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If your cert is open and you own 22 CF 22 lr 17 hmr , and the land you originally applied for is cleared for the said rifles and police won't clear land for anything bigger, let's say I applied for a rifle for dear and they gave me it, if the cert says open can it be used on the land that isn't cleared for anything bigger ,just a thought I'm not going to apply before the pheeewwwww guys see the question

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Do you mean deer? you could only use it if that was also on open on your ticket and for the use given. Trying to get a fast one over will only lead you to be earmarked breaking the rules could land you in court, loss of cert and even a spell inside - though the chances of the latter are slim

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If your cert is open and you own 22 CF 22 lr 17 hmr , and the land you originally applied for is cleared for the said rifles and police won't clear land for anything bigger, let's say I applied for a rifle for dear and they gave me it, if the cert says open can it be used on the land that isn't cleared for anything bigger ,just a thought I'm not going to apply before the pheeewwwww guys see the question


If you had an open ticket, you can use that rifle, for the purposes stated on the ticket, on ANY land which you deem suitable and you have permission IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE CLEARED. So If I had an open ticket with a .243 I could shoot in on land only cleared for .22lr, or not ever cleared for anything at all.


If, how ever you pushed what you considered "suitable" to the extreme (Your front garden, etc) you'll get into trouble.

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If you had an open ticket, you can use that rifle, for the purposes stated on the ticket, on ANY land which you deem suitable and you have permission IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE CLEARED. So If I had an open ticket with a .243 I could shoot in on land only cleared for .22lr, or not ever cleared for anything at all.


If, how ever you pushed what you considered "suitable" to the extreme (Your front garden, etc) you'll get into trouble.


That seems to cover it! :good:

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Open or not, they will not grant unless the land you put forward as your "good reason" is suitable for the caliber you are applying for.


this is the correct answer you won't get a .243 unless you have the land whether your ticket is open or not, however were you to get it on the basis of paid stalks then in theory if it was open you could use it on your other land.

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Well I have a .243 on open and my primary land has only ever been cleared for .223 rem. I can use it there and anywhere else I deem safe. You don't need land inspecting once you are open even on grant of that calibre, though some areas might see things differently as is the way.


Yes opens are often given to target shooters who have only ever shot on a range for the term of one cert. IMO dead wrong but it happens - a lot!

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