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I get so angry seeing our country, culture and way of life being systematically destroyed by successive goverments...wish to God we were more like Australia!


They will never learn that we don't want immigrants, whatever colour or nationality because the business owners and captains of industry have a vested interest in a plentiful supply of cheaper labour.


The infrastructure cannot take the extra burden, our quality of life is being erroded as we are squeezed ever tighter in our island. Bring on UKIP :mad:

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I have absolutely no issue with immigrants. As long as they contribute to society and integrate. If you want come over and not speak English, not respect that this is a white christian country with a lot of traditions, insist on the barbaric practices of your homeland (such as circumcision, halal butchery and the mistreatment of women) and sponge off benefits then you are not welcome to say the least.

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I have absolutely no issue with immigrants. As long as they contribute to society and integrate. If you want come over and not speak English, not respect that this is a white christian country with a lot of traditions, insist on the barbaric practices of your homeland (such as circumcision, halal butchery and the mistreatment of women) and sponge off benefits then you are not welcome to say the least.


Dare I say you might revise your feelings when the immutable borders of this country are subjected to the further influx of unlimited Bulgarians and Romanians that we can expect after the quota limitations are removed?

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Dare I say you might revise your feelings when the immutable borders of this country are subjected to the further influx of unlimited Bulgarians and Romanians that we can expect after the quota limitations are removed?


Yes, maybe. But if they put in more than they take out (which may be doubtful) then I won't have any issue with them personally, other than the fact that we do not have room for them.

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I have absolutely no issue with immigrants. As long as they contribute to society and integrate. If you want come over and not speak English, not respect that this is a white christian country with a lot of traditions, insist on the barbaric practices of your homeland (such as circumcision, halal butchery and the mistreatment of women) and sponge off benefits then you are not welcome to say the least.

Would you accept another countries traditions and practices if you moved there?

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...They will never learn that we don't want immigrants, whatever colour or nationality because the business owners and captains of industry have a vested interest in a plentiful supply of cheaper labour....Doing the jobs the people of the UK won`t do? Bring on UKIP :mad:Yeah that will help...

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I have absolutely no issue with immigrants. As long as they contribute to society and integrate. If you want come over and not speak English, not respect that this is a white christian country with a lot of traditions, insist on the barbaric practices of your homeland (such as circumcision, halal butchery and the mistreatment of women) and sponge off benefits then you are not welcome to say the least.

Of course I would, if I didn't agree with them, I wouldn't move there. Simples.

However as a Christian country, we adopt the Christian practice of loving our neighbour as ourselves, don`t we?

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However as a Christian country, we adopt the Christian practice of loving our neighbour as ourselves, don`t we?


I didn't say I was a Christian. I have no interest in religion. "imaginary friends for adults". But I accept that the majority of this county are Christian and don't think that any religious mumbo jumbo of any sort should be pushed onto anyone whether the god / prophet is a miraculous son of a carpenter, a 6 armed blue elephant woman or a loony medieval peadophile.


Therefore I don't love these scumbags an fortunately they are not my neighbours.


Reason for edit- typo put pedophile rather than peadophile - he may have liked feet but I didn't mean that

Edited by oscarsdad
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I didn't say I was a Christian. I have no interest in religion. "imaginary friends for adults". But I accept that the majority of this county are Christian and don't think that any religious mumbo jumbo of any sort should be pushed onto anyone whether the god / prophet is a miraculous son of a carpenter, a 6 armed blue elephant woman or a loony medieval peadophile.


Therefore I don't love these scumbags an fortunately they are not my neighbours.


Reason for edit- typo put pedophile rather than peadophile - he may have liked feet but I didn't mean that


Apart from the fact the country isn`t Christian and isn`t even a majority, it makes no sense then to insist on someone adopting Christian practices, because you don`t, or do we just cherry-pick those practices we like/dislike?


It`s paedophile by the way.

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Apart from the fact the country isn`t Christian and isn`t even a majority, it makes no sense then to insist on someone adopting Christian practices, because you don`t, or do we just cherry-pick those practices we like/dislike?


It`s paedophile by the way.


Well done. Spotted a spelling mistake. I'm very impressed.


I didn't say they should adopt Christian anything, but accept that that is the norm and not complain about being offended by it. I appreciate much of this is English guardian reading social worker lefties being offended on the behalf of other religions and insisting on "winter festival" rather than Christmas and similar other rubbish.


I have friends who are Muslims, top blokes and have very reasonable moderate views and with the exception of drinking and dietary needs (which i would rather couldnt happen on the basis of animal cruelty) accept and embrace Britishness. It is those that do not do this I take issue with. If I go for a curry with them I don't have a drink and I have vegetarian food so not to have to eat halal.


I work in an area of Birmingham where the vast majority of people are Muslim. Yes there have been some terror raids here and some scum bags have been convincted but on a day to day basis there is no trouble at all. I would hope that should idiots like these in the video start their silly patrols here they would be ostracised from their religion...but I fear they wouldn't.

