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Just because you want one does not mean the FEO will let you have one, you need to do is prove that you have a justifiable reason to hold one and the calibre your asking for.

No point asking for a 243 for vermin control, as 1 the land may not get passed for that calibre 2 feo may see no need for you to hold that calibre for that reason.

I would contact the FEO and find out if the land you shot on has been passed already for FAC. If so ask up to what calibre. This is a good starting point. These days the FEO is so much stricter than years gone by. But this does not mean you wont get one. Just have to be very Thourough with the paper work and cover all basis.

They like the word Restictions on a FAC and if they restrict the calibre or what it can be used for then so be it.

But you could always joint a club to this will aid the application and get you a FAC to.

The more reasons you give the better the chances of not being turned down.

Good luck


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You just have a good reason for the rifle or they will refuse.


Regards checks and application it would be very hard / impossable for them to say you are a danger to public with a firearm, but not with a shotgun. It's either or, so you passed them

Checks. So as long as you have land, reason, and the right cal applied for then you will be fine.

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And remember not to fill in the medical info forms Durham are now including with applications and renewals. Regardless of having an SGC they will also be doing full background checks, I was told this by them last week as it's now their standard procedure even for variations.

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cheers for the comment i have put down on the application i would like a 22 lr 22 semi or 22 bolt action for the land i shoot vermin and the place has been passed by the police because the person i shoot with has his gun on there and how much ammunition are u aloud to hold is it 500 thanks matty

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cheers for the comment i have put down on the application i would like a 22 lr 22 semi or 22 bolt action for the land i shoot vermin and the place has been passed by the police because the person i shoot with has his gun on there and how much ammunition are u aloud to hold is it 500 thanks matty

I can hold 700 and purchase 500 ie one box

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cheers for the comment i have put down on the application i would like a 22 lr 22 semi or 22 bolt action for the land i shoot vermin and the place has been passed by the police because the person i shoot with has his gun on there and how much ammunition are u aloud to hold is it 500 thanks matty

You don't have to state wether it is a semi or a bolt action just say you want a .22lr

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You don't have to state wether it is a semi or a bolt action just say you want a .22lr

Thats true only in the section where they ask what firearms you own do they ask for the action. but you can`t just ask for a .22lr you need to fill in the next section where it asks rifle pistol or muzzel loader.`

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The FEO/Licencing people no doubt know the score,

But on the FEO's advice, Hearing protection was 'sufficiently good reason' to justify one,

rather than 'coz I wanna shoot rabbits without scaring the others away'


I have always put "noise reduction" on mine. Do we really think the police fall for that hearing protection nonsence.

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Mine was 4 weeks start to finish in my hand, I was getting told all sorts of horror story's on here about how they will stick a mentoring condition on my ticket because its my first one, and I won't get all the guns I've asked for, ill have to have signed letters from the landowner ect ect... The whole thing was no worse than a shotgun application, the FAO when he comes round will go through all your paperwork and iron out any creases anyway, best of luck hopefully yours will go through as painless as mine did.

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I have always put "noise reduction" on mine. Do we really think the police fall for that hearing protection nonsence.

Why is it nonsense to claim that moderators are for hearing protection?

We had a hse inspection on the estate 2 years ago and I was specifically asked if my rifles where moderated or if I was supplied hearing protection if I remember right it was because at work you cant legally be exposed to sound levels over 140db

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Durham were quite happy with "hearing protection", I put it on for the first 308 mod I bought.


After that I just included one with each subsequent new calibre/rifle variation and they added them without a problem.


Still not got my FAC back (for a 1 word variation) will be 2 weeks Tuesday and I have a rifle waiting at the RFD to be picked up and a sec.1 shotgun to buy :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

If we go back a few years your chances of getting a sound mod were close to zero.


The Police attitude to them has changed dramatically since then, general suggestions being they were scared stiff of being sued if they refused after they had been requested on the grounds of hearing protection. Folklore or not, getting a Sound Mod these days is easy.


It's all a bit daft in my view anyway, they help yours, your shooting partners and neighbours ears, make for better local relationships and less neighbour complaints and generally help you shoot straighter as well, hell, they may even scare the quarry less as well.


Ask for them on whatever grounds you like, can anyone quote a recent example where they have been refused a mod?

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