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Would I be eligible for a SGC?


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Hello everyone, first time poster long time lurker.

I've been going along with a friend to a clay shooting club for a number of months and I've become quite addicted to the sport. My friend acquired his SGC and bought himself a 686. Now I would like to obtain my own SGC, if anything to reduce the over all cost of shooting and so I don't have to rely on my friend to take me along. Here's the catch......when I was in my teens and early 20's I made some very serious errors of judgment and was ultimately was convicted of a number of motoring related offences including driving with excess alcohol and driving whist disqualified for which I received short custodial sentences, non of which exceeded 6 months (served 12 weeks). anyway I got my act together and I've stayed on the right side of the law for over 10 years now.

I was wondering if there was anyone on the forum in a similar situation as me or has a good understanding of how these things work?.

I've done lot of reading on this and other forums and there seems to be a lot of guess work, I just need to know what my chances are really as I don't want the crushing disappointment of being refused. Many thanks in advance.

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Touch and go, as said it depends on region, I know people with a sgc with more serious offences, but also know people that have been refused for less.


You will have to apply and see. Good old firearms being inconsistent and making it up as they go. No one here will be able to tell, you are not a banned person, so your just going to have to apply and see, nothing to loose, get your 50 quid back and don't need a safe just yet. If approved you can sort that and it will be inspected while dropping your ticket off.

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Hi Rory, I had suspended convictions about 17 years ago and the firearms enquiry officer (FEO) wasn't that fussed about it , obviously I told them beforehand when I applied for my certificate ,if my memory was correct they did say though if it was within 3 year ago you can forget about applying, as they would of denied it :(

Give them a call in the new year your local police wherever that may be they ,will tell you straight :)

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i would apply fella. be honest and fil out your application as fully as you can. worse case you get refused , you get your application fee back and you don't have to buy a cabinet till you are granted. so nothing really to lose. being a member of basc may be a good investment aswell. but above all honesty is the best policy in this scenareo.

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I think motoring offences more than 10 years ago shouldn't be too much of an obstacle. If you'd been done for GBH then no chance. It's violent tendencies they really don't like (if you've snapped in the past with your fists what will happen if you do the same and have a shotgun in the house)


Good luck and let us know how you get on. With the forms declare everything.

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Anyone can take up shooting, and with it the opportunity to own their own firearms, unless they are a prohibited person, this, in short, is a person who has been imprisoned for a sentence of 3 or more years. Persons who are sentenced to a term of imprisonment for 3 months or more but less than 3 years must not possess firearms until five years have passed since the date of release.

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As long as you are not a 'prohibited person' (as already mentioned by others here), the overriding thing that is looked at is whether you are of 'good temperament'.

Time since offences is very important, as is what you have done with your life since then (job, family, settled, etc).

It has been said by a poster that GBH is an absolute no-no. That is incorrect, as I know someone who was convicted of just that offence about 12 years ago. Since then though, he is now married, qualified as an electrician, self-employed, and has (as the FEO said at his interview) 'got his **** together'. the result : FAC a few months ago.

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Apply for it, it will cost you nothing other than the postage for the application and 4 photos. If you don't get a certificate you get your £50 back and you don't have to buy a cabinet until you know you've got a certificate.


The police have to be able to prove you are not fit to be trusted with firearms and that you can't have them without a danger to the public. This is a hard thing to prove and unless you have done something very serious, mainly along the lines of violence, they can't stop you and they know they'll lose if they say no and you appeal in court.

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Anyone can take up shooting, and with it the opportunity to own their own firearms, unless they are a prohibited person, this, in short, is a person who has been imprisoned for a sentence of 3 or more years. Persons who are sentenced to a term of imprisonment for 3 months or more but less than 3 years must not possess firearms until five years have passed since the date of release.


this is the correct answer , fill in the forms and go for it , they would need a good reason to say no .

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Thanks very much for all your replies everyone, they have been helpful and encouraging, I'm just going to go for it, BASC/SACS and gun club membership can't do any harm before I make the application it seems. I will keep you all updated on my progress or lack of it. Thanks again.

Edited by Rory
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Yes good luck, i was in a similiar situation, and after 8 years i applied after losing my firearms, and got my cert back, and 2 rifles 6 months later. Remember tell them everything on your application, even if sounds minor to you, EVERYTHING, send for a police history check, you can get this through your constabulary for a small fee, this way you can write all on your application, best of luck

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