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Cost of pigeon shooting - not happy


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Can anyone else tell me what they think to the extortionate rates that some people are charging to shoot THEIR PERMISSIONS?


I have been looking for land to shoot on now for quite sometime and even knocked on doors showing the farmer that his land is being smashed by pigeons and the reply I keep getting is "we got someone who does that"


So I decided to do some digging to find out who it was and what they charge well imagine my shock when I find out that the chap concerned has in excess of 35,000 acres and charges £2 a cartridge!


I have no aversion to paying for a sport that I enjoy and have done on several occasions with #### from the forums on here but he charges a good rate and is a top lad also had a free day with Bobby Dazzler another top bloke.


My grudge really is when people take on the land as a potential buisness plan and dont do what they are supposed to do which is pest control, denying others the privalage and pleasure in the process and denying the farmer the protection they have requested, Then having the cheek to say I cant cope pigeons everywhere I need help but you will need to pay me!!!!!


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad::sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:

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a farm not to far from me has around 30 shooters, that all pay a yearly fee, to be able to go where ever they want on the land and shoot, its £100 a year per person, not a bad income for the farmer, and he gets crop protection, I always swore blind I'd never pay to shoot, but as a lot of my mates shoot there, half the fun is the banter and the "I shot more than you" talk, I therefore joined over a year ago, the place never had anything decent on it, as it was overshot, could also get dangerous as there was no rota for lamping, so could be anyone driving around in a 4x4

I went only 4 times in that first year, and vowed never to waste money again


too many people complain of nowhere to shoot, I'm a full time pest controller, have certifications and insurances coming out of my ear holes, yet it still took 5 yrs before I got a decent permission

so, don't give up knocking

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Cheers Stubby, I have sent letters, business cards, emails, phone calls and knocked on doors so not adverse to putting in the effort.


I am just furious that I keep getting the same response "we have someone who already does that".


I took a photo on my phone and knocked the farmers door showing in excess of 2000 birds hammering his rape crop and yet still the same answer, really had to bite my tongue and say thanks for his time before I said something I shouldn't.


If these so called shooters are looking after the land then why they not doing it, that same field I watched for 4 days and day in day out birds kept dropping in and not a shooter within 10 miles!!

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I see the situation as similar to Murdoch and his sports channels. If an enterprising shooter tells the farmer he can get £25 of which the farmer gets £10 per day then the farmer is going to let him run it. It's bad for the average shooter, but two people are making money. Welcome to Capitalism.

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Some of the ads on here in the 'shooting available' section make me laugh. "Pigeon shooting day free as I've had a couple drop out and the crops are getting hammered....will cost you £???".... Yeah cheers, I'm really doing you a favor there. Cartridges are expensive enough as it is now!! I pay £40 direct to the land owner a season for 6500 acres of pigeon shooting which I cant sniff at. Pigeon shooting should offer fantastic shooting to the masses, but if it keeps going the way it is, it will slowly become reserved for the few privileged for no other reason than greed.

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I have even offered the farmer a cash incentive and a bottle of his favourite tipple and still been turned down, as for the beating I also do this but the same name keeps cropping up everywhere I go he seems to have it well sown up.

two things then

1, he's getting more off someone else

2, travel further out of your area and try

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the other side of it is they are a wary lot and really when you look about on here you can see why. Whats better someone coming on the land and making a mess with their 4x4 leaving a mess shooting things they weren't intended to or simply sticking a gas gun out that works every day during daylight hours. Its a big thing for many farmers letting people shoot on their land and it is also used as a reward for beaters, farm workers and others that are involved with their farm

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I have even offered the farmer a cash incentive and a bottle of his favourite tipple and still been turned down, as for the beating I also do this but the same name keeps cropping up everywhere I go he seems to have it well sown up.


