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Just passed my target club probation period


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Turned up as usual on Friday to find out I've passed my probation period at my local target club. :yes:


Good news - but not unsurprising. I've had no issues with safety or weapons handling and I've attended pretty much every week. This club's quite close to me - roughly 20 mins from where I live, so I'm there more often then I do clays now.


I'll be applying for my FAC next month now, just got to decide what to get.


Obviously, I've already got a long shopping list in my head of what I'd like. Realistically, would I get a list of 7+ firearms on a first time FAC application?


Currently, I'm only planning to get two next year - probably a decent target .22lr and something bigger, just for variety. Probably about the same the year after etc.


Am I better to ask for everything I want over the next few years now, or would the police think I'm being cheeky and prefer my to do a variation each year or so?

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if your going to be using them all you have a valid reason to apply for them.


It'll be target shooting for each of them - I don't hunt / have permission over any other land.


The club caters for pretty much any calibre below .50bmg, but the biggest thing I want is nowhere near that anyway - probably a .223

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I'd certainly get a 22LR, everyone should own one :yes: . How about a .308 for longer range ? Very common, cheap(ish) surplus ammo available, and someone at your club is bound to have one if you need advice on re-loading.


There are a few guys with .308's - the ammo seems quite expensive though? I don't have my heart set on any specific bigger calibres - I just want to find something I can shoot without thinking about the costs too much.


Obviously .22lr is great, cost-wise. That'll definitely go on the FAC - not sure if that'll be my first purchase though (the club has loads to use), so I was thinking maybe a .38/.357 underlever?


We've got a 25m range that can only use unjacketed pistol calibres and a longer range without that restriction.

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Went through all this earlier this year. Firstly, the police don't like the term 'shopping list' - at least not in Lincs! You should hopefully know by now what competition level/style you want to enter, tailor your guns around that. I wanted to go into 'Gallery' style, so I applied for a .22 Rifle, a .22 Long-Barrelled Pistol, a .38/.357 Rifle, and a .38/.357 Long-Barrelled Revolver - keeps the number of calibres to a minimum and covered all the events I wanted to practice. I also put down for a .44 Muzzle-loading Revolver, as I was also interested in historical style competition. You will also have to convince the FEO that you intend to purchase the guns you apply for within the duration of the licence, according to my FEO.


Spend some time getting your evidence together before the FEO visit, I got competition rule sheets and dates printed off, as well as the gallery rifle handbook for the FEO to check if they wished, I also had photocopies of my club practice log sheets, to prove I had shot all the calibres. I was quizzed as to why I needed all those calibres, and how many rounds I would think of shooting in a days comp. He said that with all the prep, he could see no reason to refuse any of the guns I had applied for, and even increased my ammo limit, apparently one of the main reasons he turns down any applications is because the shooter cannot give sufficient reason!


Whatever discipline you want to shoot, this seems to be an effective way of getting what you want, maybe a bit overkill, but if it works, OK.


Good luck in your application, the worst is over, if the club say you have passed the probation, that's half the battle.

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when my club probation was over I put in a variation for a .308, .38/.357 underlever, .223 a .22lr martini Action and a .22 Semi Auto... I was told hmmm thats a lot of guns (already had a .222, .17HMR and a FAC Air) and they asked why i needed them... gave the reasons for each gun and got the reply.. no problem you can pick your ticket back up tomorrow :)

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The amount people usually apply for on first time grant is 5 and Cambs dont often have a problem with this. Provided each calibre is ok with your range then they shouldnt really knock you back.


Personally i think everyone should have atleast one 22 then an underlever in 357,44 or even 45 flavour maybe, a 308 perhaps. 303 because its technically illegal not to own an Enfield, 7.62x54 because having your fillings rattled out of your mouth is just fun, a muzzleloading pistol if allowed because the smoke puts hair on your chest or a LBP or maybe even a highcap shotgun for slug if your club does PSG. Do stick down all seven,but keep in your mind which ones you really want if they decide to reduce it.


Just remember ammunition allowances.Buy 500 hold 600 is the normal recognised amount-apart from slug which can be anything as theres nothing written in stone concerning it.

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The amount people usually apply for on first time grant is 5 and Cambs dont often have a problem with this. Provided each calibre is ok with your range then they shouldnt really knock you back.