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I don't think oscars dad is insisting they give up there religion and become Christian but just that they should except and respect the fact that we are a 'Christian' and to be honest very liberal country. Therefore we except people have the freedom to act as they choose, I.E in this example it would appear the gentleman was singled out for wearing make-up and being openly homosexual, whilst even some Christians may thin this wrong in the eyes of god, they would never abuse and indimidated him for it (They might not let him stay in there B&B, but that's a different story). I feel that if I was to move to saudi or dubai etc. I would respect the culture by observing what they wish me to, but this wouldn't take away from my Christian belief and practice.

This example also sounds like some lads that want to be in a gang but also want to be religious so became a religious gang! Imagine the guys from the film 'four lions' and I think it might be getting close!


Edit to say crossed post with Oscars dad.

Edited by e2000e2000e
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I don't think oscars dad is insisting they give up there religion and become Christian but just that they should except and respect the fact that we are a 'Christian' and to be honest very liberal country. Therefore we except people have the freedom to act as they choose, I.E in this example it would appear the gentleman was singled out for wearing make-up and being openly homosexual, whilst even some Christians may thin this wrong in the eyes of god, they would never abuse and indimidated him for it (They might not let him stay in there B&B, but that's a different story). I feel that if I was to move to saudi or dubai etc. I would respect the culture by observing what they wish me to, but this wouldn't take away from my Christian belief and practice.

This example also sounds like some lads that want to be in a gang but also want to be religious so became a religious gang! Imagine the guys from the film 'four lions' and I think it might be getting close!


Edit to say crossed post with Oscars dad.




Four lions is brilliant but the ending is very dark.

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Oh on Halal, most abbiotors do it exactly the same as the normal stuff, but there is an Iman there with a hair and beard net on saying a prayer over it! I know there are various videos doing the rounds on how brutual it is, most halal animals are pre-stunned before having thier throats slit, just like regular slaughter.

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religion is a man made, money making, brain washing, load of bull, but watching those clowns in the video makes me sick,i bet they would not of done it to some 6ft hard case,no picking there mark as all bullies do,if you agree with what they do then why not go back with them to their country of their fore fathers, i cant believe how anyone can support them , ok there is good and bad everywhere but we as english/british people should not put up with this **** anymore.

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25years ago i went to bethnal green to box, could not believe my eyes firstly we drove through a jewish community and then when we got to bethnal green every single person was black and mostly speaking a foreign language and that was 25 years ago,,wonder what its like now


by the way all,i am not racist in any way shape or form,i just dont agree with rats like in the video

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To late now we have to put up with the fact we have non British areas in this country


I have friends who live in Dewsbury and some of the stories from there amaze me


They will Eventualy out number us


thats the itinerary



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Its a sad demonstration of how the actions of a small group can ruin the reputation of a larger community. This is a small gang operating in one area who have been decried by their peers, and look at the generalised comments already sweeping through PW.


Its only a matter of time until they pick on some local lads fresh from the pub and get a jolly good beating, probably resulting in another wave of riots.

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We should always remember that these people are a tiny minority of the muslim community, and have been condemned by the vast majority of law abiding, responsible muslims.


We quite rightly don't like it when antis smear all shooters because of the actions of a minority, such as with raptor persecution and irresponsible gun use. We should be careful to avoid smearing a whole community which is mostly responsible and law abiding.

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This is not the fault of one government but most of them. When we go to Muslim countries we obey their laws but when they come here we have to "bend" our laws so they don't feel alienated.


This is the United Kingdom...... we have laws in place which apply to every man woman and child no matter their colour race or creed - NO ONE is above the law yet all too often we have to pander to the minorities. This man had the right to walk that street wearing whatever he wanted to. Women have the right to wear what they want to no matter what their race or creed and not have to suffer verbal abuse from anyone.


This country needs to grow a spine and start treating EVERYONE the same and not be scared to punish those who break the law no matter what their colour, religeous beleif or sexual orientation as long as what they believe, practise and act on is not against the UK law.


Rant over.....


This is not a Muslim country but a multi-faith, multi-cultural country and if you want tolive here then you either get on with each other or get out.

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No, you are putting words in his mouth, unless you are he?



Not happening here...


No Lumpy is not putting words in my mouth, I'm more than capable of speaking for myself, but i've just not been on-line! Some of us have several jobs to keep going, that don't allow us to visit this site while working! But he is spot on with the response.


I'm sorry henryd, If you had read the post correctly you wouldn't have had to ask the question. These are obviously MY thoughts on this issue and in MY view racism is not treated the same in when it is against white or none Muslim persons. We all know they would like to rule the world, and those that allow them to act in this manner will only fuel that want. Hopefully it won't happen but I'm not so sure!!!

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