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I bet many of you are enjoying the "Iron Lady" on ITV?


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lol can anyone get ticket's to your planet ?


to this day we are still paying through the nose for her bad decision's, she sold off billions of government asset's which we the taxpayer's are footing the bill for.


Didnt Gordon Brown sell off a huge chunk of our gold reserves at the lowest possible price just to try and prop up Blairs mismanagement?



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The unions in the 70s operated some of the worst, undemocratic and corrupt practises. These included closed shop, secondary picketing and intimidation. Democratic my a**e. Just socialist bully boys.


Dont forget the "whilst your fixing that can you change the lightbulb as well"?


"oooh cant do that, you need an electrician to do that" attitude in factories......


The unions sealed their own fate



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Join me any time Lumpy :shifty: She did make some bad ones and I agree some of the sell offs should not have happened but overall we finished the 80s a lot better off than we started.


It was all a short term fix to make her look good as i stated we are still paying for her mistakes to this day !


to give you just one example years ago people on benefits lived in council houses owned by the government today we the taxpayer pay billions each year to private landlords for the same people to live in the same houses !

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Didnt Gordon Brown sell off a huge chunk of our gold reserves at the lowest possible price just to try and prop up Blairs mismanagement?




Yup he sure did however the OP was about Thatcher i'm sure if you start your own thread on gordon brown the opinion would be much the same :good:

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Agreed, it's a fault in the system but if you take a look at imigration under new communism you will see why we need more housing


"By the 2001 census, four years after the end of the Conservatives in power, the UK's population was 92.1% white. According to the latest ONS estimates, that figure has gone down now as Britain becomes more diverse; 83.35% of England and Wales is now defined as "white British".


I would love to know what percentage of imigrants need social housing, quite a few i would imagine. The benefits issue, much debated on here means that a large %age of the unemployed can keep a similar standard of living to the full time workers supporting them. No govt has attacked this beacuse it is catch 22.


I do stress that there are also ppl out there desparate for work but who cannot find it so i am not generalising completely.

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I would like those with a wish for big government to change.


Hear hear.


What are the chances though? We've got massive government old world socialism with Labour, massive government Blairite socialism with Cameron and Uncle Joe Stalin EU overseeing everything and calling the shots.

Why do so few people see it?

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I see it and agree with you but other than UKIP i am not sure what other choice we have other than a benevolent dictator ( or was that Blair)


Blair was a dictator but there was nothing benevolent about him. He was Emporer Nero.

In fact western social democracies in general increasingly resemble the Roman empire just before the fall: a powerless, infantilsed mob passified and contained with cheap food and lurid entertainment by a vain, arrogant, incompetent and tiny ruling elite while beyond the walls its economy crumbles and its armies retreat.


One day Bollywood will make a film about it.

Edited by Gimlet
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I did, and still love the lady. As already mentioned, i left school in 1983 at the height of the last recession, heard all the same stuff about "the lost generation" that we hear now. In all my working life i have been unemployed for 4 months.


I did some **** jobs to keep the money coming in but i was hungry and keen. My first job was on a farm , then a YTS scheme.


Just keep trying..

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Totally agree with you apart from the last part "ridiculous belief that there is a job for life just because your dad did it"


I've never known any working class person that thought that and I've work with many thousands of them.


I would love to know what you did in the 70s ( civil SERVANT maybe :big_boss: )

what did you do in the 70s?

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All my mum's side of the family were miners. Only one, my uncle George, loved Maggie as for once, he could buy his own house. he was not beholden to the NCB or the council. The rest expected a job for life but hated Scargill as much as they hated Maggie.

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Interesting statement, can you prove it. If that is the case, why do we have a growing aerospace engineering market and if you look at F1 & Champ series which is the leading edge of automotive engineering, 99% of it is based here in the uk.


What she wanted, as has been stated, is industry that is efficient, profitable and able to stand on their own, not subsidised.


We often hear about the railways as an example of an industry that should not have been privatised ( which i agree with), but if we look at France, which is used as a shining example, they are in debt to the tune of 39billion Euro. It was 22billion in 2008.

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I wonder how many of the Thatcher lovers on here lived through her regime period.

I did.I wouldn't say I loved her,she is after all,a politician,but I very much liked the 'get on your bike and look for work'(attributed to Norman Tebbitt if I recall correctly)phrase,and an apt wake up call much needed at the time.I liked the attitude.

I know loads of people who in the present climate have found themselves out of work,but they aren't sitting about moaning.Many of them have gone self-employed one way or another.Some are struggling,but they've got off their ***** and tried to do something about it.

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I wonder how many of the Thatcher lovers on here lived through her regime period.


I did, and I lived through Labour's winter of discontent. I remember the power-cuts, sitting in my coat in an unheated classroom and going home to candle light and parafin lamps. (We were lucky, we had a Rayburn with a back boiler so at least we had hot water and hot food, a lot of people didn't.) I remember how it took months to get a telephone connection; I remember the rotten useless BL cars our parents had to drive and subsidise; I remember the rubbish that went uncollected for weeks; I remember the ceaseless strikes, the runaway inflation and soaring prices; the unemployment, the misery, the anger... All before Margeret Thatcher came to power.

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Interesting statement, can you prove it. If that is the case, why do we have a growing aerospace engineering market and if you look at F1 & Champ series which is the leading edge of automotive engineering, 99% of it is based here in the uk.


What she wanted, as has been stated, is industry that is efficient, profitable and able to stand on their own, not subsidised.


We often hear about the railways as an example of an industry that should not have been privatised ( which i agree with), but if we look at France, which is used as a shining example, they are in debt to the tune of 39billion Euro. It was 22billion in 2008.


Yes I can prove it. I will give you figures of before regime and after regime.

You have picked on a couple of small industries which I agree you are right, I've worked in them.


What I'm trying to get at is a lot of people didn't work and live through those times but think they know all about it.

I have never been a labour supporter in my life and the trade unions had far too much power. but she was an evil monster of a women who killed many people in one way or another.

Why did her own party get rid of her I wonder?

Just to correct you on railways, they are not an industry they are part of the infrastructure and in my opinion should have been closed down years ago because they are a disgrace.

If you want infrastructure to make a profit it would cost you £500 in road tolls to get to work.

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Yes I can prove it. I will give you figures of before regime and after regime.

You have picked on a couple of small industries which I agree you are right, I've worked in them.


What I'm trying to get at is a lot of people didn't work and live through those times but think they know all about it.

I have never been a labour supporter in my life and the trade unions had far too much power. but she was an evil monster of a women who killed many people in one way or another.

Why did her own party get rid of her I wonder?

Just to correct you on railways, they are not an industry they are part of the infrastructure and in my opinion should have been closed down years ago because they are a disgrace.

If you want infrastructure to make a profit it would cost you £500 in road tolls to get to work.


why did her own party get rid if her simple things move on most party leaders last for less than ten years take Winston Churchal he got sacked severall times and he killed loads of people so was he no good as well.

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