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Fox Caller - how hard can it be to make one.


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Hi All. Since I'm retired and need to make the most of my cash, I refuse to buy one of the best expensive callers but am thinking of trying to make my own - any pointers to sites where info on trying this sort of thing might be available? I saw a prog on the Beeb where a woman made a mobile phone charger from a kit and apparently there are many 'nerd' clubs where lay people can get help with electronic design and circuit boards - any advice appreciated.


P.S. I have 'manual' callers but none seem very successful whereas the digital callers work a treat.

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I have heard people using there phone,obviously it depends on what phone you have.


I'm sure someone on here will know more about it than me,but it does sound a cheap way of getting an electronic caller.


P.S. I use a manual caller and it works a treat ( and I'm a novice)






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hi kes,

I made my own prob cost around £20 all in but its great quality and really loud!! i bought a power horn( amazon i think) and a hobby box (from maplin) and made a simple amplifier board fit in the box along with a cheap mp3 player i got a sony walkman mp3 for £8.

i have downloaded the foxpro calls and loads of others and made 1 hour loops with 2min calling then 2 min silence etc. you could use it with crow calls etc for birdwatching :ninja: if you follow .. or just put the radio on through it in the hide if your getting bored :rolleyes: !!

if you need any instructions give us a shout or if you like you can borrow it for a few weeks see what you think?

i dont need it im off to florida for three weeks on wednesday :) bass pro here i come........






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Ste that looks just the ticket.

Thanks for the offer of a loan whilst you are away - I'll PM you with my phone number and sort out a convenient time to pop round and borrow it.

If it works as well as it seems to, I will have to pick your brains and make my own up.

Thanks again

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Ste that looks just the ticket.

Thanks for the offer of a loan whilst you are away - I'll PM you with my phone number and sort out a convenient time to pop round and borrow it.

If it works as well as it seems to, I will have to pick your brains and make my own up.

Thanks again

no probs

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Old MP3 such as an iPod and a veho 360 speaker, seems to work ok but I do like the bluetooth idea above. Only downside is that some phones don't allow you to play "music" through your bluetooth headset

i did look into this but decided to go the powerhorn route as all decent callers use them and altough super volume isnt always needed it is handy if your shooting over lots of land to be able to crank the volume up!

not sure if i would use my phone either as with a cheapo mp3 you can set the caller up on say a 20 min sequence on repeat and watch it from a distance! i wouldnt be doin that with my iphone :no:

Edited by ste 2712
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Y not go old school, find a old portable CD player? 2nd hand shop etc?

That's the beauty of it the options are endless from cheap homemade hand call's to foxpro's! i made the caller above just because i fancied the challange of seeing what i could make for cheap that i wasnt bothered about if it got broke.

dont get me wrong the call i made aint no foxpro i think there call is 20/25 watt mine is only 15 watt but its plenty loud enough, also if i want more volume i just buy a 30watt power horn for £20/25 job done.

also i can put any call i want on it in a few seconds! the only thing missing is a remote which is possible but bumps the price up and in my opinion just not worth it!

and this cost me around 1/8th what a foxpro would!

I mean if someone said to me i could have my build or a foxpro free of charge i would go foxpro, but that aint gonna happen and for 1/8th the price there is no contest if your spending hard earned cash!!


Edited by ste 2712
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That's the beauty of it the options are endless from cheap homemade hand call's to foxpro's! i made the caller above just because i fancied the challange of seeing what i could make for cheap that i wasnt bothered about if it got broke.

dont get me wrong the call i made aint no foxpro i think there call is 20/25 watt mine is only 15 watt but its plenty loud enough, also if i want more volume i just buy a 30watt power horn for £20/25 job done.

also i can put any call i want on it in a few seconds! the only thing missing is a remote which is possible but bumps the price up and in my opinion just not worth it!

and this cost me around 1/8th what a foxpro would!

I mean if someone said to me i could have my build or a foxpro free of charge i would go foxpro, but that aint gonna happen and for 1/8th the price there is no contest if your spending hard earned cash!!



I have some electronics background and I don't think it would be very difficult to add in a remote control to your system above using something like the following:





Range on this receiver isn't great but you could easily pick up an IR remote some TV remotes might even give you a good range. the above gives 15m which isn't all that terrible.


You could also use the RC Servo from a RC Car and with the use of a latching thyristor or the likes make it work that way with a few minor modifications.

Edited by T-Bolt94
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Nothing beats the real thing, mate of mine has one...some yoke!! But you can get receivers with 15,30 + Channels with a genie microcontroller I could easily program one to have as many calls as I had channels. Might make a nice wee summer project if I have the time actually.

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then you need something you can operate in the dark with simple change of calls etc etc I'd get a fox pro oh hold on I already have :lol:

fox pros are great no doubt!! ( have a friend with one) but the only differance between them and most other callers is the remote.

i can live without one if it means me saving all that extra money and to be fair once the fox gets close enough to realise it aint a real dying animal its night night anyway :good:

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