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There are loads of perfectly good reasons as to why someone would want things like this. Shooters need to stop sugget there something wrong about it because it is an argument that ends up at 'what do you need any gun for'? With very few exceptions none of us need one at all. Every shooter should defend the rights of every other shooter to own whatever they want to own.

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Can't understand anyone wanting to own such an agressive looking bit of kit,but it's down to the individual.Its like turning up on beaters day with a pitbull & a rottwieler.


But wouldnt life be dull if we liked the same thing? As a gun owner you ought to be showing solidarity for fellow shooters not critising their particular choice.

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I despise the Sun and feel sorry for people who form their world view based on its contents. Its a sad indictment of this country that so many people do :(


I could not agree more - the gutter press are truly appalling - it is not reporting, it is marketing, pure and simple.


For example:-


An assault Rifle is defined as a rifle with some sort of selective fire ability. I.E. Single shot and some form of full auto. These are NOT available legally in the UK. They are also very expensive (legally) in the USA.


Of the three guns the perpetrator took (illegally) from his mother, only the handguns were used in the school shooting - the AR15 was found by the (local) Chief of police at the rear of his mothers car, which he had used to travel to the school. This fact was broadcast on TV shortly afterwards.


Both these facts are easily confirmed by an appropriate internet search, which is excluded from this post deliberately to avoid drawing attention to our obvious concerns over certain journalistic garbage.


Press Freedom is taken just a little too far on some occasions - not that this is one of them, said article is complete and utter drivel. As we all know, the facts of this case, as terrible and tragic as they are, must not be allowed to get in the way of a good story.

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There are loads of perfectly good reasons as to why someone would want things like this. Shooters need to stop sugget there something wrong about it because it is an argument that ends up at 'what do you need any gun for'? With very few exceptions none of us need one at all. Every shooter should defend the rights of every other shooter to own whatever they want to own.

i would go along with this as banning these would be a step nearer banning other kinds of shooting

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I don't buy the Sun(or any paper for that matter) it's a comic,and as such I can't take it seriously.But when that comic starts spouting emotive tripe to an unknowledgeable and mainly gullible(let's face it,if you're a Sun reader you're possibly more gullible than most) audience then it's time for our shooting organisations to step in,and for all I know they possibly already have.

The rifle in question has a perfectly legitimate use and purpose,the rest is merely cosmetic.If we start banning things due to their appearance where do we stop?

Robert Bucknell used a semi-automatic Armalite in .223 for all his fox shooting prior to the ban,for all intents and purposes what the general public and certainly the press,would perceive to be an 'assault rifle'.Nobody batted an eye until Hungerford.

Let's not forget that following the shootings on the Cumbrian West coast one eye-witness described a .22 CZ bolt-action rifle as a James Bond type sniper rifle,or something along those lines.

A mate has a bolt-action T3 Tactical,and to be honest it looks like something the military would use,but when it comes down to it,it is just a bolt-action rifle,as the .22rf in the Sun is just a semi-automatic .22rf.The only difference between it and my CZ is the rate of fire.

Hype,biased,unknowledgeable and ignorant reporting,along with our own prejudices and apathy will do us eventually.If you don't believe me,wait and see.There will come a day when the only type of shooting left to us is either clay shooting or game shooting,and CF/RF rifles are banned,or restricted to single-shot, following some deranged empty head.What is to prevent it happening?

When you think about it,not much in the way of firearms has been banned in this country,all that has changed is the type of mechanism.CF handguns are still available,and in some parts of the UK the handgun ban as we know it doesn't apply(which just goes to highlight the fact it had nothing to do with guns,but more to do with political expediency).Blackpowder handguns are widely available,and while reloading times are abysmal,is there anything to stop anyone who owns one from prepping more than one,or two,or three cylinders? AR15's etc are still available,and with a straight-pull mechanism respectable rates of fire can be accomplished.

All we can conclude from existing legislation(and proposed legislation in the USA) is that it is the 'rate of fire' which sets the precedent here.For those who denigrate the ownership of the type of rifle in the Sun,be careful what you wish for.First,large capacity magazines?Then magazines altogether?

Edited by Scully
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Even the rate of fire means very little in these circumstances. If you are in a room full of kids which they can't get out of and there is no means of stopping you then you can do pretty much whatever you want.


