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Rape to Peas


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I managed to finish work a bit earlier on Friday so I went and had a reccy ready for the weekend. The spring rape I had shot the week before had birds all over it and the same flight line as well. I also found birds flighting into some peas so I had a couple of choices.


Saturday morning came and I headed out to see what was happening on the rape. There was a few birds already there but the flight line was very slow. The conditions where totally against me, too hot and not a breath of wind. I decided on the same field I had the 130 last week but set up at the other end of the field. I got set up and had a good first hour but then it went very quiet and stayed that way for the rest of the day. I stayed in hope the flight line would pick up as it cooled down in the evening but it never did. I finished the day with 72 picked and a few lost in some tall rape behind me. I drove to the other side of the farm and found the birds feeding right out in the middle of a rape field next to the wood they were flight over earlier in the day.




Today I decided to leave shooting during the day as it was even hotter and again no wind. Instead I headed out about 4.30 and went to have a look around. There was nothing showing on the barley so I went back to the rape to find the birds flighting in to the middle of the field again. I left them be as I couldn't get to them. The peas were my last option. Again there were a few birds already there but not in big numbers. I watched for and hour and the odd bird dropped into a low patch on the edge of one of the fields. It was still majorly hot so decided to travel light with just the Hushpower .410 and a flapper. I set the flapper out and just stood in the hedge. I had an hour of steady sport and then it went dead. I packed up with a small bag of 14 birds but it was nice not to have lug all my gear about.






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