I would try joining a diy game syndicate they can often be found for £500+ for the year


Many of them allow you as much Vermin shooting as you want

Edited by castletyne
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Just been out and bought a crate of port so gonna try knocking on some more doors this week and take a wad of cash. To be honest all I am looking for is somewhere I can go for a day out and a breath of fresh air. I did have some land but sadly moved location so gave it to another member on here (he was in the same boat as me)as a good will gesture to try and stop this sort of thing happening to the masses. I am already a member of a small syndicate but the land is well overshot and lucky to see a dozen pigeons all day regardless of the time of year. Also restricted to shooting 2 days a month.

I have spoken in some depth with most of the farmers within a 25 mile radius assured them about looking after the land tidying up etc etc but still no joy. I know this sounds a bit drastic but seriously thinking about giving up my guns as they just don't see enough action. Game days are all well and good and I pay for 2 or 3 a year but to be honest I don't enjoy them much anymore as they are just glorified outdoor slaughter houses but I guess that's the coin talking again.

Sadly it would appear that pigeon shooting is also going this way with greedy individuals putting money before pest control and my guess is that before long pigeon shooting will be the new game shooting.

Well wish me luck and if anyone does have any cheap or free days going please let me know.

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the other side of it is they are a wary lot


This is probably the most obvious thing. Farms are already hit by thieves and to allow a complete stranger to have complete access is gonna take some fair bit of trust. When i got back into shooting i popped into one nearby farm when i saw around 2000 birds busy eating rape for the farmer to say he's already got someone,but he'd get back to me-which i knew he wouldnt by his facial expression.


The flipside however is when i asked another he almost ripped my arm off and proceeded to drive me round his entire land showing me all the boundaries. I suppose really its being in the right place at the right time.


I remember asking another farm few miles away and the chap did say i was welcome to join their gameshoot which also gives complete access for pest shooting too so you could keep this in mind.

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showing in excess of 2000 birds hammering his rape crop and yet still the same answer,

If these so called shooters are looking after the land then why they not doing it, that same field I watched for 4 days and day in day out birds kept dropping in and not a shooter within 10 miles!!



Also restricted to shooting 2 days a month.



no disrespect here, but how will you differ any from the shooters your slating off above

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all my permissions are for rabbits, and all those farmers gave me the same reply when I asked about pigeons, we have shooters for them thanks, so I went on the bunnies lamping, but its your foot in the door, of course I had his mobile number then, to text each night I was going, even on nights I couldn't go, I would send a text, but then also every time I looked for rabbits in daylight, I would text him saying xx amount of pigeons on such and such field, get your shooters out here, this was always done midweek when I knew his shooters were weekend boys, within 2 weeks of daily reports, he replied back, can you shoot them for me, happy days,


try a different tack, ask for rabbit permission

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Once upon a time, farmers paid shooters to do pest control, then it moved to farmers having people on to shoot at their own expense for the enjoyment of shooting, and now the enterprising few who have established a foot hold are taking up the shooting land and renting out days (with payment for farmer Fred, Dave and Whatsisname of course) to those who cannot get permission (probably as a result of party A already having exclusive permission). Where is it headed to next? Large companies with readily available funds buying up shooting rights and renting out days, with more farmers succumbing to ready money. Future looks great.

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Once upon a time, farmers paid shooters to do pest control, then it moved to farmers having people on to shoot at their own expense for the enjoyment of shooting, and now the enterprising few who have established a foot hold are taking up the shooting land and renting out days (with payment for farmer Fred, Dave and Whatsisname of course) to those who cannot get permission (probably as a result of party A already having exclusive permission). Where is it headed to next? Large companies with readily available funds buying up shooting rights and renting out days, with more farmers succumbing to ready money. Future looks great.


My point exactly I am fed up with the same reply and yet time and time again nobody shooting the fields

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Try getting shoot in cambridge area its a no go , every where is tied up by invisable shooters , watched birds hammering feilds for days out the back of mine only to get told we have to many already ? , only every seen one shooter in 5 years out there an he was only there for couple of hours ,

Im sure its just nobody is willing to trust people anymore

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