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What to do with our farm

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My family own a farm that closed a few years ago and falling further into disrepair. I'd like to try and rescue it.

It used to be a battery chicken farm with 12 large sheds packed full of laying chickens in cages. Then all the cages were removed to make way for ducks.

Several of the buildings have now totally collapsed leaving possibly 5 that are repairable.

It also has a 17 acre field and a 3 acre meadow.

I am actually an accountant and not a farmer, but have always worked on it and would really like to see it used again.

I'm wondering if it would be possible to turn it into a Game farm of some kind but currently I don't know anything about it or if its even adequate.


What I am trying to find out is given what we have to start with, could this be a good base for maybe a Game farm?

Obviously I would have to do an awful lot of work to understand what I am doing, but to start with I need to know if it could be possible from what we have.

If it may be possible, what crop would you grow on the field? And how much would you use for crop growing and how much for the Game itself?

Do Game farms also need to have a shoot on their land or can they just be for production?

I've got so many questions but lets start off small.


Thanks in advance.



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Are you thinking raising poults etc to sell on, could be an option as a sideline to being an accountant if you own the land and want to keep it maintained then renting will generate some income to pay for repairs. Livery is another option with 20 acres if it is good grazing put up some stables and get some revenue in.

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I assume it has no development potential or anything along those lines.

It doesn't currently as I think this would be a massive expense that isn't an option just yet.


Are you thinking raising poults etc to sell on, could be an option as a sideline to being an accountant if you own the land and want to keep it maintained then renting will generate some income to pay for repairs.

Yes this was what I had thought.

Even if I just thought of using the meadow to erect a few pens.

I then wondered if we could grow the food on the field itself.

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Where is the farm? Farming is not easy, 20 acres is pretty small. Do some research and see what you think would be profitable. Specialist poultry might be a better year round option, rare breeds, turkeys, ducks, guinea fowl etc if your raising from eggs then you could raise game birds as well and may suit the existing infrastructure however the regulations may well have changed and require significant investment in training and equipment.


As with any poultry operation predator and disease control will be key to a successful operation.


Cheapest option is stables for horses on a DIY basis and depending where you are (near a big urban area)? Can make some money for little investment which can be re invested into the property to rebuild buildings etc.

Edited by HDAV
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Basically the guns chip in the cash for rent, feed, poults etc do the work themselves sometimes with a part time paid or unpaid keeper and in return shoot x days in season. I can't see it working on 20 acres unless you have rights over adjoining land as if the birds all ****** off over the boundary they become your neighbours birds.....

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Basically the guns chip in the cash for rent, feed, poults etc do the work themselves sometimes with a part time paid or unpaid keeper and in return shoot x days in season. I can't see it working on 20 acres unless you have rights over adjoining land as if the birds all ****** off over the boundary they become your neighbours birds.....

Be worth asking next door about it he may join in the syndicate witch is a bonus

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There is no chance anyone runs a game shoot on 20 acres, that wouldn't work simple. Game farms are a once a year event and you need a serious number of customers to make money with a serious investment in facilities to rear the number of birds in a very short growing season. Horses would work and be the most profitable on that acreage. Bank on 15-20 horses at £25 a week each and they do all the work themselves.

Growing food isn't a real option unless you went into something like mushrooms which might be compatible with your existing sheds or as mentioned free range chickens would require the smaller amount of capital investment.

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Simply it could be a game farm but realistically its seasonal and not likely to be a good idea unless you rent it to someone who has an existing game business. I assume it has no development potential or anything along those lines.

spoken like a true southern puff :) development grrrrrrrr

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