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Another for the medics!!!


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My 2 kids have had chicken pox couple of weeks ago, iv never had it and thought I was imune, wrong!! Had a temperature and started getting a few spots, ******!! So now I'm infected lol.


I believe it's more serious in adults, anyone had it as an adult?? Don't want to go anywhere and infect people, doctors failed to ring me back, and now closed till tue, nhs direct are busy and will call back in over 4 hours! Sod that wake the kids!


I ok to sit it out like the kids? and is it worth tryin to get an antiviral like acyclovir (but I'm asuming it's prescription only?)


Blooming kids haha



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The chicken pox is a viral infection which makes lots of itchy spots, under no circumstances scratch them as the will stay as a scar. If your children are young put mittens on them when they go to sleep to stop them scratching. Once you have had chicken pox the virus stays in your system for ever and could never come out as shingles but quite often it does. If you or your children in later life have a painful blistery rash, get to the quacks within a day for medication, if you don't catch it early it is untreatable and very painful and could last months.The medical proffession today are hyper about what was in my childhood just an inconveniance, we were sent down the road to measle , german measles, mumps, jaundice parties,where we then had natural immunity, much more sensible than todays limp wristed society. from Auntie.

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I had chickenpox at the age of 30. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Had spots on my *****. Was the most uncomfortable thing I have ever encountered.

I'm 30 :( gutted looks like its down hill from here. Not looking forward to it.


If I don't make it my missus thinks all my guns are only worth 50 quid each, ill haunt anyone that buys them for that!!!

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You'll be OK. It's just that all your naughty bits may drop off or get so scarred that HID will take one look at them and run a mile. She won't let you within half a mile of her with yer strides at half mast. Then the accusations of STD's start until you've been to the quack and had yer todger scraped inside and out and skin grafted from a rabid donkey.


Look foreward to the future. Ever thought of living a celebate life. After you become a Jaffa you may not have any option!! :( :( :(




Just check they are still there every night.


Sorry, couldn't help it. Hope it clears up quickly and you don't have to ring the infection bell too much when walking down the street.

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When my daughter was 3 she managed to pass it on to my dad who was then in his 70's. Apparantly Dad had never had it before and the doc reckoned he was the oldest person he had known to get it. .....unless someone here knows better.



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