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Big Brother could be watching !!!!


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People are often advised to consider what they say in posts on here , the same applies to things like Facebook , Twitter etc.

In our local paper today there is a guy who has been charged by the police with posting a anti muslim message on facebook after the murder of Lee Rigby


I don,t know what was written so will not go into if it was right or wrong , but it just shows how careful you need to be when airing your views or talking about an illegal activity.


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unfortunately its a one way street.choudry and his free loading collegues can spout anti christian bile and not be punished but anybody who returns the bile is reported and arrested and that is the big issue for lots of my generation .sorry if you arrest for anti muslim rants you should arrest those who preach anti western drivel and call on young muslims to attack our soldiers that by the way fight for their right to freedom of speech.totally agree you have to think through what you print but why are they allowed to say whatever they want. :no:

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unfortunately its a one way street.choudry and his free loading collegues can spout anti christian bile and not be punished but anybody who returns the bile is reported and arrested and that is the big issue for lots of my generation .sorry if you arrest for anti muslim rants you should arrest those who preach anti western drivel and call on young muslims to attack our soldiers that by the way fight for their right to freedom of speech.totally agree you have to think through what you print but why are they allowed to say whatever they want. :no:

Well said

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more likely,

someone has reported him rather than big brother looking in


Quite possibly true , antis etc could also look through these type forums too though and also report on some of the illegal activity that is often posted on here by those that do not bother to read the general licenses and wildlife acts etc before they start shooting live quarry.

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Take it from me & my experience on PW that the RSPB investigators & my arch enemy from the boot shaped country are trawling through this forum every day ! so then its just logic that the RSPCA & the Antis in all their horrid shapes & forms are too ! perhaps even Bill Oddie is having a good sniff !.

All just looking for little bits & snips to lead them to some thing & hoping they can get a prize ! never underestimate them ! .


I have a good story too tell you at some time but for the moment it has to stay under raps but I will promise you a good story , some of it will infuriate & some will have you in stitches of laughter ! I had two great days in court & loved it ! , my part is now over at least for the moment .


Oh ! yes despite all the insults & mocking I had from a small core of empty heads remember this Pole Star was brave enough too lay his head on the block for shooting & conservation while the BLOODY AXE WAS RAISED ! .

Sit tight ! :):rolleyes::yes::yes::yes: & shooosh for the mo !

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unfortunately its a one way street.choudry and his free loading collegues can spout anti christian bile and not be punished but anybody who returns the bile is reported and arrested and that is the big issue for lots of my generation .sorry if you arrest for anti muslim rants you should arrest those who preach anti western drivel and call on young muslims to attack our soldiers that by the way fight for their right to freedom of speech.totally agree you have to think through what you print but why are they allowed to say whatever they want. :no:


You are right clakk & I for one am sick of the one way bile ! from people like Choudry strange thing is have you ever noticed how 2 well know celeb comedians one who is Scottish & one who is Irish who all too often go on tv & mock Christians ? & get away with it ? point is do you ever see these 2 empty heads mock Islam in their comedy shows ? No ! not on your nelly ! I wonder why ? I think you know that as well as I do ! yes its all one way ! .

When will we get a PM who has the guts too stand up to theses cretins like Choudry who should not be in the country in the first place .

Edited by Pole Star
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vidkun quisling died for his very right wing ideas.choudry wont henry thats the point he can rabble rouse young hotheads into doing his dirty work but will never get his lily livered hands dirty.whilst claiming every benifit going.the goverment raised the incitement laws and should enforce them evenly.i shouldnt have to report him theres a big organisation called the police who we are told monitor mr c and his followers ,so why havent they acted on his rants is my point.

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