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Confirmed WH Smith have believed Animal Aid and implemented ban


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I sent her an email;


Kate Swann,


As a previous customer of WHSmiths, I am shocked and thoroughly disappointed at the decision to place an age restriction on the sale of shooting magazines. I find it ridiculous and almost childish that you should ban under 14’s from buying such publications even though they may apply for and be granted a license for ownership and use of a shotgun or firearm! I cannot see how this ban can be justified, and I point out to you that I believe that if you are to ban sales of this type of publication then you should also ban the sales of car magazines to under 17’s. There are over 1 Million shooters in this country, all with many friends and family, and it is in my opinion that if each one of the 1 Million shooters, their friends and their family each stopped buying not only shooting publications but all products from WHSmiths your pockets would empty considerably.


If this ban was aimed at another group, it would be labelled racism or discrimination and the nation would be up in arms against your company. I implore you to retract this policy with the upmost urgency.




Cant Hit Rabbits 123, Ex customer.

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Could BASC not do a campaign to counter this decision? Maybe handing out leaflets like the antis do? We shooters need to be more poactive and stop being complacent, as this unfortunate event demonstrates.


If they get enough complaints, they will listen.


Also, why not leave a message on their facebook page, for those of us who have facebook?



Edited by Reece
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Dear Kate,


As a long standing customer of W H Smith I was disappointed to learn from the Telegraph today that the decision has been taken to restrict the sale of magazines related to shooting sports to those aged 14 years or over.


I was in the audience when the British world record holder Peter Wilson won the Double Trap Olympic shooting gold medal. His victory was a great moment both for Peter and his family, as well as the country as a whole. For W H Smith to decide that an Olympic sport, one in which we are world leaders, is worthy of censorship is irrational beyond belief. I certainly have yet to see any running magazines having age restrictions placed upon them.


The rationale behind the decision was apparently based upon an erroneous belief that those under the age of 14 are restricted from owning or using a gun for sporting purposes. It is in fact the case that there is no age limit for obtaining a shotgun certificate (a large part of the content of the magazines that have been age restricted relates to the use of shotguns). It is also the case that whilst the age limit for acquiring a firearms certificate (required for the possession and purchase of certain rifles and high-capacity shotguns) there are a number of circumstances in which those aged under 14 can legally be involved in rifle sports.


The pressure placed on W H Smith to introduce this restriction almost certainly came from a very small number of vocal activists who erroneously connect shooting sports with violence. They are in a tiny minority, they are however well resourced. This allows them to create the impression that there is much greater support for their activities than there is.


In implementing this restriction W H Smith has also created a situation that requires purchasers of such magazines to wait for 'store approval' approval before the purchase can be completed at a self-service till. This serves only to unfairly vilify those who chose to purchase these titles.


Accordingly I hope you are able to see sense and reverse the implementation of this policy; I will not be spending any money in W H Smith until this is the case. I will also be recommending to friends and family that they adopt the same stance.


Given the effort you have expended in turning around the fortunes of W H Smith in the last nine years it would be a shame for the end of your tenure to be marred by alienating a large number of your customer base off the back of a decision made to appease a few radically minded individuals.

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It is also the case that whilst the age limit for acquiring a firearms certificate (required for the possession and purchase of certain rifles and high-capacity shotguns) there are a number of circumstances in which those aged under 14 can legally be involved in rifle sports.


Should read:


It is also the case that whilst the age limit for acquiring a firearms certificate (required for the possession and purchase of certain rifles and high-capacity shotguns) is 14, there are a number of circumstances in which those aged under 14 can legally be involved in rifle sports.


I must remember to proof read!

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Email Sent:- ( with thanks to guest1957 - I rewrote it a bit to suit us a bit better !!! )


Dear Mrs Swann,


As a long standing customer of W H Smith I was disappointed to read in the Telegraph today that the decision has been taken to restrict the sale of magazines related to shooting sports to those aged 14 years or over.


The rationale behind the decision was apparently based upon an erroneous interpretation of this countries Firearms Acts. As I am sure has been pointed out to you by now, there is no lower age limit for obtaining a shotgun certificate. Given that the vast majority of the content of the magazines you have restricted pertains to the use of Shotguns, it is hard to see how you can justify an age related restriction.


It is also the case that whilst there is an age limit for acquiring a firearms certificate (required for the possession and purchase of certain rifles and high-capacity shotguns) there are a number of circumstances in which those aged under 14 can legally be involved in rifle sports.


