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Hi ..... Predictable first question

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Hi All..


Just joined the forum after catching the shooting bug just after Christmas....


So, my predictable first question is I have 800 quid for my first gun..... Am i better buying New or S/H?


And what would people recommend?


Thanks in Advance



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Thanks for the Hello's.. School boy error... what type of gun.... i'm after a O/U Shotgun , for mostly clays.. to begin with.. i've joined Manchester CSC ... hopefully when i start hitting stuff.. i can start a bit of Game/Duck when the season starts....


I've also bought one of those green padded shooting vests.. in which, i look a bit of a d*ck! :)




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Hi Andy, Welcome to PW. Having been in a similar position at the end of last year I sympathise will your problem. I ended up going for new but to be honest the advise I got was go for a better make used gun. The other advise which I did follow was: focus on major brands like Browning, Beretta and Miroku, I am sure there will be loads of more knowledgeable shots than me pushing other makes but you need to key in on something. The other most important thing is that the gun must fit you so this may override you desire for a particular make. I tried plenty of guns and found that Beretta didn't work for me and Browning did!

Good Luck

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You have done the right thing, you have joined a good club.

Most Clubs are very friendly, explain to people you are new to shooting and many will let you try their gun. This will give you a feel and an insight to the many differing types of gun


Spend some money on lessons with a qualified coach, and when you go to purchase your gun, "do not go alone" take someone with you that knows what they are talking about.


It is not about the manufacturer, the lovely wood or the beautiful engraving, it is about the fit

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The point I' m making is that until you gain experience you don't know what fits and what doesn't. You may get some help from a coach but only you know what fits and what your comfortable with and that comes from putting shells through the gun.

Most first guns won't fit the owner and most new owners wouldn't appreciate the quality ,balance and swing of a top quality gun until they've tried a few and got the feel.



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I disagree, what feels right isn't necassarily correct, better to learn with a gun that fits well than one that doesn't, while most will pick the wrong first gun it doesn't have to be so........

But how do you know it fits well if youv'e never shot before. Please don't reply that a coach will tell you as I don't subscribe to that as there are coaches and coaches. One coach told me not to buy a 32 inch barrel as I'm short and I would be better with 28. The 32 suited me well and I progressed from B to AA in sporting in 18 months with that gun.

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What has barrel length got to do with fit? (Balance and handling yes but not fit) How do you know your progress would have been hampered by a 28" barrel?

Depends on the gun, 28inch was not as balanced nor did it swing as well as the 32

I know what I can shoot with as soon as I take it off the rack, but that comes with experience, it's not an exact science more an art and a feel thing ,which you build up in time.

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Depends on the gun, 28inch was not as balanced nor did it swing as well as the 32

HOwever that doesnt mean all 28" barrelled guns are the same or even have similar fit, feel or balance. The current trend is for longer barrels 32" 34" etc but it only works with a well balanced gun designed around these longer barrels. YOu can tell fit by feel and good coach/instructor/stocker will do it by sight and performance.

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How many new to shooting mount the gun consistently , you only do that with practise

Not only the new..... At least a good instructor can get you mounting it properly and make sure it fits when mounted properly.....doing that consistently without the instructor is a different conundrum, but should at least have an idea.... Edited by HDAV
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