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permit full with ammo ?????

Mr Rizzini

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Didn't realise until today that when your ammo slots are full on the N Ireland permit that the permit has to be sent in and new slots requested, Seems a bit of a long way round for such a silly thing that could save a lot of paperwork by simply letting the dealer issue new ammo slots sheets.

Do you guys have to do this in the mainland?

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Do you mean the page is full? My page gets about three entries per line at the top and they get tighter togeather as they go down, then, when it is finally full yes it has to go back but I have seen pages with entries in the margins before now. Very few people have this many entries so its not a problem very often.

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Didn't realise until today that when your ammo slots are full on the N Ireland permit that the permit has to be sent in and new slots requested, Seems a bit of a long way round for such a silly thing that could save a lot of paperwork by simply letting the dealer issue new ammo slots sheets. that sound a sensible idea!

Do you guys have to do this in the mainland? Yes!

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I found this out not than long ago. I rang the FEB and they told me to put it in writing to them that I needed more ammo sheets. After writing to them they replied saying that I must return my existing certificate for them to issue a replacement. Thought it to be a very time consuming and pointless task. Why not just post out new sheets? But then, there's probably some nonsense security measure in place that prevents them from doing this.

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Years ago they used to just stick an additional sheet over the existing sheet. I can remember seeing that quite a few times. When there was always an officer in every police station who dealt with firearms you could just pop in and get it done while you wait. I have known people get a variation or a "one on one off" while you wait as well in those days.

Edited by Vince Green
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