything on short life in the fruit bowl. I usually put eggs in this mix. (No onion or potato)


I've been feeding like this for approx 3 years now, my adult dogs work on shoots regularly from August until the end of January. I've also raised pups on this diet.

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