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problem with going away birds


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does anyone suffer with this using clear pigeon 30 gr 6s. :sad1: i can hit crossers dead in the air incomers,driven and over head aswell :good: but when it comes to going away birds i get a big cloud of feathers and the bird keeps going :unsure: there not at distance and out of range.i use a escort and half choke :lol: .any advice will be welcome thanks :)

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does anyone suffer with this using clear pigeon 30 gr 6s. :sad1: i can hit crossers dead in the air incomers,driven and over head aswell :good: but when it comes to going away birds i get a big cloud of feathers and the bird keeps going :unsure: there not at distance and out of range.i use a escort and half choke :lol: .any advice will be welcome thanks :)


You need to be trap shooter to shoot 'em up the backside.

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I cannot help you in the way you shoot birds going away but I would say that you probably hit them with several pellets which do not hit a vital organ. If they are crossers or coming towards you the head is likely to be the first thing to be hit, then the heart, neither of which you can hit when the bird is going directly away from you.

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If they're flaring away they are probably rising too, so you could be shooting low.

Put the bird on the rib then pull up, cover the bird with the barrel and bang. Don't forget to keep the barrel rising after you taken the shot.


:good: :good: :good: This its what is probably going on with your shooting, do the above and you should be ok

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Kind of difficult to answer as we don't know if they are getting up from decoys and going away or flighting over going away.Assuming its a bird going away and not steeply climbing, in the above cases I think theres a tendancy to shoot too high. If the op is using an o/u, then thats even more likely as they are designed to shoot high anyway. They were my bogey bird years ago and I went to a clay shoot and had some instruction and it worked for me, so I'll pass it on. Most of the time, "shoot their legs off". If you think about it, we have to swing through a crosser to give the correct lead, so you need to come down though a going away bird to give it that lead as the angle is decreasing with distance, so whilst it may not be actually getting lower relative to the ground, it is relative to your swing. To be fair, there are infinate angles involved in pigeon shooting, which is why its such a challenge. I would imagine the feathers are coming from a pellet or two unzipping their backs! Hope this helps, at least you can try both :good:

Edited by turbo33
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I wouldn't have thought an 2 extra grams of pellets would make much difference.

Maybe the extra 2 grams of pellets might not make much difference but if a different cartridge is used could it be effecting the spread and hence changing the "kill zone" slightly, or could it be that the 32G 6s are slightly faster than the previously used cartridges - If so then he could be getting them slightly squarer on than going slightly underneath them? Nothing has been mentioned as to which cartridge he was "missing" with and what cartridge he is now finding success with!

Just a thought!

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Guest cookoff013

2 extra grams is diddley squat.


thats ~20 pellets extra. something like under 3% increase in pellets. that is nothing at all.

ps. thats english shotsizes too.

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hello guys,sorry for no reply i have been very busy at work. ok i have took on board to the comments and here's what happened,allthough not to many birds about i have had some sucsess,i was useing clear pigeon 30 g 6s i have used these for some time with good results till this last couple of boxes. i have tried some rio 32g royals that i have and have hit the dredded going away birds dead,so i think it could be a mixture of things,like someone said maybe shooting low and a bit more lead in the air.however with the 30g it wasnt a couple of feathers which came of the bird it was a big cloud so i thought it was hit well.i will try some dtl its a thing i have not shot too much and will let you know how i get on.thanks for the advice

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hello guys,sorry for no reply i have been very busy at work. ok i have took on board to the comments and here's what happened,allthough not to many birds about i have had some sucsess,i was useing clear pigeon 30 g 6s i have used these for some time with good results till this last couple of boxes. i have tried some rio 32g royals that i have and have hit the dredded going away birds dead,so i think it could be a mixture of things,like someone said maybe shooting low and a bit more lead in the air.however with the 30g it wasnt a couple of feathers which came of the bird it was a big cloud so i thought it was hit well.i will try some dtl its a thing i have not shot too much and will let you know how i get on.thanks for the advice

what chokes are you using? May be worth tightening up a little! I shoot 1/2 and 3/4 i changed from 1/4 and 1/2 because i too used to struggle with head on/ going away birds somtimes! Now its either a clean kill or a clean miss! May be worth a try if your shooting with less choke! A going away bird is always the hardest to kill as the vital organs are not easily penetrated


Edited by fabarm gamma boy
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