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Gundogs on Bonfire Night


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Well the best advert for a gundog, mine spent best part of an hour in the garden, loving the fireworks going off around him, thought he was on a pheasant drive, couldn't understand nothing to pick up,

Shame most other dogs cowering away from noise, maybe they all should get them trained and then not have to worry in future!!!!

Edited by coptleigh
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my terrier, who was introduced to guns at 10 weeks, has no problem with shoots or being in a hide with me.. he is happy up close and personal at a clay shoot and spent last night at the patio doors of my in laws wathching the display with the kids wagging his tail... everyone was complimenting him on how good he was etc.. we then walked home through whta sounded like beirut.. and apart from him bein slightly on edge, no dramas..


The house behind us were having a fireworks display with, imho, fireworks waaay to big for a small houseing estate back garden.. the windows were shaking! so, dog was starting to look a bit uncomfortable so took him in my office and turned the music up and he was fine... 30 mins later he was asking to go for a pee and there had been little activity for 15 mins so took him in the back garden.. just as we got out there they let a rediculous rocket off... I crapped my self just with the woosh and the explosion was totally crazy for the location!


Dog panicked.. tried to run through the gate and hurt himself in the process and then started running round the garden looking for somewhere to hide.. got him in and then had a completely traumatised pup who shook al night..... I hope the experience won't make him gun shy!


I'm all for fireworks, love em myself but people really should realise that what's appropriate for a public display probably isn't a very good idea in a 10mx10m garden!

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my old dogs loved bonfire night.not sure my new dog is as keen,but it was busy with bangs and flash's last night so told him to sit and stay at the end of the drive while me and the mrs got the shopping out the car and he didn't seem bothered,he watched and listened to them untill i said in,at which he trotted in and went to sleep!

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My bitch JRT was fine no problems at all however I wish I could say the same for the male!!!


He worked himself into such a stooper that he was foaming at the mouth his heart was going like a freight train, started to get really worried at one point and he didn't settle all night. Normally he would get a sedative but as he's been beating and shooting with me this year he seemed to be ok so didn't bother but certainly wish I had now.


I myself enjoy a few whizz bangs but as has been already said a 6" mortar tube and rockets that quite honestly would not look out of place either at NASA or on a battlefield really should not be sold to the general public!


At one point last night the bang and shock wave was that loud it rattled the double glazing.


Really hope they tighten the laws up for next year but I guess they will just get bigger and louder.

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Our cocker, who is a pet and has no working experience whatsoever has never been bothered by fireworks night. We go for our usual walk in the evenings with the bangs and flashes going off all over and he doesn't even look up. Nose to the ground on the trail, has a **** and ****** up every lampost same as always :)


It's just november the 5th to him.

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My spaniel was going nuts running around the garden trying to mark nothing falling from the sky. The collie on the other hand was hiding in a corner curled up in a ball shaking, Im tempted to try introducing her to gun fire slowly to save her getting stressed this time next year.


Worth learning the spaniel to sit to shot as well.


How do you put the faces on here (> ((:

Edited by zeroin
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My current dog an ESS doesn't mind the fireworks. She just ignores them, but was gunshy to the extent of air rifles when I first got her at 18 months old. She would even hide if I pulled Sellotape of a roll. After a year or so she would work a beating line or sit in a hide. A police dog I had though was totally freaked out by them towards the latter end of his life. He was trained to take out a gunman and had flattened a few in training exercises, but reacted differently to fireworks, jumping and barking at the flashes in the sky. The other police dog wasn't bothered by them at all. I remember training him on a property search just as all hell let loose on the stroke of the Millenium and he never even lifted his head or broke his stride. You just never can tell.

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