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Exactly my point when I posted 'Please don't shoot it with Lead'

I know the law in England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland, and what a hotch potch of nonsense it is.

Back to basics, why can't we shoot them with Lead?

That should be good for about two more pages of posts.

But facts are Wildfowlers I believe are totally compliant with the Law as laid down in the Country they are shooting in.

Many Roughshooters are not in any shooting association and have no idea about what is legal or not as well as what is safe and is not.

Many / Most commercial shoots don't give a flying fig about being compliant with the Law and if the bag is down at mid afternoon will go and do a Duck flight to get the numbers up without a thought about using non-toxic shot.

These are the ones that will cause our sport to be stopped.

They have no thought or concern for British Shooting they are only motivated by greed, their greed.

Sorry to be so outspoken and maybe controversial, but it does need to be said.

Observe the law or foxtrot sierra off somewhere else.

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Back onto the OP, I have been using 5s for the odd crow and they seem to work just fine! Last Time I was out was a the beginning of this year! I was out on Pigeons and got a nosey crow from the centre to the right! He was about 25 yards out perhaps 30 max and my 32g cloud of 6s made his wings fold! Stone dead :yes:


at short range 6s can work ok but at any decent range then perhaps larger shot would be better suited!.


Crows can be a tough little bundle of feathers :yes:

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Exactly my point when I posted 'Please don't shoot it with Lead'

I know the law in England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland, and what a hotch potch of nonsense it is.

Back to basics, why can't we shoot them with Lead?

That should be good for about two more pages of posts.

But facts are Wildfowlers I believe are totally compliant with the Law as laid down in the Country they are shooting in.

Many Roughshooters are not in any shooting association and have no idea about what is legal or not as well as what is safe and is not.

Many / Most commercial shoots don't give a flying fig about being compliant with the Law and if the bag is down at mid afternoon will go and do a Duck flight to get the numbers up without a thought about using non-toxic shot.

These are the ones that will cause our sport to be stopped.

They have no thought or concern for British Shooting they are only motivated by greed, their greed.

Sorry to be so outspoken and maybe controversial, but it does need to be said.

Observe the law or foxtrot sierra off somewhere else.

It will be hard to put it better than this. Remember it all of you who choose to disregard the law, one of the hardest things to overcome for our reps on the lead committee is the simple fact that Duck at the game dealers seem to be shot with lead. They cannot all come from Scottish inland shoots! Shame on any that do this you will be the ones to blame when the curtain falls.

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