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New member saying hi !!


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Hi everyone :-)

I've just joined your forum after hearing good things about it on the airgun forum that I'm a member of

I love shooting my air rifle ( BSA R10) and have several permissions around Bradford where I live

But I enjoy ferreting much more than any other field sport

I love being out in any weather with my 2 mates mick and tony with the ferrets and bolting a few rabbits

I also like going fishing with my youngest son, Tom

Well that's it from me for now and I look forward to sharing my experiences with some like minded people over on this forum

Thanks and all the best, Bryan

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Thanks for the replies lads :-)

I joined the B B S and didn't get any replies to my newcomer post

Are any members on here also members of the airgun forum ?


Hiya Bunnyblatter and welcome to the forum. :welcomeani: Where are you from?

I'm also on the BBS, have been for some time. Good bit of banter on both sites and a good source of info. I shoot HFT at Rochford AGC, bunnies with a rimfire and pigeons with me shottie. Having taken early retirement I'm living life as I want to not as some other bxxxxr wants me to. Can't beat it.



Edited by Uncle Albert
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I'm a bit of a way off retirement yet Dave

I'm 39 and live in Bradford

I'll get round to filling in my details once I'm off of nights

I am thinking of getting shut of my R10 and getting a rapid mk2 so I think the wanted section may be a good idea that someone has posted about

I'm hoping to get out on Sunday for a bit more ferreting i'll post the results if I end up going

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