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Need a magpie for my Larsen trap

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Hey guys. I've just got hold of a new Larsen trap and need a call bird. Don't suppose there's anyone in Gloucestershire that could help me? I am of course assuming it's not a bad time to try? Or should I leave it a while?


Secondly, can all of you in the know give me some pointers to get my first if I can't find a call bird? I've been told that a non local bird will give better results? Is that true? I'm thinking if it is then perhaps I should set the trap on one of my shooting permissions to get the call bird sorted, then take it home? If it doesn't matter where the caller is from how do I get them in? Bait? Making a little nest with a broken egg in has been suggested before - does that really work? Any better ideas? I assume I should put the trap somewhere that's really visible from their favourite sitty trees?


Last but not least what's the best food for my bird? I obviously want to keep it nicely - just because it's a magpie doesn't mean I'm that happy about keeping a wild bird caged. I want it to be as happy as possible.


I've got a steel mesh double catch trap with a third section for the call bird. It's got a little plate roof and one perch - is there anything I can do to improve on that both for comfort and success in use? I've never done this before so any advice, no matter how simple it may seem to you, would be much appreciated.


I thought for a while that I was on top of them. Certainly since my last magpie post I've only shot a couple and the numbers have been low. But now they're building up again - I counted eight the other day and I'm not having that many floating about!

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Its a little bit early at the moment I will try and get you one I'm in Cheltenham. Tips I would give would be have the perch length way so under the cover and under the open bit, get a rabbit drinker for the call birds water feed it dry dog food, a small padlock on the call birds door will stop anyone just opening the door to release the call bird or u leaving it open. I think basc do a good print out sign to put onto the trap explaining this is a legal method of pest control. Keep your trap moving, if it's been placed where you have seen a pair and it hasn't caught even moving it by a couple of meters can be all it needs. If you start really early remember we can still get very cold nights so keep an eye on weather and if it looks to be cold bring the trap inside to protect the call bird. Also try and keep a spare call bird once you've caught your first/second.


Good luck


And if you catch first can I have a call bird please?


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if you catch first can I have a call bird please?


Of course. I'll drop you a PM if/when I get my second one to see if you need it. We've got loads of them around here so I'm hoping it will work. I'm a little limited on space though so will just need to hope that it works from one of the few places the trap wont be visible.


Can a wrap something around the sides so the cage is only visible from above? That would help the positioning issue a lot but will it make the trap feel too enclosed for them to go in?

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sounds like the magpie problem is around your property, if thats the case can you bait the area for a few days / week or so first with chips or bread, get the birds use to finding a free meal there (you could leave the larsen there, unset, for them to get used to), then set the trap to catch your first one, move that to one of your permissions to catch an intruder and bring that back to work where you have the problem


bit early as yet, better in a few weeks time once the birds are properly paired

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I'll be very surprised if I can't catch one. I'm now thinking it could be worth making a really basic single box type arrangement to bait up on one of the farms to catch one from out of town. Would that be better than using a local as the call bird? Paul's idea about using a bird from here to catch a stranger somewhere else could be a plan if the local ones don't pull the others in - I'd never have thought of that but it's a good idea!

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It makes no difference whether it's a local bird or one from out of town, they'll all pile into the trap once you've got a healthy live bird in there.


The best bit of advice you've been given in these answers is not to start too early in the year, no earlier than the end of March, otherwise your call bird will die overnight when it turns cold, and you'll be back to square one, with possibly an Anti in pursuit of you out to prosecute for animal cruelty..?


Look after your call bird, treat it well with plenty of varied food every day, together with fresh water, and it will pay dividends.


I always have 2 perches in the call bird compartment so the bird can hop from one to the other, it's movement that attracts the others.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I say this on nearly every Larsen thread....forget about the magpies and get a carrion crow as a call bird. CC's are the real bad McNasties, and a real genuine predator of game bird eggs and chicks, leverets tec. Magpies just play at it in comparison.


A Larsen trap with a magpie in it is a Larsen trap wasted.

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I say this on nearly every Larsen thread....forget about the magpies and get a carrion crow as a call bird. CC's are the real bad McNasties, and a real genuine predator of game bird eggs and chicks, leverets tec. Magpies just play at it in comparison.


A Larsen trap with a magpie in it is a Larsen trap wasted.


OK, how do you do that, put a sign on the trap door saying "Carrion Crows Only"..??


Larsen traps were designed for Magpies, OK, they will catch Carrion Crows, but in my part of the World you'd catch 100 magpies for every Carrion Crow.



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