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Another Successful Morning


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After picking up some gambore mammoth steel 3-1/2 inch shells that Terry P kindly grabbed me on his way back south yesterday I thought I'd better try them out this morning!


Got to the field and set up by about 7.20 and there wasn't much happening only a few crows cruising about. After 3 or 4 past I couldn't resist (knowing a had major goose shells in) and smoked one out of the sky :-D.


An hour past and still no geese so I thought I'd take a short walk over to a decent sized ditch the other side of the field I'd set up in hoping there may be a duck or two on it. This time I'd remembered to put a suitable shells in - 34g of express steel. Half way down the ditch a drake mallard rose, missed the first shot but connected with the second.


As it was approaching 9am and still no honking I was ready to start packing up and happy with my crow and duck....................... Not!

I sat in the hide and had a brew and it wasn't long before I heard the HONK, a skein of about 50 canada's on the horizon and heading my way! Calm as I could I began calling trying not to over call them just keeping it subtle.

They weren't committing perfectly to the decoys but they had a good look at them which brought them close enough for me to take my first treble of the season!! To say I was chuffed was an understatement, it lasted all of 30 seconds as it hit me that I had a 40 minute walk with all my gear and now a full bag!


Will be having the duck for my tea and the geese will be dressed tomorrow and given to the farmers I have permission off.




Thanks for looking



Edited by WelshAndy
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