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Technical problem


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Alright, my old laptop died last week and so I got a new laptop running Windows 8. Now here's the funny bit - the "enter" or rather 'line break' function doesn't work. So I type this and when I hit the "enter" button, nothing happens. I thought it was a dodgy button and the laptop was going back, but no - the 'enter' key works fine e.g. in Word or in Google or in Excel. Massive irony over load - after years of berating the likes of Mrs Sweepy and Frenchieboy for their posts of never ending and unbroken text, I am now forced into the ranks of the noformattingmassive.

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Nope, set it up from scratch with UK English. All other functionality works. Just not the enter button on these forum board websites. I just had a go on the Huntinglife and same problem over there. But say Facebook and I can hit the enter button and go line break happy


Don't go there...****** and poachers lol

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Something that might work as a temporary work around until it gets sorted...


Open word or notepad or similar

do a carriage return or whatever "character" is required and COPY it,

Then do CTRL+ V to past it whenever required into other applications.

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Alright, my old laptop died last week and so I got a new laptop running Windows 8. Now here's the funny bit - the "enter" or rather 'line break' function doesn't work. So I type this and when I hit the "enter" button, nothing happens. I thought it was a dodgy button and the laptop was going back, but no - the 'enter' key works fine e.g. in Word or in Google or in Excel. Massive irony over load - after years of berating the likes of Mrs Sweepy and Frenchieboy for their posts of never ending and unbroken text, I am now forced into the ranks of the noformattingmassive.


Mungler if you get nowhere type your posts correctly into Microsoft Word then copy and paste onto here. Have heard that Windows 8 is a bit of a pain, not tried it so don't know first hand.

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