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Saluki x Shot 17 times with air rifle in Wigan on Tuesday


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I found an 12 month old injured Saluki x on Tuesday in the Standish area of Wigan, it turns out it has been shot 17 times with an air rifle, shattering his femur and puncturing a lung. All the shots where at his back end so this wasn't done to kill, this was done for fun.


Follow this link to see the dog and X-rays




Cash reward being offered for information leading to an arrest.

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Shotgun. It`s lambing time it will have been shot by a Farmer if it was chasing his sheep.


But Airgunners are being blamed by who the vet ??.


like a dog would hang around to be shot 17 times with an Air Rifle. TOTAL B / S.


And were is the dogs owner ?? No where to be seen just another dog left to roam the streets.

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sounds more like a farmer of keeper with a shotgun, AAA would look like a .22 i guess to an untrained eye? I personally doubt the story, if true, i hope whoever did it is brought to justice.

That sort of dog is used for coursing, so if they let it run after a "long eared rabbit" and then it goes after a ewe or lamb and gets a cartridge fired at it who is the wrong doer?


I would back the farmer on that occasion!

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A Farmer is perfectly within his rights to shoot any dog that is attacking or worrying his lambs on his own property , I love dogs but I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a stray dog that was attacking my lambs (if i had any) until there is proof to the contrary I would say the odds are that it was a shotgun wielding farmer protecting his property , its not as anti gun tree hugging as the favoured yobbo with an air rifle sensationalism headline but seems the most likley

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Looks very much like shot to me. Unless the dog was penned or tied how could it have been shot 17 times???? I would suggest the OP make reference to that in the FB post. Air gunners get enough bad press as it is. We could do without this sort of mis information....

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he wants to hope he doesnt cross my path as i wouldnt be responsable for my actions [literally] i was brought up never to grass but i would phone the rspa and report the little **** but i think its been peppered personally as a lad said it wouldnt stick around for 17 shots unless its tied up,as the saying says what comes around goes around i think thats the saying in the right order lol.but i think

Edited by Davydisco
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