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Im an I.T Support Analyst :P


Download Ad-Aware and spybot, run these both on the machine and it will clean up any adware and spyware..


Mcaffee is a virus scanner and wont detect spyware



Help an idiot Dazzy and give me a link please :D






Yo Boy . here they are.







Dave K

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That tells us an awful lot about where you spend a lot of your internet time LB :good:


I downloaded this to mend a problem with my PC yesterday, and much as I hate fiddling with things that are working OK, I ran it on the PC's at home as well.


It detects and clears out all manner of old **** left on your PC from old programs etc:



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That tells us an awful lot about where you spend a lot of your internet time LB :good:


I downloaded this to mend a problem with my PC yesterday, and much as I hate fiddling with things that are working OK, I ran it on the PC's at home as well.


It detects and clears out all manner of old **** left on your PC from old programs etc:





:good: stuart just ran this and what a difference top job mate :good:

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I am glad it worked for you boys as well, I am very anti add-on bits and bobs on PC's as I like to keep things nice and simple, but I made an exception for this program.


Would you beleive I got the link from a help desk engineer in India? :good: unfortunately for some of us, they ain't all bad . .

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