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We should always remember that these people are a tiny minority of the muslim community, and have been condemned by the vast majority of law abiding, responsible muslims.


We quite rightly don't like it when antis smear all shooters because of the actions of a minority, such as with raptor persecution and irresponsible gun use. We should be careful to avoid smearing a whole community which is mostly responsible and law abiding.


Its easy to condemn something on the surface but they will not do anything about it


Everytime time something like this happens its claimed its only a tiny minority.......spitting and shouting abuse at the troops or molesting non Muslim children all just tiny minorities


I strongly believe that in some areas its the majority of Muslims who would like non muslims kept out and Sharia law to rule

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Enoch Powell's immigration statistics for 2000 that he made in the 60s was out by only 3%. Despite the Rivers of Blood speech (arguably exaggerated and probably racist by today's standards), he was an excellent politician and an excellent orator, he should have been listened too.

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We should always remember that these people are a tiny minority of the muslim community, and have been condemned by the vast majority of law abiding, responsible muslims.


We quite rightly don't like it when antis smear all shooters because of the actions of a minority, such as with raptor persecution and irresponsible gun use. We should be careful to avoid smearing a whole community which is mostly responsible and law abiding.


Well said, Sir!

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We should always remember that these people are a tiny minority of the muslim community, and have been condemned by the vast majority of law abiding, responsible muslims.


We quite rightly don't like it when antis smear all shooters because of the actions of a minority, such as with raptor persecution and irresponsible gun use. We should be careful to avoid smearing a whole community which is mostly responsible and law abiding.


we should also remember it was not the german majority who wanted world domination in 1939, but they did not stop the attempt.



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