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e cig?


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Been using one for some time now. They are great I have not wanted a fag or a pipe of baccy since I walked out of the shop with mine. Find a shop that knows about them we have a good one in Bridlington were I got mine from. Go for a couple of 510 batteries and charger two clearview tanks with drip tips then find a fluid you like. I was a pipe and rolie man but when I tried blueberry flavour in the shop I knew I would get on with it. The fluid costs £3.75p a bottle and a bottle will last me about 5 days of heavy use. There are about 95ks fags in a bottle I think this is one of the best set up,s to start with just take your time they work better with a gentle draw rather than a normal fag type draw. I showed it to my neigbour who was a 60 per day man he started on newyears day and has not touched a fag since nor has his wife and doughter. I feel better never cough eat better smell better and VAPING has it is called is enjoyable I am no longer a slave to the weed. My fluid contains 16mg of nicotine that is what stopps the craving there is no other addatives apart from glysarine distilled water and flavour. It should be noted that some food products contain nicotine in their raw state I am led to believe that one that contains some nicotine are tomatoes. I have never used the ciggie look alike ones as I was told they did not last very long and you would allways have to keep filling them. I fill mine once a day just to top it up and keep the wicks in good order a charge lasts me about 28hrs and I use it most of the day I then charge it up over night. Try it the kit outlined above will cost you about £25 if you find it as relaxing and kick the weed into touch it will be worth it.


Happy Vaping


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I also use one its great started using it 3 weeks ago and haven't felt the need for a fag since. I got a ego-t which is a battery with a screw on atomizer and a tank that you fill with what ever flavour e liquid you like. The bottles of liquid are costing me £10 for 30ml and last about 2 weeks. I bought the stater kit for £35 and it comes with 2 battery's 2 atomizers and 5 tanks the battery lasts me around 2 days before it needs charging but you have the other to use when it's charging so are never without it.

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Well done for stopping Id love my wife to stop Its a disgusting habit to non smokers everything stinks, I bought her just about every thing going to help her stop including the e-cig, it boils down too you actually want to give up, she obviously does not.


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Can someone please link to an on line shop that sells these and all the bits and bobs.


Also is three a 1 page fact sheet on how they work?


I'll give 'em a go.


I quite like idea of smoking at my desk at work :lol:




There appear to be all sorts of different makes and different brands and there are concerns about some products (unregulated and untested market sector and all that). Is there a market leader that is considered safe etc.

Edited by Mungler
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Gotta be worth a try, tried cold turkey and ended up sick as a dog, going feint, not sleeping, flu, shaking, lack of concentration, mood swings. Hit me worse at work, one bad day and I'd had enough


I think most of the -ves being posted come from tobacco companies, after all its effectively taking from their profit

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This is the one im using , need to do some searching about the net as there are some good deals at the minute .



What an iteresting read, mine is the same as yours mate, just a difere make, Ive got the golden viginia flavour at the moment, what flavour do you use, if you dont mind me asking.

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