The pressure placed on W H Smith to introduce this restriction almost certainly came from a very small number of vocal activists who erroneously connect shooting sports with violence. They are in a tiny minority, they are however well resourced and seem particularly adept at using emotive language for their own ends. This allows them to create the impression that there is much greater support for their activities than there is.


On a purely personal level, I find the way that this restriction has been implemented to be rather silly. As a physically disabled person, I can no longer ask my grandchildren to go into W H Smith to purchase Shooting Times etc, when we are "out and about", until such time as they are significantly older! Thanks for that! You may also be interested to know that there are a significant number of disabled people involved in the shooting sports.


Accordingly I hope you are able to see sense and reverse the implementation of this policy; I will not be spending any more money in W H Smith until this is the case. I will also be recommending to friends and family that they adopt the same stance. You may be interested to know that my family is relatively large - for example, my wife is one of eight, and we have many nieces and nephews of many ages.


As a businessman myself, I admire the effort and commitment you have expended in turning the fortunes of the company around in the last nine or so years. I do feel, however that a decision like this, based on such an obviously erroneous understanding of the countries laws, is not something I would want to be remembered for. I am very surprised that you did not take better advice on the underlying issues.



Edited by FarmerSim
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Email Sent:- ( with thanks to guest1957 - I rewrote it a bit to suit us a bit better !!! )


Dear Mrs Swann,


As a long standing customer of W H Smith I was disappointed to read in the Telegraph today that the decision has been taken to restrict the sale of magazines related to shooting sports to those aged 14 years or over.


The rationale behind the decision was apparently based upon an erroneous interpretation of this countries Firearms Acts. As I am sure has been pointed out to you by now, there is no lower age limit for obtaining a shotgun certificate. Given that the vast majority of the content of the magazines you have restricted pertains to the use of Shotguns, it is hard to see how you can justify an age related restriction.


It is also the case that whilst there is an age limit for acquiring a firearms certificate (required for the possession and purchase of certain rifles and high-capacity shotguns) there are a number of circumstances in which those aged under 14 can legally be involved in rifle sports.


The pressure placed on W H Smith to introduce this restriction almost certainly came from a very small number of vocal activists who erroneously connect shooting sports with violence. They are in a tiny minority, they are however well resourced and seem particularly adept at using emotive language for their own ends. This allows them to create the impression that there is much greater support for their activities than there is.


On a purely personal level, I find the way that this restriction has been implemented to be rather silly. As a physically disabled person, I can no longer ask my grandchildren to go into W H Smith to purchase Shooting Times etc, when we are "out and about", until such time as they are significantly older! Thanks for that! You may also be interested to know that there are a significant number of disabled people involved in the shooting sports.


Accordingly I hope you are able to see sense and reverse the implementation of this policy; I will not be spending any more money in W H Smith until this is the case. I will also be recommending to friends and family that they adopt the same stance. You may be interested to know that my family is relatively large - for example, my wife is one of eight, and we have many nieces and nephews of many ages.


As a businessman myself, I admire the effort and commitment you have expended in turning the fortunes of the company around in the last nine or so years. I do feel, however that a decision like this, based on such an obviously erroneous understanding of the countries laws, is not something I would want to be remembered for. I am very surprised that you did not take better advice on the underlying issues.





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Drafting my email at the moment at present looks like this





I hear and see from various sources that your company has decided to restrict the sale of shooting related magazines to over 14's because you say one must be over 14 to obtain a shotgun certificate. This is incorrect as their is no minimum age to obtain a certificate, yes there are restrictions on them buying shotguns and cartridges.


Does this mean you are going to ban / restrict the selling of certain newspapers and other magazines to under 14's as well because of there content which they can openly buy without any questions being asked, I doubt that you will. Yet you are restrictring shooting magazines which is an olympic sport and one which the UK did well in. These magazines have valued content in them, which can help with getting on in the sport including advice on how to do things safely / correctly and encourage all age groups including under 14's to participate in this legal sport.


Having a shotgun certificate as a youngster can and does encourage responsibility in them, because if they step out of line they can loose their certificates as a result. More should be to encourage people into the sport especially youngsters and perhaps as a result we will have more olympic contenders in the future.


