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"Common Decency"


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I've read right through this, because I simply couldn't believe a landowner, on first name terms, would establish an entire shoot around his neighbour.


Some things just didn't ring true and I couldn't beleive her house had been so overtaken by tree planting - then I found this page: http://www.commondec...=3#TabbedPanels and came to the conclusion this is all fake - click on the photos to enlarge and have a laugh. The woman may be a talented writer and website designer but she needs a lot more lessons in Photoshop :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I've read right through this, because I simply couldn't believe a landowner, on first name terms, would establish an entire shoot around his neighbour.


Some things just didn't ring true and I couldn't beleive her house had been so overtaken by tree planting - then I found this page: http://www.commondec...=3#TabbedPanels and came to the conclusion this is all fake - click on the photos to enlarge and have a laugh. The woman may be a talented writer and website designer but she needs a lot more lessons in Photoshop :lol: :lol: :lol:


Are you referring to the photos titled:


"BEFORE This picture is a visual. It is the photograph on the right minus the trees that were planted for the shoot. If you doubt the veracity of this image, please refer to this old photograph taken before trees were planted for high pheasants."


The ones she points out are a representation of what the house looked like before ?

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I'm just waiting for the 'team visit' and more on the cats.

I think her need for drama has overtaken her 'life'.

Does she live in Monmouth ? Maybe someone knows the shoot in question and we can get some real photos ?

Or maybe I dont really care - having a hard time deciding.



Comparing the two posts above with photos, it seems to me the cottage isnt the same one - is everything fake in this post?

Edited by Kes
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Ok, yes, there's no doubt about it, we've got an anti using a practical grievence which may or may not be fabricated to pursue a political cause. But setting politics aside, if her claims are true the landowner and the shoot have gifted her a platform. I'm afraid many shoots are guilty of taking non-shooting neighbours for granted. There was a similar situation on an estate near me. All properties within the estate were tennented and the shoot pretty much rode roughshod over tenents as if they weren't there. Guns lined up along garden fences, blocked driveways with vehicles and entered gardens with dogs to retrieve birds without a by-your-leave. Tenents knew shooting took place on the estate but under the terms of their leases they wuld have been entitled to "peaceful enjoyment" of their homes. I was born in the country and I've been shooting all my life, but that would **** me off. Such behaviour is a shooting PR disaster. In this case I believe the shoot lost their lease. They had 1500 acres at their disposal, they should have used some intelligence, and lost the "**** them" attitude.

It is hard to know how much in the case under discussion is genuine, but shoots do have a legal duty of care and, as the site claims, a duty under common decency. No one loathes the urbanisation of the countryside more than me, and I've no time at all for misplaced Disneyfied sentimentality of the urban majority who incorrectly refer to the countryside as "our", but before we denounce all detractors as townie antis who should put up and shut up, we should go out of our way to makes sure we don't do their work for them.

Do unto others etc etc and use some common sense.


There we are. Just a reality check. I haven't crossed the floor. Back to fighting the antis.

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Reminds me of a story from many years ago, when a 'townie' bought a lovelly cottage in the country after making his millions in old smokie. Not sure if it is true, but it is said that after hearing of the local claypigeon shoots, he wrote a letter to The Times suggesting that if the constant demise of 'claypigeons' by the continued shooting of this quarry in the countryside continued it would inevitably lead to it's extinction!!


Wisdom is a gift, but some just can't get the wrapper off!

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i reckon a few woodland managers would like to know the shoots secret to such fast tree growth


Depends on the species, the soil, sunlight, local weather, etc. Poplar trees grow very fast anyway. Conifers also grow fairly fast. All trees will grow even faster if they are on the right soil.


But I'm not sure if they would grow as fast on the photos on the website suggest.

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