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Its ******* texts you retard (unless you mean testes)!!!


Watching reality TV and can't stand the maiming of the English language. When is the scum society going to die out?


Could we get them on the general licence like feral pigeons?

Edited by 955i
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This wasn't on Jeremy kyle earlier today was it? The usual bunch of never-done-a-day's-work tools were on there, and some ugly no-tooth bint kept saying "Texes"... Had to switch it off quick smart!


Yup, that was herself and Gixer, apologies for the spelling mistake

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Its ******* texts you retard (unless you mean testes)!!!


Watching reality TV and can't stand the maiming of the English language. When is the scum society going to die out?


Could we get them on the general licence like feral pigeons?


No offence, but you missed the apostrophe for omission in the first contraction. It should be it's, not its.


Just saying :)

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Being happy at work counts above almost every other choice we make in life in my opinion. You spend a lot of time at work - if you hate it then you're wasting a pretty big chunk of your life! I spend more awake hours with my boss than I do my girlfriend. When you look at it like that it makes you wonder how some people put up with stressful days just because the pay is good? Or in your case it wasn't!

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