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Nice piece in the Mail online about the Dambusters film...



My Grandfather worked on it - he's in the white overalls third from right standing on the ground - he had a brief cameo in it as well - he drives a bomb truck across the standings.



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Up there along with the cockle shell heros.


Great shame that some try to dismiss that heroic mission as of little real value, those guys along with the thousands of others who fought in the various services deserve our utmost respect for all time!

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Nice piece in the Mail online about the Dambusters film...



My Grandfather worked on it - he's in the white overalls third from right standing on the ground - he had a brief cameo in it as well - he drives a bomb truck across the standings.



What a brilliant photograph. :good:

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whilst on the subjects of old photos / my grandfather - i think i posted this ages ago but cant find it...



No.2 Squadron, RAF Debert, Canada. March 1943
My Grandfather is front row eighth from left. Flying the North Atlantic run in Lockheed Hudsons (he was a Navigator)
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Great pics Beardo. The ingenuity of people like Barnes Wallis and there were many, and the bravery of all the servicemen and women are what kept the Great in Britain, we were a force to be reckoned with.


As was the case during the Falklands conflict, trouble is it seems that we need something that potentially disastrous to all pull together!

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Great pics Beardo. The ingenuity of people like Barnes Wallis and there were many, and the bravery of all the servicemen and women are what kept the Great in Britain, we were a force to be reckoned with.

A Dam good film in fact?


My old schoolfriend is an expert on Barnes Wallis etc and has written a number of books on the subject.



We have to remember as well that the vast majority of the forces in WW2 were called up to fight and not volunteers as today.

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Great pics, we do seem to take great pleasure in knocking our war heroes many years after the event, what's more, we judge them from a 2013 standpoint not what at the time.


We were at war and did what needed to be done.

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Chris Evans was talking about Barnes Wallis et al this morning. He mentioned that, as well as the film, the documentary is being re-run. I think he said it was on More4 either this or next Friday. Sounds like a great watch.


Edit: Remembered I have a TV guide on my phone. More4 21:00 - 23:00 Friday 17th May - Dambusters: Building the Bouncing Bomb.

Edited by Piebob
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My Grandfather worked on it - he's in the white overalls third from right standing on the ground - he had a brief cameo in it as well - he drives a bomb truck across the standings.


That's a funny coincidence, my Dad was at RAF Scampton and RAF Hemswell during the filming. He was 20 at the time and a RAF airfield fireman, so he was on crash duty when they were filming the Lancs taking off etc.

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I actually hesitated in replying to this thread for fear that someone would drag that up yet again.


Yep, the dog had a name which isnt all that popular these days. Who cares?


Deal with it and lets actually have a thread about a great bit of British history that shows some respect to the individuals who made it happen by discussing it rather than letting it descend into yet another whinefest about political correctness. There are plenty of other threads of that ilk running.

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i posted the No.2 squadron photo on Flickr and got a message from a bloke who's father was also there at the same time... he sent me these photos...




on the film front my grandfather also worked on 633 Squadron, Ice Cold in Alex and Operation Crossbow

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