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I can't beleive the PW Daily Mail brigade missed this one!


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A lot of the farmers and rural businesses in this area (East Anglia) employ Poles possibly because they're cheap but also because they reckon they're the hardest working of all incomers. Pretty friendly bunch they are too. The only Romainians and Bulgarians we meet appear much more ***** like, shifty, lazy untrustworthy etc.

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ban the lot I say, close the doors, flog em, hang em, birch em and burn em


but then I would wouldn’t I


Gengis pavman,


the voice of reason and the working man who likes to speak to fellow Brits at call centres & help lines and not pay tax to keep shifty jonnie foreigner in the lap of luxury whilst dear old English ladies who’s husbands fought for my liberty die of cold each year for want of a state hand out so eagerly extended to all ethnics who happy across the promised land :good:

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We had a few thousand poles move into our town. Been nothing but trouble since the start. It used to be a nice queit town to go out for a drink to. Not many go out anymore due to the amount of poles roaming the streets starting fights everynight. Theyve also opened up 2 brothels in town (Not that I would know, but by word of mouth) :good: Crime levels have also risen since they have moved into (Sexual assualt claims mostly)



What was a nice country town in mid-wales has now degraded into the place it is tonight.


In no way am I speaking about the whole of the polish people who have moved to britain, only the handful of troublemakers we got stuck with.



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poles themselves are not a bad lot! however I spent sone time out in krackow earlier this year, and I remarked to a local that that it was a nice place very friendly and that apart from a couple of very nice street girls I had encountered no crime, her reply did knock me back a bit as she said (fact verbatim true as)

street crime in krackow is well down as the criminals are all in the UK?

cheers KW from a nice and hot sunny spain.

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I have said it before, but round our way if get served in a restaurant or a br by anyone other than a Pole it is a very rare occurrence. The building trade would probably collapse without them in the South, and there are known to be very hard working - whether that changes once they get comfortable or not remains to be seen.


Oh, and the lap dancing bars have benefited from their presence no end, or so I am told :look: :good::whistling:

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:good::good::good::good: i fear your all too late boys, now i know this geezer who tends to eliminate these problems, goes by the name G.W. Bush , lives just down the road from me, for a couple of pints of Stella i could drop a line or two telling im ow Tony Bliar thinks he's a southern poofter an-all, that should start the invasion, then all you guys have to do is point in the right direction, our American cousins arent realy know for their prowess in geograhphy, even in little ol England that land of hope and glory :drool::D


say the word ................................................... sic em George









Martin and ex-pat who flew the coupe <--sp/c

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