I also do not see why I should go through one of your self check out tills, and have to wait for the sale to be authorised, making it look like I am buying an adult content magazine. As a result of this I will no longer be no longer spending any money in your stores and will encourage others to do the same.



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Drafting my email at the moment at present looks like this





I hear and see from various sources that your company has decided to restrict the sale of shooting related magazines to over 14's because you say one must be over 14 to obtain a shotgun certificate. This is incorrect as their is no minimum age to obtain a certificate, yes there are restrictions on them buying shotguns and cartridges.


Does this mean you are going to ban / restrict the selling of certain newspapers and other magazines to under 14's as well because of there content which they can openly buy without any questions being asked, I doubt that you will. Yet you are restrictring shooting magazines which is an olympic sport and one which the UK did well in. These magazines have valued content in them, which can help with getting on in the sport including advice on how to do things safely / correctly and encourage all age groups including under 14's to participate in this legal sport.


Having a shotgun certificate as a youngster can and does encourage responsibility in them, because if they step out of line they can loose their certificates as a result. More should be to encourage people into the sport especially youngsters and perhaps as a result we will have more olympic contenders in the future.


I also do not see why I should go through one of your self check out tills, and have to wait for the sale to be authorised, making it look like I am buying an adult content magazine. As a result of this I will no longer be no longer spending any money in your stores and will encourage others to do the same.




I don't want to be pedantic but just double check your use of their/there in paragraphs 1 and 2. Otherwise great :good:

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Guest cookoff013

just a quick question,

how is a 14yr old, going to convince whsmith they are 14? i couldnt convince my local pub at 18 ! even with a provisional driving licence.


would wh smith like to recieve a letter of a 14yr old who was refused a magazine because he couldnt prove his age? think of the £ they are missing out

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Drafting my email at the moment at present looks like this





I hear and see from various sources that your company has decided to restrict the sale of shooting related magazines to over 14's because you say one must be over 14 to obtain a shotgun certificate. This is incorrect as their is no minimum age to obtain a certificate, yes there are restrictions on them buying shotguns and cartridges.


Does this mean you are going to ban / restrict the selling of certain newspapers and other magazines to under 14's as well because of there content which they can openly buy without any questions being asked, I doubt that you will. Yet you are restrictring shooting magazines which is an olympic sport and one which the UK did well in. These magazines have valued content in them, which can help with getting on in the sport including advice on how to do things safely / correctly and encourage all age groups including under 14's to participate in this legal sport.


Having a shotgun certificate as a youngster can and does encourage responsibility in them, because if they step out of line they can loose their certificates as a result. More should be to encourage people into the sport especially youngsters and perhaps as a result we will have more olympic contenders in the future.


I also do not see why I should go through one of your self check out tills, and have to wait for the sale to be authorised, making it look like I am buying an adult content magazine. As a result of this I will no longer be no longer spending any money in your stores and will encourage others to do the same.




I've highlighted any errors in bold. The sentence I've highlighted near the end of the email looks like something is missing.

Edited by Reece
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Great Letters. Keep them coming, and please circulate to your contacts with a request to write as well..A brief for those who wish to write - including points to make in your own letter will go up on the BASC website tomorrow.




What points will this brief include?



Some good points to do something with, just in case BASC have missed anything:


Shooting is a perfectly legitmiate sport which provides immense conservation and economic benefit, and teaches discipline.


There is no age restriction for shooting, but there is for other activities, such as driving.


Children are vulnerable to bad influences, but shooting magazines are not one of them.


Shooting magazines do not harm children, but others can do, such as those including airbrushed images of celebrities, which promote disorders such as anorexia as a result of body image concerns.


Animal rights activists have no moral authority whatsoever over other people's children.


Restricting the sale of a magazine because you disagree with its contents is censorship, no matter how you try to justify it. Britain is supposed to be a democratic country with a free press.


Meat is considered acceptable, so why not shooting?


Shooting magazines focus on a clean kill, which, from an animal welfare perspective, is better than shooters learning through trial and error.


The animal rights activists responsible are a small but vocal minority, who are able to make it look like they have more support than they actually do.


The decision is yet another case of political correctness gone mad.


Shooting is an olympic sport which Britain has done very well in this year.


It is an attempt to marginalise a law abiding community, just because some people see it as their right to impose their idea of morality upon others.


Shooting is a much more ethical, humane, locally sourced and environmentally friendly method of obtaining food than eating meat bought in shops, much of which is imported from other countries which have low animal welfare standards.





