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maine coon

mick miller

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My faithful mouser of nine years was put to sleep on Friday, having succumbed to, we suspect, cancer.


Now I know many of you hate cats but I quite like having cats and dogs, the cats keep the vermin down and stop other cats defecating in my garden, the dog (cocker) is the faithful companion, door bell and hunting companion. I also like what cats bring to the dynamic.


Bearing in mind I plan to get a second cocker next year I fancy getting replacement moggy as soon as possible, the neighbourhood cats are already marking the newly vacant territory.


I've always fancied having a maine coon, sort of half cat, half dog and there's one locally up for rehoming. Have any of the pw massive had any experience with these, and specifically how they are with dogs?

Edited by mick miller
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Fantastic cats, but they do take a lot of grooming, which put me off the breed immediately!


We've got a lot of cats (missus breeds and shows them) and TBH, I think almost any will accept a dog if they are introduced young enough.


Introducing an older cat to a dog is a completely different affair...

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we've got one, he's small for a maine coon but still bloody big, i was sprawled out on the sofa watching telly this morning, he was sprawled out on me, his tail was down to my toes, and his front paws were under my chin, they're not that bad to groom, he gets a brush once a week, their hips can give them problems as they're so big and heavy, they're fairly smart too, ours can open doors no problem.

as with most cats they can be temperamental, be careful, bigger claws, bigger fangs, stronger legs,

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Sorry to hear about you loosing your cat - it's a sad time whether it's cat or dog or any other pet.


Hope you find a good replacement - we ended up with a rescue cat that had been in rehoming place for a year - she has turned out to be a good little cat and never moves from log burner. - Unlike our others she is a house cat.



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Thanks Dave, I miss the old chap, but he had decided his time had come and so I had to do the right thing by him. All very sad, he was a very affectionate cat and an excellent mouser with no interest in birds. Just about all you'd ever want in a cat.


We're looking at some standard moggies too, they need to be rescue cats or one's needing rehoming.

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Scaffy and dearbare have a maine coon and it get on well with there newfoundland dog and they have just got a blood hound and its ok with that one as well ...

give them a call and they will help with any onto you might need.....

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Yeah as Mike said we have a maine coon - they're a very laid back cat, friendly with people and other animals as long as the other animals are friendly too.


Ours is a house cat and doesn't go outside unless on a harness, but the Mrs knows many other MC owners who do let theirs go outside and they seem to cope well. There is a bit of grooming involved, but as long as this is done at least once a week from being young, the cat will enjoy it and it won't cause you any hassle.


If you're after one that needs rehoming, they are often advertised on http://www.maine-coon-cat-club.com/rescue/

or the Mrs will know people who might know of some needing rehomed. Send me a pm if you want more information or a chat about it.

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I have had Maine coon cats for the past 20 years now, they are the most affectionate breed of cats that i have ever had, and are the Giants of the domestic cats.One of my male Main Coons toped the scales at 25lbs, and in the 12 years that i had him he never once showed any aggresion, even when he was being pulled about by the vet and getting his yearly jabs he just purred, you certainly wont be disappointed if you decide to get one they make a really great family pet.A Maine Coon Kitten will cost upwards of £600-00 from a reputable breader, and in my oppinion worth every penny.They are a big boned ,and very strong cat and originate from the state of Maine in the USA they have fur that grows between their claws so that they can walk on the snow,every Main Coon that i have had,has been facinated by water and love padling in it and flicking it around.

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