Personally i think everyone should have atleast one 22 then an underlever in 357,44 or even 45 flavour maybe, a 308 perhaps. 303 because its technically illegal not to own an Enfield, 7.62x54 because having your fillings rattled out of your mouth is just fun, a muzzleloading pistol if allowed because the smoke puts hair on your chest or a LBP or maybe even a highcap shotgun for slug if your club does PSG. Do stick down all seven,but keep in your mind which ones you really want if they decide to reduce it.


Just remember ammunition allowances.Buy 500 hold 600 is the normal recognised amount-apart from slug which can be anything as theres nothing written in stone concerning it.


Ha ha, I think I'll use that list and the "good reasons" you suggest. :)

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I would say the opposite, I have seen the shopping list syndrome many times but my advice is just buy something like an underlever and do some proper shooting first. You can only shoot one gun at a time and you will be all over the place and unfocused with the little armory you are proposing to buy. I would say the ones who go on a spending spree are nearly always the ones that lose interest because they flit like a butterfly from one thing to another and it doesn't gel.


anything else you want to shoot, borrow it until you have a clear opinion what you want to buy.

Edited by Vince Green
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I would say the opposite, I have seen the shopping list syndrome many times but my advice is just buy something like an underlever and do some proper shooting first. You can only shoot one gun at a time and you will be all over the place and unfocused with the little armory you are proposing to buy. I would say the ones who go on a spending spree are nearly always the ones that lose interest because they flit like a butterfly from one thing to another and it doesn't gel.


anything else you want to shoot, borrow it until you have a clear opinion what you want to buy.


Wise words..... it's not compulsory that you fill all the slots at one go though :) personally I've taken nearly a year deciding one at a time what to get and then getting it.. only got to decide on what .308 to get now. As Patond says.. at least 2 x .22lr's ... a semi is a great way to de stress ;) albeit a tad expensive in ammo when using banana mags :)

Edited by Davy Holt
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I would say the opposite, I have seen the shopping list syndrome many times but my advice is just buy something like an underlever and do some proper shooting first. You can only shoot one gun at a time and you will be all over the place and unfocused with the little armory you are proposing to buy. I would say the ones who go on a spending spree are nearly always the ones that lose interest because they flit like a butterfly from one thing to another and it doesn't gel.


anything else you want to shoot, borrow it until you have a clear opinion what you want to buy.


Spot on advice , I remember when people were 1st applying for S1 pistols and advice from club members was always go for .38/357 & 9mm/44/45ACP , most were for resale within 12 months .

Edited by Zulu
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I'd echo the advice regarding 2 x .22's so you can enter a variety of club competitions.


Please also take the following advice in the spirit with which it's intended and don't use the word "weapons" when you have your FAC interview (as per your opening post) - I've heard heard that some forces take exception to the connotation and prefer "firearms".


All the best and take your time to learn what you enjoy shooting rather than succumb to the shopping fenzy that is oh so tempting.


I'd also strongly suggest you pick up with one of your fellow club members for advice and consider reloading in the longer term - it's all part of the fun.


Congratulations on being accepted and enjoy yourself!



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I'd echo the advice regarding 2 x .22's so you can enter a variety of club competitions.


Please also take the following advice in the spirit with which it's intended and don't use the word "weapons" when you have your FAC interview (as per your opening post) - I've heard heard that some forces take exception to the connotation and prefer "firearms".


All the best and take your time to learn what you enjoy shooting rather than succumb to the shopping fenzy that is oh so tempting.


I'd also strongly suggest you pick up with one of your fellow club members for advice and consider reloading in the longer term - it's all part of the fun.


Congratulations on being accepted and enjoy yourself!




I can definitely see the point of getting 2 x .22lr slots - do enjoy the military rep semi auto thing, but the novelty does wear off. Most of my time is currently spent with bolt actions on the 25 or 50 ranges. Having both would give me some variety.


A guy at the club let me have a go with his underlever - I really enjoyed that style of shooting too.


Sorry, the 'weapon' ref is just habit from my days in cadets and the TA - "gun safety" was always called "weapons handling"... I don't view the firearms I'd like to purchase as a weapon in any way - that's not what they're for. Guess I just need to rename some phrases I've picked up.

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