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i had a silverline, good cheap gun but i only used mine for 2 weeks before i bought a Beretta. Nothing wrong with the bettinsolli just it never had tha feeling of class the a Beretta has, i payed £425 for a mint less than a yr old silverline, luckly my dealer gave me a full credit on a px with a new Silver pigeon.


i would say if you can afford a better gun then do that, will save you changing it later on. if not then a Bettinsoli would be a good choice..



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I shot with the diamond line for a year (on my mates ticket) as a rough shooter and it was fantastic. for 550 brand new you cant go wrong with it, my mate even managed to get a straight 25 with one, so their as good as anything else in the price range, but their better :good:


Greg :)

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I don't know why people want brand new guns - there are plenty nearly new second hand guns that come with warranties.


Pick up a Bettinsoli and open and close it a few times. Then pick up a Beretta or a Browning and open and close it.


As I have said before it's liking comparing the door close on a Fiat Panda and BMW.


Aside from build quality, borrow and shoot a few.


Personally I think Bettinsolis are hateful.


If you want new gun on a budget get the Lanber, but the smart money is on a good second hand gun with a dealer's warranty.

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:good: I'd go for the Lanber too if I was working to that kind of budget, the build quality is pretty good for a gun in that price range. I was almost going to buy a Lanber a couple of weeks back. I've just got my cert and it was to be my first gun. Once I got in the shop, and played around with a few guns, I left with a Beretta. They are a totally different class of gun! It put my bank balance out slightly, but I'm really pleased I went for it. If you can't afford a new one, a second hand Beretta will be a far better buy than a new Lanber (in my opinion) :lol:
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I think most of my problems with my bettinsoli not always firing the second barrel are mainly my own.


Other than that has been a good gun so far cost me something like £400'ish for fixed choke 1/4 and 1/2 and has seen lots of pigeons and rabbits.


Being a lefty I didn't have much secondhand choice so I went for the betti as it was quite straight stocked and had it adjusted.



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I've had my Betty now since '88 from Uttings when they could advertise mail order. I can't remember the model but it was middle of the range at £220.


It's probably had 10,000 rounds through it and goes out in ALL weathers. So far, not one problem. Can't speak for Lanbers but hear they're good.

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I have not heard a bad word said against a Lanber ok there not the same build Quality as Browning -baretta etc but there not in the same price range so to be fair you cant expect them to be.


My mate had a bettinsoli and he loved it. he told me and the rest of the lads at work it was £1700. I saw the same gun new it nevills gun shop for about £500. He was well nown for being full of ****.


I decided on a winchester select 12g multi choke for my first shotgun and I love it. I paid £625 new last time I went to the same gun shop it had gone up to £750. I was told it would go up in price once a few had been sold but I did not expect it to go up by that mutch :good:


KIPPER :lol:

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If you do a search there are many threads with the "Lanber V's Bettinsoli" debate,


Lanber have a very good background of reliablity and performance given the fact that it is a budget gun. Iv been shooting and my farmer has come up to me and said something along the lines of


"That must have cost you abit" i said £500, he was in wow.


Its all down to personal prefernce, i went for a lanber because people were saying they were still solid after 10+ years, that parts are cheap & easy to get hold of "If" something should go wrong and it was a general lighter gun and the bead and rib was better on the lanby.

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  • 3 years later...

Lanber every time, too much double discharging and inertia failure from first to second barrels with the Bettinsoli. Very common. :angry:

Lanber will still be worth a few bob in a few years, the Bettinsoli you won`t be able to give away.

It`s only new shooters or people that don`t know guns at all that buy them. People in the know won`t touch them. :angry:

Edited by COACH
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  • 4 months later...

bought one new in january it has been back to the dealer twice for double discharges and miss firing, they are nice guns but my personal feeling is i dont trust them!! when shoot and antisipating 2 barrells going off its not much fun, i took it back and got a winchester select which feels nicer and the quality is superior to my betty

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