Action type makes little difference either; with a bit of practice you get get 20 rounds through a single-shot in less time than you can do the same with an internal 5 round magazine.


As previously mentioned, this isn't journalism and the Sun isn't really a newspaper. It's all a big marketing exercise to bring titilation and scandal to the gulliable masses. The Sun is just using the horrible and violent deaths of chilfren to make money by writing any old **** they think will sell. After the recent phone hacking criminality and all that came with it I am quite frankly astonished that papers like that still exist. People who buy the Sun are, in effect, funding gross criminality and have been doing so for decades. Whatever the views of Sun readers may be is really of staggering unimportance, to be honest.



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This thread typifies the debate that goes on whenever firearms and tragedies occur. When even among ourselves, who hopefully are knowledgable on the subject, cannot agree on what is 'militaristic', 'aggressive', 'sniper-like', or that dreadful word, 'acceptable', what hope can we ever have of the 'great unwashed' of the Sun and Daily Wail readers understanding? I am not a fan per se of the militaristic style of rifle, but I can see the attraction for some people, likewise I prefer synthetic stock for practical reasons, but can see the aesthetic beauty of a well made and oiled wooden stock. Variety is the spice of life, they say.


One thing the Americans DO seem to have, unlike us, is an organised agency to argue the shooters case - the NRA. This is both a blessing and a curse, they can put the viewpoint of all shooters, but by default, that means ALL shooters, which unfortunately includes the frothing at the brain survivalists, and the 'prize it from mah cold, dead hands!" good ol' Southern redneck types!


The UK NRA seems predominantly interested in its own, almost purely target shooting, single fire agenda, and the press will give any amount of negative spin they can, because 'Shock, Horror!' headlines sell papers, which is their ONLY motivation. This, combined with the logical (to some) unified approach of the anti movement, makes it ever more difficult to argue the pro-shooting case. Judgements should be made unemotionally on what is right, not what the publics cries out for in the press, scapegoating whole groups, rather than accepting that whatever we do, some people will snap and kill, with whatever comes to hand. Banning anything will never work, it will only criminalise it and drive it underground, surely the US learned that during prohibition!


Like it or not, we all have to work at putting a more positive face on shooting, most of us do - but there are always those whose attitude will be 'If they don't like it, **** 'em!' - ok, I think like that some days, but over the years of shooting, I have changed more anti's minds by calmly explaining the real facts about guns, and helping them realise that the great majority of shooters are ordinary decent people, - 'just like them'.

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But wouldnt life be dull if we liked the same thing? As a gun owner you ought to be showing solidarity for fellow shooters not critising their particular choice.

Sorry mate just doesnt float my boat, dont like em,If this was the only type of .22 on the market i'd surrender my FAC.

Edited by Davyo
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When (i can afford) to get my firearms for a .22 for fields i shoot on, Ill probably get the following:




Because I want one. Can't wait.


I'm pretty confident you won't - because after looking at the prices you'll probably sway towards the ruger 10/22 like most!


The only benefit I see on military type rifles is the fully coated metal surfaces and plastic which prevents corrosion, other than that I fail to see the benefit unless you and all your mates buy them and exchange parts (which is the most likely reason the armed forces use one type of rifle)


But a self loader in 308 is a fantastic tool when shooting hogs in the USA - here in the UK the only use would be targets!





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Sorry mate just doesnt float my boat, dont like em,If this was the only type of .22 on the market i'd surrender my FAC.


Fair enough. I too wasnt keen on them as i like a bit of wood on a rifle,but im leaning towards getting one sometime as they're a great fun gun.


I know someone who uses one for vermin too.

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When (i can afford) to get my firearms for a .22 for fields i shoot on, Ill probably get the following:




Because I want one. Can't wait.


and thats what a friend uses on vermin-fabulous bit of kit.The only downside is the barrel is screw cut with an odd US thread which means he had to get an adaptor for a sound mod.

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Derek Bird's .22 CZ452 was described at the time as "this absolutely huge sniper rifle it was almost touching the floor. It had a massive scope and everything."

I'm not sure it makes much of a difference what a rifle looks like to the general public in all honesty.

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