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saw an awesome sight in Melton today Lancaster and spitfire escort circling the town on its way back from Derwent water after the anniversary flight. brought alump to my throat very nostalgic and a great tribute to all the brave men who flew the mission

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I watched a program about the dam busters. One of the crew that bombed a dam that was not destroy he said one of his biggest regrets was that the dam was not destroyed. He went and visited the dam and talked to people that were at the dam the night it was bombed and saw photos of the other dams that were destroyed and the people killed. At the end of the program he said he was glad the dam his crew bombed was not destroyed. I thought it was interesting his change of mind. Undoubtedly very brave men we should remember their courage.

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I believe my grandfather flew with 617 squadron but joined after the dam busters raid (I think). Would there be any way of confirming this without asking him? I'm planning a bit of a surprise. I know for definite that he was based at Scampton for a while as he took me there when I was a kid and showed me photos of the place. If it helps he was in the raaf and was a navigator.


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A chap I worked with for several years casually let drop one day that his brother was doing a tour as the Lanc pilot for the BBMF. His day job was flying AWACS.


I asked if there was any chance........ he said hadn't even sat in it never mind flown in it.


Can only agree with all that has been said. Unbelievably brave chaps.

Psst wanna sit in a real life working Lanc?




She should soon be airworthy!

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I can thoroughly recommend a visit to Brooklands Museum where there is a display dedicated to the work of

Barnes Wallis. My son and I were admiring a photo of 617 Sqn personel when one of the elderly volunteer guides pointed out where he was standing in the photo. He was retired ground crew although I understand the he sadly died recently.



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its on channel 5 now, with ****** the dog. Surprised the ludicrous do-gooders havent got it censored. An old boy told me that loads of people named their black labs ******, nothing derogatory, because they werent thinking like that.

its on channel 5 now, with ****** the dog. Surprised the ludicrous do-gooders havent got it censored. An old boy told me that loads of people named their black labs ******, nothing derogatory, because they werent thinking like that.

but its been censored on this site.

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Watch out for the end of the film, after the raid when Gibson is talking to Barnes Wallis, note the black dog playing in the trees behind them.


Funny thing is there were no black dogs on base that day (either owned by airmen, the MOD or bought on to play the naughtily named black Labrador) and nobody saw it until they screened the shot film. It is a real ghost!

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Fantastic stuff, I've really enjoyed the commemorations this week. Watched the film again yesterday followed by the programme following Johnny Johnson returning to the dam and finding the crash site of the original plane he flew in.


It brought a lump to my throat on more than one occasion. We owe them all one hell of a debt of gratitude.

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We certainly do-and how did we show our gratitude?-by treating them as murderers and refusing to give them any specific decorations to honour the incredible heroism each and every Airman showed everytime he flew over Germany.Even in recent years the hatred continues-remember the protest at the unveiling of the statue honouring Sir Arthur Harris-disgusting behaviour by the scum of society :mad:

Edited by bruno22rf
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Nice piece in the Mail online about the Dambusters film...



My Grandfather worked on it - he's in the white overalls third from right standing on the ground - he had a brief cameo in it as well - he drives a bomb truck across the standings.



you must be so proud really enjoyed the film yet again last night , it makes you so proud to be british :) Edited by delburt0
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Fantastic stuff, I've really enjoyed the commemorations this week. Watched the film again yesterday followed by the programme following Johnny Johnson returning to the dam and finding the crash site of the original plane he flew in.


I think that was the program I watched a while back, did he not change his view at the end of the program regarding the dam not being destroyed his crew bombed.

Edited by ordnance
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You've got to wonder what all the people who gave their lives to defeat our enemies would make of the situation today.


Basically we are "legally" controlled by the very people defeated in the two world wars, via the EU.


I'm not sure the people who made the sacrifices would think we've done very well by them. :no::sad1::sad1:

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Actually, I think they would regard the continued peace in Europe to have been well worth while fighting for. Whatever you may think of the EU and all it's burocracy, it is insignificant compared to what a Nazi victory would have brought and those who fought or even supported the war effort in other ways did not do so in vain.



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Actually, I think they would regard the continued peace in Europe to have been well worth while fighting for. Whatever you may think of the EU and all it's burocracy, it is insignificant compared to what a Nazi victory would have brought and those who fought or even supported the war effort in other ways did not do so in vain.




Another way of looking at it but I still can't help thinking that we could have done a lot more with what they left us with as a result of their sacrifices.

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