Also, could people please send in letters to newspapers to promote our side of the argument, and to encourage others, maybe even non shooters, to boycott WHSmith's. That way we get our argument across to the general public. As powerful as BASC is, individuals need to act as well if we are to fight off this threat. We cannot just rely on BASC et al to do all the work

Edited by Reece
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To be honest I think Shooting Times and the rest should pull their mags off the shelves of W H Smith, people who want them will still buy them and perhaps it may help some of the smaller local independent news agents.


What gives W H Smith the right to decide on these matters anyway, will they stop selling fags to people under 60 soon?

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I've pasted below the correspondence between BASC and WH Smith from last Friday. This was initiated when I called them to confirm that they had a policy on shooting titles. Their letter to me appears to be have been recycled because they assume that I am a publisher who sells my magazines through their stores.

We've put up a new key issue on this on the BASC website - www.basc.org.uk . It gives tips on what to write and the email addresses of the CEO and Chairman.

Your support in writing and getting your contacts to write is much appreciated.


12 October 2012


Christopher Graffius

Director of Communications


Marford Mill





Dear Christopher


Thank you for your recent communication on shooting magazines.


WH Smith sells a range titles in the shooting category, some of which are

supplied by you. Many of our customers demand these titles and we will

continue to sell them as long as they are commercially viable and you are

continuing to offer them to us. We currently place no restriction on where

these products are positioned in store, provided the covers continue to be

such that they do not show any acts of gratuitous violence or aggression

that could cause serious offense or upset, however we have a till prompt

which asks our store colleagues to check the customers are 14 years old,

(being the legal age for obtaining a firearm). We have historically had this

till prompt in stores, so this is not something new, although this has

recently been reminded to stores as part of a more general refresher

communication on till procedures. I am not aware of any customers having

being refused the title and I can confirm that our sales have not been

impacted since this recent refresher communication has happened. As a

family oriented retailer we have a framework of procedures in place on a

number of product categories which help us to protect both our brand and

act in the best interests of all our customers. We have recently received a

significant number of letters requesting us to move your product to the top

shelf and limit their sale to 18 years old or over, however I have no plans to

take such measures at the current time, although we of course reserve the

right to continue to review all such practices in response to all customer



I would like to reiterate that our position on your titles has not changed

recently and I support the continued sale of the shooting category within

WH Smith.


I hope this clarifies our position.

Kind regards


Toby Keir


Toby Keir

Business Unit Director

Group News and Impulse

WH Smith Travel Ltd.

180, Wardour Stret



Dear Toby


Sale of Shooting Magazines


Thank you for your letter of the 12th October.


I presume that the “significant number of letters” you refer to came from supporters of Animal Aid, an extremist and rather small animal rights group. I would be sorry to hear that they had influenced your decision on till procedures.


There are two issues at stake. The first is the offence caused to customers, for whom shooting sports are a passion, who are stopped at an automated till when they attempt to scan a shooting title. While WH Smith may consider this routine the customer feels he has been singled out because of his sport. It doesn’t improve his view of WH Smith and he resents it. I have received letters and emails from BASC members that illustrate the point.


Secondly, there is your arbitrary cut off point of 14 years. You are wrong in saying that it is “the legal age for obtaining a firearm”. There are a range of age limits in firearms law and fourteen isn’t one of them, except as the age when you can shoot live quarry on land with an airgun, where you have permission, without adult supervision. You can “obtain” a firearm at any age under fourteen with supervision. We have many Young Shot members below that age and this will also go for children at schools which have shooting clubs and in the cadet corps and the scouts. Children below the age of fourteen participate in the beating line on game shoots and go wildfowling or pigeon shooting with their families.


I can’t help wondering if WH Smith’s policy is a response to pressure or the making of value judgements about firearms or live quarry shooting? Shooting is the sport of a million people in the UK, BASC is the UK’s largest shooting organisation, I would be loath to trouble you with the customer feedback you would receive from them, so I would be grateful if you could confirm to me that your policy has been changed and the till prompt removed.


It’s ironic that I’m just back in the office from three party conferences where front bench spokesmen and government ministers from all three major parties sang the praises of shooting sports for the sense of responsibility and discipline that they inculcate in the children who take them up. Yet here is WH Smith trying to keep the magazines that encourage that approach out of children’s hands.


Yours sincerely,


Christopher Graffius

Director of Communications

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