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transit connect

aga man

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hi all. currently in the process of buy another second hand van and have arranged to look at a transit connect with 70000 miles on it.

it is a 55reg t200 1.8 diesel any experience of them good or bad. i have always ran citroens and renaults but can't find any decent ones locally.


any advice appreciated.


aga man

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if you think of how many transit connects are on the road you will find horror stories. from what i found is that the parts are very cheap, they are generally very reliable. We run all fiat vans in work doblos, ducatos, scudos and i think they are the biggest pile of **** ever. we have 3 transits that have done well over 200000 mls and apart from a clutch they still feel like new.

I would never buy a ford car but id only have a ford van. that's my opinion anyway. (diesel mech 10 years)

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I just had my 04 dispatch emptied by baddies. The locks on them are stupid and the barrel pops out if you put a screwdriver down the side. Just spent £250 for some new barrels that are supposed to be more secure as they have a bolt going through the side rather than just spring clips. Hope it keeps the villains out as I've got to buy another £2.5K of stuff to replace what they nicked. Might have to keep the van plugged into the mains in future!


Whatever van you get, make sure you upgrade the security as van manufacturers seem to be idiots.

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my company van is a 05 Connect, 172000 on the clock. It has just started to use a bit of oil, and the usual consumables, 1 wheel bearing, discs, brake drums, etc. It has never let me down, and that goes for the other 2 on the firm.

The Boss has tried the French and Italian offerings :no: , thats why our small fleet of six commercials are Ford Transits of various shapes and sizes.

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