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Scouts block sponsorship from Edgar brothers


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As a Scout leader I can tell you that we have some of the most ridiculous red and regulations I have ever come across. I am saddened that the HQ has done this especially after what Edgar Brothers did for that group after they were burgled. The entire thing is a Politically correct farce, they dare not do for fear of treading on some ones toes or upsetting the GCN mother of a beaver scout somewhere in the country.

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The scouts used to come and use our indoor rifle range years ago and the kids absolutely loved it. then it all went a bit PC and somebody in the organisation said no more live .22 only air weapons and the kids themselves were gutted. We used to let them use the club rifles and we paid for the ammo ourselves, then one of the members had a ten shot Anshutz semi auto and that used to come out with some fun targets to finish off the evening.


It wasn't just the kids that enjoyed it, we had a good time too. Some of the dads used to come along. Good positive PR.

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According to their own website, approved activities include; Archery, Clay pigeon shooting, Fencing (sword), Judo, Karate, Laser clay pigeon shooting, Laser guns, Paintball and Shooting.


There, using firearms for target shooting is promoted.


So they promote the skill and discipline learned in using tools derived from weapons but decline to be associated with firearms providers. A clear case of arbitrary hypocrisy.


The only way to deal with people like that is to shine a light on their behaviour and publicise it.

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Sadly like most organisations, the Scouts has been hijacked by those who don't really have the kids' interests at heart, nor the countryside, many of those that volunteer or work for the organisation are businessmen and woman, furthering their own career or packing out their CV.


The good news is my son belongs to a really good group, with good leaders.

Edited by 12boreblue
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This is ridiculous. Don't the Scouts still have a skill at arms badge or something?



I think it was Marksman but yes they did. Probably been replaced by a badge in how to organise an animal rights demonstration. I may be nearly 60 but I can remember when scouts were taught how to snare, skin and cook a rabbit! Fieldcraft I think it was. God it makes me feel old. scouts used to wear a knife on their belt too! All the time, on the bus, at school, walking down the street nobody batted an eyelid. I'm told they can't even have a campfire these days


My friend in America remembers growing up as a boy in Mitchigan when boys would routinely take a .22 rifle to school and they would be stood in the corner of the classroom till home time when they would hunt rabbits on the way home.


Is the world really a better place today? I remember when I was a "parent helper" at a cub camp that my son was at in Faisells Wood in Hertfordshire. I mentioned it in passing to a local character, a very hard man and jailbird who you really wouldn't want to get the wrong side of but I have always got along with. "oh Faisells Wood!" he said " I used to go camping there when I was a kid" and his eyes literally glazed over. For the next few minutes he was back there totally, almost childlike, telling me all about the great times they had and reliving it all. "you know" he said "I still have my scout jumper with all my badges on" when he finished talking I really saw him in a totally different light. something quite vunerable about him, you could see back in time. Sadly, so could he.


For many kids of my generation growing up in the post war years, the scouts were fantastic. It may be hard for people today to understand the influence they had


You cannot always realise the incredibly positive impression that the scouts left on people. The Scouts had their problems with paedos and serial child abuse but they addressed it very vigorously, (and quietly) many years ago and credit to them, ahead of the curve in the light of recent events.

Edited by Vince Green
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